The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan are payback for Pearl Harbor.

The results of a shallow gene pool. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Laugh at Japan all they like. Just remember the 40,000 years and counting behind schedule disaster that is waiting to happen and sits on US soil right at this very moment. I am talking about what is underneath Yellowstone!. It's 40,000 years behind schedule. I saw a programme saying it usually explodes about every 600,000 years. Well it has been 640,000 since it last went BOOM. So I wouldn't laugh at the Japanese. Cos if it goes BOOM then so does America and everything it stands for. The country will be finished and so will a lot of those around it.



Postal Paranoiac
We fought them in a war in the 1940s. Many died on both sides. But many forget the horrors inflicted upon the Chinese, Malaysians, Australians, Fillipinos and many others by the Imperial forces. That is sad, and unfortunate history. This terrible disaster has also claimed lives. And I am sure many of those lives were not around when World War 2 transpired. Payback? We're almost ALL due.


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lol I just came across it and posted it in the other thread. There are so many things wrong with that statement that I won't even go into how that notion is pure bullshit. If I could I would trade the lives of those people for the lives of the good people that died in Japan.

We fought them in a war in the 1940s. Many died on both sides. But many forget the horrors inflicted upon the Chinese, Malaysians, Australians, Fillipinos and many others by the Imperial forces. That is sad, and unfortunate history. This terrible disaster has also claimed lives. And I am sure many of those lives were not around when World War 2 transpired. Payback? We're almost ALL due.
I agree, if we were going by guilt by association with a nation then we all deserve to be wiped. That way of thinking is flawed though of course, because the people that live in Japan today have nothing to do with the atrocities committed back then. That was on the Japanese militaristic government, which had given way to democracy after WWII. The citizens really had no choice but to support whatever shit the Emperor pulled. Also these ignorant people don't acknowledge the innocent casualties from the two atomic bombs we dropped on them.
Those people are so stupid I wonder how they even can use a knive and fork without their brain getting confused. Fuckheads

It's the same sort of people that said invading Iraq was payback for 9/11, even if you convince then that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 they simply say well some brown people had to pay so it doesn't matter as it'll serve as a warning to others, people on this very site have said that :facepalm:. And one day in the future one of these people may become President of the United States (as long as they can prove they were born in the US)
some brown people had to pay so it doesn't matter as it'll serve as a warning to others, people on this very site have said that :facepalm:. And one day in the future one of these people may become President of the United States (as long as they can prove they were born in the US)

Just like Hurricane Katrina was payback for 400 years of slavery, right??? Just when you thought Westboro Baptist was a select group of moronic assholes...


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Disgusting, pathetitic, foul, inferior specimens who think they are humans. Shitty little trolls. They make me embarrassed to be an American and make want to move to Japan. The parents of all of those people should have worn condoms forever. I'm sickened by those comments and I hope a tornado hits their trailer parks.