Tattoo or no tattoo?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
There is a porn girl with a tattoo around the rim of her sphincter. I forgot her name but that is a turn off.

Yeah it reads insert finger or proctoscope here! In Chinese characters of course.
Depends on the girl, the size, and the location(s) but some can be nice.


Depends on what it is and where its located. Take for example one on the wrist.....I find this immensely interesting....Why you may ask? Well I iz going to tell you.....I picture it blurring when she is jacking me off, Straining to make out what it is....Muahahahaa
Personally, I think it depends on the tattoo. So many people think it's the cool thing to do and either go cheap or go in drunk and it results in horrible work. I love my tattoos and haven't regretted them once. Except for my first...since it was an impulse thing and I didn't get something I loved. ;-)


Yeah, express yourself, get a tat. Anyone really interested in you will either share your excitement about the image or be able to look the other way.

But think long and hard about what you stamp on your body. There may be a time you regret Mario and a Mushroom on your scrotum. Not that I'm speaking from experience... :o
Thanks for all the replies.

I find peoples opinions interesting, and there were defenitly some interesting points of view here.
In general, I find tattoos a huge turn-off.

There are at least three perceptions -- right or wrong -- I have of tattoos that make them a turn-off for me.

1. I consider them masculine, not feminine.

When I was a kid, the only tattoos I ever saw were on men. They were mostly in the same dark green color.

The first tattoo I ever saw close up was on my barber, who was an ex-sailor. He had a huge green anchor with a ship's name on his upper arm, which was quite hairy and thick.

So, tattoos from an early age were something I considered masculine and unattractive.

2. They're often meaningless.

I don't get "tribal" symbols on suburban mall rats who don't have a clue what the symbol means or even what "tribe" the symbol comes from.

Or a word in an Asian alphabet on someone that isn't Asian and can't read that language.

I keep imagining that the guy at the tattoo parlor tells them their new markings mean "I love the Earth" in Mandarin, and then they find out it means "I humped my grandmother's wooden leg" in Korean.

On the other hand, a star to commemorate a USO tour or a lost relative's name is a meaningful tribute. I do get that.

3. My one major problem with tattoos that keeps "body art" on the "can tolerate but don't like" side of the ledger -- to this day I have yet to see any "body art" I would consider great art.

What I've seen is mostly cartoonish stuff that would be fine on a car, surfboard or Indie CD label. But to cover up God's most beautiful creation, a woman's body, permanently with those scribblings, still bothers me.

However, some of the world's most attractive women, and most of my favorite young actresses, models, singers, etc., now have tattoos. So, I'm coming around a bit.
Yes, I very much prefer NO tattoos at all.
As previously said, they seem more masculine than feminine.
However, if she has just one or two small tatts in the right place, then it's ok.
For example, I find that the least worst (I don't want to say 'best') spots for me are on the side of her neck under her ear, or on her ankle. That's alright.
I don't like larger tattoos and I hate when a woman has it on her chest, (such as what you see on Belladonna) whether it's all across, or like a big necklace (hate that), or what you see on Nikki Rhodes , even a small tatt on her chest just looks awkward.
And I am sooo tired of seeing 'tramp stamps'.
Oh - and those damn star tattoos. Now, I mostly just see those on pornstars not other women, but they look so silly and the fact that "everybody"'s got them, makes them as special as tap water. And what about when they get 2 or more of those stars, they look like a circus adverstisement.
I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my views on this. I know many people like, or LOVE tatts.
My post, my views.