The Can't Sleep Thread.

I've been dealing with bouts of insomnia for some reason lately. I've had it before, as it comes and goes for some weird ass reason. When I get like this I usually am lucky to get 2 hours of sleep before I have to wake up and go to work or class. I'm drained for the rest of the day, but when I try to go to sleep again later at night I seem to get a burst of energy, but I still feel tired. My mind is racing, and I just can't seem to stop thinking about the stupidest shit as I lay in bed doing absolutely nothing. It seems the harder I try to fall asleep the more wide awake I am.

Anyone else ever get like this? What are some methods to help put my ass to sleep? I don't wanna go to a doctor and get sleeping pills or anything as thats my last resort. I usually take a couple Tylenol or Advil PMs which are supposed to make you drowsy, but have little effect for me. Solutions?
I believe sleep is a waste of time. But shit man I've gotta get some sleep already.
I usually smoke weed before I go to sleep every night. Doesn't do anything. Not smoking weed doesn't do anything either. I've tried sleeping pills, just over the counter, and doesn't work either. And RIP Heath Ledger.
You guy's can't sleep either? Let's tell each other stories then.

That's a good idea. And since me and STD are on the topic of weed, I got busted smoking weed a few weeks ago by a state cop while driving around with my friends. He gave us a warning for not using a turn signal. Thought we were totally fucked. Not all cops are bad, I bet he actually had fun scaring the ever living shit out of us though.


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That's a good idea. And since me and STD are on the topic of weed, I got busted smoking weed a few weeks ago by a state cop while driving around with my friends. He gave us a warning for not using a turn signal. Thought we were totally fucked. Not all cops are bad, I bet he actually had fun scaring the ever living shit out of us though.
Haha thats funny. There have been many times for me when I get the munchies late at night and theres no food at my place so I'm often forced to wander the streets to look for a fast food place thats open.
That's a good idea. And since me and STD are on the topic of weed, I got busted smoking weed a few weeks ago by a state cop while driving around with my friends. He gave us a warning for not using a turn signal. Thought we were totally fucked. Not all cops are bad, I bet he actually had fun scaring the ever living shit out of us though.

A friend and I got caught by her neighbor, who happens to be a cop. Go figure. He hasn't said anything to us, but he definitely saw us. I rarely get high. I actually went years before doing it again recently. It puts me out like a baby.

Sleeping problems are such a bitch to figure out. Too many factors that could be contributing. Stress. Diet. Anxiety. Whatever. It'll pass. You'll just have to tough it out until then.
I do have a bit of an anxiety problem that I'm on prescription for. Maybe I just need a higher dose. I don't think thats my problem though. I guess I will tough it out, and hopefully don't go crazy and create an alter ego imaginary friend, then creating a plot known as Project Mayhem to blow up credit card company buildings. I think I'll be alright.
I do have a bit of an anxiety problem that I'm on prescription for. Maybe I just need a higher dose. I don't think thats my problem though. I guess I will tough it out, and hopefully don't go crazy and create an alter ego imaginary friend, then creating a plot known as Project Mayhem to blow up credit card company buildings. I think I'll be alright.

When in doubt, mix prescription pills with alcohol.
ambien has always worked for me during my insomia bouts. :thumbsup: trust me it works. them stories about people walking around and doing shit is true, but its because they abused them and took more than they should have. trust me, take 2 of the 10mg,or 3 if you got the 5mg. also if your near mexico get R2D2's they are made by the ROCHE company, illegal here in the states, they are a tranquilizers. they fuckin' work as well. the problem with OTC such as unisom and tylenol pm is that you have to take like 4 or 5 to feel the effects of sleepiness.




Try Melatonin. It doesn't classify as a sleeping pill, and it seems to work just fine. Stay away from the ones that tell you to disolve it under your tongue, though. It's like a lump of rock salt.

And if you're wondering why I'm posting this at 3:50 AM, I don't follow a 24 hour clock anymore. In my line of work, it's more bother than it's worth. But when I was still trying to be normal, melatonin worked for me.
I've had Ambien from a surgery I've had before, and trust me I'm well aware of the crazy shit that drug does abuse wise from personal experience. The only problem is that shit is prescription, and hard to find on the street if you don't know anybody else with insomnia. I'm not looking to go to the doctor over this. I'll probably look into Melatonin. I've heard that shit is like an acid trip if you take enough of it and go to sleep too.
You gotta break your body down. When we were first getting back into the hockey season around Thanksgiving, the coaches beat us so bad that on turkey day I would just eat, go to bed, then wake up like 12 hours later like WTF? It's the best sleep you will ever get. They were brutal and every muscle in the body was in pain, but there is no better method. :thumbsup:
You gotta break your body down. When we were first getting back into the hockey season around Thanksgiving, the coaches beat us so bad that on turkey day I would just eat, go to bed, then wake up like 12 hours later like WTF? It's the best sleep you will ever get. They were brutal and every muscle in the body was in pain, but there is no better method. :thumbsup:

I played a game of roller hockey with my friends since we finally had a nice day for once. We played for a good 2 hours with a few smoke breaks. I went home and still couldn't sleep.
I played a game of roller hockey with my friends since we finally had a nice day for once. We played for a good 2 hours with a few smoke breaks. I went home and still couldn't sleep.

Well, then you weren't gettin' a workout Herb Brooks style. We'd lose a few pounds a day the way they worked know, working us until kids are puking on the ice type of working us. Equipment drenched in sweat. A pick up game I don't think would do it. You need somebody crackin' a whip behind you for effectiveness. ;)