Oh no, of course not. David Koresh was as mainstream as they come. So was Jim Jones. So was the Tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition. So is the KKK. So is the IRA. So is....
I really wish that Muslims would quit taking things so literally. They are so easily offended! This was not an intentional act and the president has apologized for it. Unfortunately, there is very little fuzzy gray in the Muslim world. Everything is pitch black or bright white. It's one of the reasons there is so much conflict in the Middle East....there is very little compromise that ever takes place. I grow weary of it quite honestly. Just another reason that religion in general is bad for the continued development of civilization....and Islam is right at the top of the list.
We're sorry, OK? It was a mistake. Please forgive us. Puhleeeez forgive us!!!!
Jesus fucking Christ!!! Get a grip, Muslims!