The Can't Sleep Thread.

only two solutions when you really can't sleep : Sex and Alcohol ! at least it works for me.


Well Wiz, I can't help but notice your absence tonight. I hope that means that you're fast asleep. :sleep::sleep::sleep:

On the other hand, I love Americas Cup sailing, so I hope you're hunched over the toilet wondering why you can't see a sign that says "Discount Sushi" without stopping. :thefinger
haha I was very absent last night, and I slept like a fucking baby. Thank God. Melatonin + America Cup Sailing = Waking up naked somehow.

Seriously, I woke up naked today with my shorts laying in my bed. I have no idea how that happened.
haha I was very absent last night, and I slept like a fucking baby. Thank God. Melatonin + America Cup Sailing = Waking up naked somehow.

Seriously, I woke up naked today with my shorts laying in my bed. I have no idea how that happened.


Well, the details I could have done without. But I'm glad the melatonin worked. Sleep is very important for you mere mortals.
I get that. The important thing is to not go to bed till your absolutely exhausted, lying there hoping dont help. Hopefully the little sleep adds up and one night youll be so tired that you sleep like a baby. I probably get 50% of my weekly sleep in just 2 nights alone, as I barely get any the other 5.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me.

Also, I kind of have insomnia and I'm out of sleeping pills and horse tranquilizers.
Make sure you have the time about 8 or 9 hours to sleep and take a sleep aid. It's called stress...even if you're laying in bed thinking about absolute nonsense which is preventing you from sleeping, it is a symptom of stress. The classic symptom of that kind of stress is the feeling that you're somehow wasting time laying in bed.

Take a sleep aid then take a nice hot shower and go directly to bed. You should wake up feeling pretty refreshed.

I never believed in taking a pill to sleep...I mean if you're tired you should be able to go to sleep right.

I have a friend though, who has a pretty high pressure job (earnings, profits, blah, blah, blah) and he swears by them when he's feeling the stress.
Well last night was my second time taking the Melatonin pills Mayhem mentioned, they so far have been working well for me. I took them 30 mins before laying down, and almost immediately fell asleep. I'm just gonna stick to those until they don't work anymore.