Well, thanks for the compliment. And you make some interesting points. And you spell it out; more or less; how it really is. Which is more or less all I want all to do.
I honestly do not think that everyone sees it THAT clearly. Most? Probably. But not all. And not all the time. And that is all I want, really.
And, btw. I believe up until about 20 years or so ago; pornography was considered prostitution in the Untied States. But then the Supreme Court called it art. And it became legal.
And that is what porn is - prostitution. Someone paying someone else to have sex (which I think should be legal anyways). So pornstars ARE - in essence - prostitutes. So all I am asking is for them to treat it like it really is.
So my question is: do you think women like Chloe Jones' lives would be better or worse if pornography did not exist?
I think the answer to that is a big 'better'.
Yes, many are probably fucked up before they get into it. But one of the reasons these women get SO fucked up - in my opinion - is because of all the quick, 'easy' money available. And as someone who once had ALOT of quick easy money; I can tell you; take a person who is a bit lost inside; give them a shitload of easy money and they will probably end up VERY lost inside.
No matter what your profession. Then add on the self esteem lowering that the sex trade can do to people.
No, if the pornstars made it look less glamourous. And more like what I have been told, read and heard that it really is - not glamorous at all most of the time. Then the fantasy would be less for the guys. And the guys would like it less and use it less. And the industry would shrink. And that can only be a good thing - to me.
But, that obviously wil not happen any time soon. If ever, in my lifetime anyway.
No, I still believe the adult entertainment industry causes far more harm then good. And just that (to me) fact alone means that it should be looked at more carefully. The status quo may be fine for you and I. We buy porn; whack off and forget it. But the women have to live with every scene they do for the rest of their lives.
There is something not right about that. Very not right.
Oh, and for the record. I had sex with a hooker once over twenty years ago, and that was it. I have spent time with alot of them since and (used to) get high with some of them. But the thought of paying someone to have sex with me if they are not attracted to me doesn't turn me on in the slightest.
Why it turns other men on is beyond me. Must be because they have WAY over inflated opinions of either themselves or how others see them. And that probably more then any other reason is why porn thrives. Most guys think they are MUCH more attractive then they are. Or, they think women are much less interested in looks then they really are.
I got news for you guys (apparently). They like looks almost as much as you do. Especially the younger ones. They will almost NEVER admit that - on the job. But they do. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We want babes. Why shouldn't they?
So that's the solution. Somehow slip sodium pentathol into every adult industry workers food on a daily basis and presto! Almost no more pron industry.
Fan/porn freak 'Oh Megan Starlet. Do you really think I am good looking?
Megan (not on truth drug) - 'Oh sure baby. Your a cutie.'
Same woman on truth drug - 'Good looking? You? get real. I wouldn't give you the time of day without the cash. Oh, and honey? Forget what I said before. Truth is; of course size (to a point) matters. Why the fuck would it not?'
That's the solution.