In my opinion, foreign troups moved into those countries, and now finally the people there stand up and seriously fight back.
Those armed forces asked for this, now they get their asses handed to them.
I have no sympathy for any soldier who invaded Afghanistan :2 cents:
Exactly, that's what im saying here. I would never actually cause any harm to anyone unless my life was directly threatened. I feel sorry for the American soldiers who were forced to kill innocent people, they didnt know what they were getting themselves into, they thought they were being good Americans, they didnt know that their evil government would use them to commit war crimes, and for reasons that do not benefit or protect the American people. I know that many of these soldiers will end up killing themselves because of the guilt that they feel for "just following orders". When I see the troops with missing legs I always think to myself "he deserved it", but I would never say something mean spirited to one of them. I can tell you that I would never want to know an ex soldier personally. These people that had to kill entire families in Iraq or Afghanistan will be forever scarred by their actions, these people are bound to have mental illnesses and severe psychotic issues. Many of these psychopaths will become Cops, and many of these mentally ill Cops will kill innocent Americans. These troops with damaged minds and black souls are more dangerous to Americans than any terrorist bogeyman that the government can come up with.
This is a great soldier, he admits he was ordered to kill innocent people, he is sorry about his behavior