Tattoo or no tattoo?

I have never been big on tattoos. Sure, a good tramp stamp can be very sexy, but overall I just don't get it. I know that it is the big thing in our culture these days and I try to keep my personal opinions to myself as long as your opinions are not forced upon me. However, I am wondering, am I the only one out there that prefers a woman with no tattoos?
I have never been big on tattoos. Sure, a good tramp stamp can be very sexy, but overall I just don't get it. I know that it is the big thing in our culture these days and I try to keep my personal opinions to myself as long as your opinions are not forced upon me. However, I am wondering, am I the only one out there that prefers a woman with no tattoos?

It totally depends on the design and the placement. Dominno's motorcycle on her arm or wolf on her calf are unfortunate. So are Nikki Sims' (or whatever she calls herself) crotch tattoo and white trash paw prints. But Masuimi Max's back tattoo or Natalia Cruz's dragon tattoo are huge and great.

And there's this chick who has a full irezumi body suit and she's an absolute stunner from head to toe.
And there's this chick who has a full irezumi body suit and she's an absolute stunner from head to toe.

That girl is beautiful. She is so beautiful that all that "ink" only takes away form her true beauty, IMO.

Maybe I'm just weird, as I am 33 years old and the vast majority of my generation loves and has tattoos. Most are actually addicted to getting them done.

I just happen to feel that a beautiful woman is beautiful and permanently disfiguring themselves only takes away from that beauty.
That girl is beautiful. She is so beautiful that all that "ink" only takes away form her true beauty, IMO.

Maybe I'm just weird, as I am 33 years old and the vast majority of my generation loves and has tattoos. Most are actually addicted to getting them done.

I just happen to feel that a beautiful woman is beautiful and permanently disfiguring themselves only takes away from that beauty.

I agree to a certain extent. The majority of models/porn stars I "follow" have zero ink. My girlfriend has no ink at all...and I love it that way. But with Lepa, her ink is so significant that it is literally and figuratively a big part of who she is. And, in her case, it's aesthetically, cosmetically and physically pleasing to me. It's a rare occurrence, but the fact that her work wasn't a result of a whim or a drunken night out or an emotional kneejerk speaks volumes of her and therefor I don't separate her tattoos from her. If that makes any sense.
However, I am wondering, am I the only one out there that prefers a woman with no tattoos?

No. I think most guys don't like them on chicks. I've seen some really horrible tats on chicks recently. I hate tats around or on tits. Those should be outlawed :yesyes::rolleyes:

I do think they can help some chicks. If a girl has a high sense of style a good tattoo can work well.:hatsoff:
Don't get one, yeah as a guy I think they are kinda kinky but when you turn old it's just gonna become a wrinkly piece of coloured skin.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I really can't get to like tattoos. Some exceptions do look fine, but on the whole, they are not for me.
I'm gonna have to say no. I can easily get over them but please don't. I always imagine them when the girl is older and they will then seriously regret it because it will look ugly. A small tattoo on the foot or ankle is definitely okay but if there are big ones on the body, why. Just why?

I personally know a couple girls that I used to consider incredibly hot but then I saw them in bikinis, while still good looking, they had tattoos bigger than I would like (a vine starting from the shoulder blade down to the thigh, etc) It just wasn't attractive. Sorry tattoo girls


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Personally, I think it depends on the tattoo. So many people think it's the cool thing to do and either go cheap or go in drunk and it results in horrible work. I love my tattoos and haven't regretted them once. Except for my first...since it was an impulse thing and I didn't get something I loved. ;-)


I'm watching some specialist videos
I really does depend on the tattoo. Cassidey Rae has a couple of butterflies which I like, Viorotica has the stocking seams tattoo that really suits her. I was most disappointed when Monique Alexander started getting them. Somehow her body just doesn't suit them - either that or they are just the wrong tattoo's (and why the lip enhancement - poor decision making there).
I personally don't like tattoos but if the girl wanna get some , I like something girly like floral on lower back or above the heel or something . Not some fucking arm sleeves or full back .
Im guessing alot of people on here just dont get it, tattoos are an art...not just any1 can pick up a tattoo gun and have at it on some1s skin, it takes years of practice and they need to b able to betting none of you can do that. You might not understand the meaning some1 can put behind a tattoo as a symbol of a new start or a point in their life, some people get it becoz its cool or whatever, but those few stupid people are like those jocks who start getting pierced becoz its the in thing at the time, ive seen plenty of guys get eyebrow piercings and lips studs becoz its suddenly cool. Tattoos should mean something to the person. The suicide girls look amazing, i see their bodies as art and im glad the way the pictures are taken reflect that!

But in alot of cultures tattoos mean something, cultures practiced piercing as a ritual...dont knock it...i feel its offensive calling a tattoo a tramp stamp aswell...i hope you like being called prudes!

its not like dont need to find them attractive, just understand that its more than just ink!!!

Avi Verdugo

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Depends on the girl. Some girls can pull it off i.e. Mason Moore. She has tons of tats but it makes her all the more sexy. Some girls look rediculous with their tattoos.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have tattooed arms or sleeves mind you. As for women with tattoos, some girls look beautiful with them because they actually took the time and money to put together something that looks incredible on them. However most girls that I have dated or slept with have the common tramp stamp or no tattoos. Whereas most of the girls I am plutonic friends that are all tattooed and beautiful tend to have guys with one or two tattoos constantly hit on them. The reason being is that alot of these guys think their easy or slutty which is far from the truth...I should know I have been trying to get a couple of my tattooed lady friends in bed for a few years now.
I don't mind a few tats. Depends where on the body they are.

I do not like tats on the tits or ass. I like both those areas to be nice and natural.

I wouldn't have a tattoo or want my GF to have one but I think they're hot on women I merely want to objectify
I wouldn't have a tattoo or want my GF to have one but I think they're hot on women I merely want to objectify