The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

yea that poll is funny. Recalculate his overall approval just using the data from these questions.

The economy
The federal budget deficit
The situation involving the big U.S. automakers

The end result, the lowest overall approval rating of any 1st Term President.

This question...
"The U.S. campaign against terrorism"
Does not relate to Obama in anyway because he has no plan against or policy against Terrorism. Any answer given is a reflection of the Bush administrations actions whether the people were aware when they gave that answer or not.
yea that poll is funny. Recalculate his overall approval just using the data from these questions.

The economy
The federal budget deficit
The situation involving the big U.S. automakers

The end result, the lowest overall approval rating of any 1st Term President.

This question...
"The U.S. campaign against terrorism"
Does not relate to Obama in anyway because he has no plan against or policy against Terrorism. Any answer given is a reflection of the Bush administrations actions whether the people were aware when they gave that answer or not.

By what math?
Fred Thompson is a Hollywood lacky and a political quitter who thinks he's relevant because he has a southern drawl.

See, opinions are really like assholes.:hatsoff:

He has the most unethical cabinet in the history of America:

Here we go again. Another Obama cabinet appointee, another scandal. You can now add Tom Daschle to the list of Obama appointees that include Bill Richardson, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, Eric Holder, and Rahm Emanuel, with ethics problems.

In another stunning comparison to Timothy Geithner, Tom Daschle did not determine it was necessary to pay the taxes he owed until he became a nominee for a cabinet position.

It is funny how a nomination to a prime federal position can quickly make a corrupt tax cheat suddenly see the err of their ways.

Did President Obama even vet any of these candidates? Surely a man as smart as Barack Obama did, and the fact that Timothy Geithner and Tom Daschle paid their taxes during the vetting process shows us an acknowledgement that they must have realized their wrongdoing.

So Obama did vet these candidates and determined their tax problems were not problems. He vetted Hillary Clinton and determined the conflict of interest with her husband taking in millions from leaders of foreign countries was not an issue, and he vetted Bill Richardson and decided that his ethics problems were not problems to be concerned with.

So I will give our messianic president the benefit of the doubt and give the point that Barack Obama did vetthese candidates. That makes the fact that he still decided they were worthy even more troubling. President Obama knew that all of these candidates had ethics problems and he still decided to nominate them. This from a man who ran on his judgement. The fact that President Obama decided he would still nominate ethically challenged people to the highest levels in his cabinet shows a lack of judgement that can hardly be comprehended. Or he is just incredibly arrogant. Or both.

The man who promised to bring change to Washington has failed to so. He has broken not just a campaign promise but the whole premise on which he ran and the whole premise that got him elected.

And these are the people that are running America. Obama is either arrogant, inept, naive, or...maybe all three. :ban:

Donald H. Rumsfeld
Alberto Gonzalez
John Ashcroft
Dick Cheney

I understand the point you are making, but it is not like these elected officials pick the best men...

I never said the neo-cons were saints. Just merely pointing out Obama is just as bad, if not worse, than any other president at this point in their regime in the nations history. I think it's undeniable that Obama is at the very least an arrogant man.
I think it's undeniable that Obama is at the very least an arrogant man.

What does that mean?? The guy has been nothing but respectful and courteous to every possible situation.

What example do you have that he's "arrogant"? Is it because you think he's fairly articulate that you translate that to arrogance?


If anything, this president inspires me to feel as if my life is at tails end with all of his miserable, collectivist, share the burden policies. Why should I pay for the wrongs of others ? It's no wonder why there's discussion of succession on Tejas.

So very sad :( and it's just the beginning :( I had no idea that we as a people were so fragile ! :( Does everbody get a free foodstamp booklet ? This type of governance is so foreign to me, as I've always hurdled my own obstacles, now the strong arm of govt wants to intrude into my life, leave me a broken man THEN solve my problems ?

nauseating !
Obama has not Fucked up, the people that voted for him thinking he was a solution to problems did.
Obama has actually done everything he has intended to.
He has increased unemployment
He has put the country on the virge of financial colapse by devaluing the dollar (When the treasury bought our own bonds *first time in history*)
He has made the US look weak not only to our enemies but our allies as well.
He has flushed billions of peoples retirement funds down the toilet.
He has increased the deficit more in less than 100 days than any 8 entire Presidencys combined.

Number of people Obma's porkoulious bill have put to work on those 'shovel ready projects', 0.
Number of projects underway as a result of porkoulious, 0.
Days Obama waited to sign the all important we must pas this now 1000 page porkoulious bill that no-senator read, 4.

If your basic premise is that Obama doesn't have a magic wand and can't automatically fix things like a lot of people thought he would for some reason then I would agree with you. Too many people thought he would or even could fix things he can't, and fix them quickly at that.

I do have to wonder about some of the things you listed. Unemployment and the crashing of the economy were hardly his fault. That would be like blaming a person that puts up some measly sand bags after other people let a huge dam upstream rip apart do to neglect and having a virtually unstoppable flood surge rip through them it because there was no way anybody could stop it at that point.

I don't even get where he has "made us look weak to our enemies thing comes from". That makes no sense on a logical level, and only the most hardcore republican warhawk nutcase could come to that conclusion and have it make sense to him.

Other than the general fact the economy tanked, and he has created even more deficit we are never going to pay to add on top of the huge debt we were also never going to pay off I don't see him ruing people's retirement either.

I will agree he blown up the deficit in a way that's going to come back to bite us in the ass someday when the angry international repo men come and want there money and we won't be able to pay them, or the fact it will drag us down paying the interest on it for anywhere near the foreseeable future. On the other hand what would have republicans done, give enormous tax breaks to billionaires and big business in the laughable hope that trickle down economics could somehow pull us out of it, or let us sink into a real depression where huge swaths of the most vulnerable among us went under instead of what we have now? Remember unlike the real depression we faced there would be no huge world war leaving us as one of only two superpowers and there is no enormous economic boost of the 50s and 60s to pull us out of it this time. Anybody on either side of the isle that thinks we are just going to be able to grow our way out of this is an idiot. That's what most of the politicians seem to think.

Obama’s biggest problem as far as I see it is not necessarily the debt, which is pretty bad. It's the fact that any restructuring of the economy going forward to fix it is going be done in a half-assed way that only slightly different than before. It's going to be the same old thing with a new paint job. America just can't go on with the type of capitalistic system it has now and continue on as it has. Our own greed and the race to the bottom has screwed us and until we realize that all we can do is push off disaster a little longer while making the next time it comes even worse, and there will be a next time.

However blaming Obama for some of the things you did just doesn't make sense.
Obama has not Fucked up, the people that voted for him thinking he was a solution to problems did.
Obama has actually done everything he has intended to.
He has increased unemployment
He has put the country on the virge of financial colapse by devaluing the dollar (When the treasury bought our own bonds *first time in history*)
He has made the US look weak not only to our enemies but our allies as well.
He has flushed billions of peoples retirement funds down the toilet.
He has increased the deficit more in less than 100 days than any 8 entire Presidencys combined.

Number of people Obma's porkoulious bill have put to work on those 'shovel ready projects', 0.
Number of projects underway as a result of porkoulious, 0.
Days Obama waited to sign the all important we must pas this now 1000 page porkoulious bill that no-senator read, 4.

you're retarded
If anything, this president inspires me to feel as if my life is at tails end with all of his miserable, collectivist, share the burden policies. Why should I pay for the wrongs of others ? It's no wonder why there's discussion of succession on Tejas.

So very sad :( and it's just the beginning :( I had no idea that we as a people were so fragile ! :( Does everbody get a free foodstamp booklet ? This type of governance is so foreign to me, as I've always hurdled my own obstacles, now the strong arm of govt wants to intrude into my life, leave me a broken man THEN solve my problems ?

nauseating !

I think if left to this thinking, you'll come to a series of obstacles that you won't be able to hurdle. Starting with healthcare, then probably with unsafe food in the grocery store, then when that big quake hits Cali, or when the next Santa Ana fires sweep across the state toward the ocean....California's levies are rated worse than New Orleans and those haven't been "fixed" yet. California's roads are the nation's worst. Instead of solving these problems with reason and sense, Californians have turned into cry baby homo haters?:dunno: How is raging against "the sanctity of marriage" going to solve any of California's laundry list of societal land mines?:dunno:

President Bush and the Republican Congress tried to functionally bleed gov't dry during their 8 years in power. The Republican Congress started off admirably in 1994 but faded into corruption under President Bush. Look at the track record of incompetence by the Republicans.

People simply trust Obama and the Dems and have lost complete trust for the GOP. I understand the GOP trying to be obstructionist because the more things "change" for the better, the more useless and obsolete they become...

My only criticism for Obama and the Dems is not getting us out of Iraq immediately. I have no idea why they want to continue George Bush's grande mistake....:dunno:
I never said the neo-cons were saints. Just merely pointing out Obama is just as bad, if not worse, than any other president at this point in their regime in the nations history. I think it's undeniable that Obama is at the very least an arrogant man.

None less the "W". Except for Jimmy Carter in my lifetime are not they all?

You seem to have to be very certain of your self to be President, history shows that is good and bad, but it is a required trait.

I know you did not say the "W" was, I was merely pointing out they make mistakes, some admit it and others dont.
It is a very difficult situation for a President to take his wife for dinner and Broadway in NY without any negative comments.

The best way is for Obama to refund the US Government all the expenses: airfares, security including Federal agents, secret service agents, NY police department and all the detail.

How much it costs for Obamas for just a date? probably in the millions , minimal 2-2.5 million dollars for a date with Michelle Obama. I think they should wait until the recession is somewhat subsided before go for another date in New York City.

(It costs close to $4.3 millions for Obama to fly to Ottawa just for lunch, a 6 hours trip. It included 4 million dollars security expenses and 300 thousands for all the decorations, flowers, flags, airport preparation, lunch and greeting cards, etc)