The Six are
Educate for liberty. The classroom should foster understanding and appreciation of founding principles. Instead, high schools tend to minimize or disparage the story of America's founding. They justify neglect of the founding by arguing it's outdated and difficult to explain. Or they give short shrift to the principles of constitutional government and fixate on the Founders' acknowledged flaws.
This, I agree with. I believe we need to get back to basics when it comes to education. If I had kids, I'd probably send them to private school. In fact, I know I would. My ex-fiance became a student teacher at a private school, after finding the public school she was originally placed in to be too unruly and undisciplined. But I fault any parent who is willing to enable their child being ignorant... whether that means not keeping up with their homework or having them stay home from school when the President is speaking. People who embrace ignorance, or who believe that hiding ones head in a bucket will protect them, are just as bad as the ones who think their only job is to buy shirts and jeans before the first day of school and their parental obligation is met. If a home schooled American child still ranks 25th in math and science vs. his peers in other developed countries, we're still just as fucked. Him knowing who Alexander Hamilton was won't get him a job over the Indian kid with a Masters Degree in Engineering.
Engage the American mind. Despite constant scorn by academic elites and popular media, most Americans still believe our country is something special and still respect the Founders' ideas that make it so. Conservatives must repeatedly articulate these core principles and apply them directly to questions of the day, thereby giving voice to the majority of citizens who haven't given up on the American experiment in self-government.
This sounds good. But as is always the case, the American people eventually wise up to whether or not the rubber is meeting the road when think tanks espouse feel good slogans. I've read a lot of bullshit in my time. And I've written a lot of bullshit, corporate speak in my time. It's not that easy to bullshit a bullshitter. So what does all of this mean??? Really?! It surely does sound good though. flylicker
Uphold the Constitution. Public officials take a solemn oath to support the Constitution, so they have a moral obligation to understand and abide by it. For members of Congress, this means refraining from passing bills that exceed their constitutional authority. For the president, it means rejecting unconstitutional bills and executing the law in a constitutional manner. Judges, who are uniquely positioned to spell out the meaning of the Constitution, must also recognize they aren't immune from its constraints.
OK. Not sure what they're getting at, but it sounds good. OK. :dunno:
Defend free markets and fiscal responsibility. Americans work hard to improve their families' condition. The fruits of their labor are moral goods contributing to happiness, as are opportunities to pursue the American Dream. Yet democratic capitalism is under attack by progressives. Principled leaders must reconnect the economic arguments for liberty and prosperity with the moral case for equal opportunity, free enterprise and creativity.
As it relates to modern day, post Reagan (so called) conservatives, this is the one that actually makes me chuckle. What the free (unfair) trade practices, that have been embraced by the Club for Growth and other "economic libertarians" on the right, have meant for the average American wage earner is lower or stagnant real wages, with higher paying jobs leaving the U.S. What manufacturing policies have these people come up with over the past 20 years, other than
"let's cut taxes"??? I chuckle because the same people who tend to be willing to fight questionable wars in the name of freedom, democracy, mom & apple pie are the very same people who turn into
complete cowards, if anything is presented which protects American industry, but might result in a trade war. All wars produce casualties. But if it's the right thing to do, then it's the right thing to do. Is it right to allow other countries, or their subsidized companies, to sell goods here, while our companies are prevented (by their laws) from freely selling goods there? And if that is wrong, where are these flag wavers when it comes to standing up for what's good for Americans? :dunno: Ya know, Reagan busted the Japanese bike makers in the ass when Harley was struggling against the Japanese, who were dumping products here at or under cost. What solutions do Newt, Mitt and Sarah have to our current (worse) industrial situation???
Revive self-government. In the 20th century, government assumed more and more tasks in more and more areas outside its responsibilities, greatly damaging American self-rule. When it fuels an entitlement mentality and dependency rather than promote self-reliance and independence, government encourages a character that is incompatible with self-rule. Determined to impose moral neutrality, the state pushes churches and other traditional social institutions into the shadows. To strengthen the fabric of civil society, we must restore the standing of those institutions to their proper roles.
I actually agree that we have to be very careful about fostering an entitlement mentality. But where these people are JUST talking about the underclasses, I would also include the entitlement mentality that is being fostered within the financial community and the recently established management class = "too big to fail." There has to be some mechanism which allows the government to unwind failed or failing institutions, without infecting the macro economy. Something akin to the FDIC, just on a bigger scale. But for some reason, the CfG/"free market"/faux conservative types oppose this. I'm not sure that I understand why. Maybe someone can explain that to me. BTW, when Ronald Reagan nationalized the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company, was that socialism? Was Reagan a socialist??? These "fluid definitions" confuse me.
Promote liberty. The United States has a special responsibility to defend the cause of liberty at home and abroad. Friends of freedom everywhere draw inspiration from our ideas and example. A confident understanding of our founding principles reaffirms what Americans hold to be self-evident. Anything less would deny our birthright and undermine our moral standing in the world.
I have a REAL problem with the portion in red. Again, it's interesting that so called economic libertarians have no problem with the concept of "what happens, happens" when it comes to the domestic economy. But on the issue of foreign policy, they are very much interventionists. Spending a trillion dollars of American taxpayer money (actually that's before the interest is added since it's borrowed from the Chinese

) to rebuild bridges in Iraq is a good thing. But if a politician suggests spending even one tenth that amount to repair broken and crumbling infrastructure in America, they're pork barrel scoundrels.
Remember, I voted for George W. Bush in 2000, primarily because he said he was against nation building (I guess like Ms. Palin, that's one he was against before he was for it, huh?

). If you're a good person living in a bad situation, if we have the ability
and the resources to help you, I think we should. But I'm not aware that God has passed down any orders for the American taxpayers to fund each and every revolution around the globe. Not every fight affects us. Not every fight is our fight. My father taught me that charity starts at home and that you take care of the home front first.
Oh us crazy right wing nutjob NeoCons.
There are actually some good points in what you posted. Some of that I agree with. But they're just words. Jason, IMO, there is more than a little bit of hypocrisy on the left and the right. Where both get into trouble is when one side gets all holier than thou, pretending that it is the only one that has all the right answers. There are ups and downs to both supply side and demand side economic theory. Not that the GOP has been pushing (true) Supply Side theory for the past 15 years plus. But I guess they like to pretend that's the idea they WOULD recycle if the people would just return them to power.
But bottom line, instead of just a bunch of empty words, read while the Star Spangled Banner plays in the background, I want to see some actual economic policy initiatives and concepts. Don't just tell me what the current guy in office is doing wrong. A trained chimp can do that. You can take me into an operating room and if I see the patient's blood pressure drop dramatically, I can tell you that the doctor is fucking up. But if the doc turns to me and says, "OK, so what should I do to save him, Genius?!" - I'll head back to the waiting room. I want to know what the out of power party would do differently! Economic issues concern me more than social issues. Socially, I'm basically a live & let live person (unlike many on the right or the left). Leave me the fuck alone and I'll leave you the fuck alone. What I do on my land and in my house is MY BUSINESS... and the same to you. And I extend that motto to other nations as well. But I want to see SPECIFIC economic proposals on what the GOP would do differently... that would be a helluva lot different than what they did the last time they were in power - cause I think we all know how that turned out. :helpme: I was born at night, but it sure as hell wasn't last night. If I don't see some cards, I figure they're bluffing (again).
Good post though, Jason.