Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daughter

Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

This guy is an old man, honestly how much jail time do you think he'll do before he dies? Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he dies before the trial is even over.

dick van cock

Closed Account
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Very interesting too see, how many of you favor the Old Testament over modern law...


... btw: Isn't it punishment enough just to be an Austrian?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Throw him into the pits of Hell, and he'll be punished for eternity.
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

be rapped by a big black dick

I know that a lot of rappers are black, and maybe they have big dicks, and I know that they do a lot of macho posturing when rapping, but do ya think that they actually rap with their DICKS?? If they hold their microphone close to their crotch, that's probably just a momentary gesture - they're not actually RAPPING with their dick.

But, more to the point, how would this be much of a punishment for Fritzl?
Do you know that he hates rap music and/or black people, esp. black rappers???

Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Incarceration for the remainder of his miserable existence.


Closed Account
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Eye for an eye.

Throw him in a dark hole for the rest of his life. Beaten and raped.

Although finding someone up for the job of raping him daily might be hard. Maybe just use a long wooden stick?

Fox, I know you're for peace and freedom, but what do you think should be done with this guy? You can't honestly expect him to get away with this...


Closed Account
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Have them assess him for insanity. If he's insane, put him in an asylum indefinitely.
Insane or not, he doesn't deserve the easy way out.

If he's not, put him in jail for 15 years and try to rehabilitate him. Get the best psychologists in after 5 years and 10 years to see if we turned him back into a remorseful human being. If so, let him out. If not, don't.

15 years for him in prison, even when his daughter was in a far worse prison for almost double that amount of time...

Where is the justice in that?
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Do what American-Italian "businessmen" of questionable morals do. Chain him to the bumper of a Cadillac and drag for about 10 miles. Park the car at a hog farm and throw whatever's left of him in the pen.

Actually, I don't advocate that, it takes up too much government resources. He's evil, he's too damn old to be "rehabilitated", plus he does not deserve the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars it would cost to do so.

But, how much does one bullet cost? That, my friends, is a bargain.
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

We don't need experts to determine he's insane. He locked his daughter in a hole for 20 years and fucked her. That's insane.

I believe you have one chance in this world. If you hurt someone, especially as deeply and intensely as he has, you've just blown your chance. Your card is pulled, it's over. It is not society's responsibility, nor burden, to vainly try to repair it's irreparably damaged goods.

Rehabilitation is for drug addicts and those recuperating from knee surgery.

If you don't know the most basics of right and wrong, you never will.

Kill him.
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

death is far too easy, he should be woken at 4 am in his dungeon each morning with a bucket of ice cold water and then dragged naked behind a horse over 200 yards of sandpaper before being dumped in a bath of vinegar... then bring "tiny" Leroy in from the local correctional facility to show him the meaning of rape - repeat as necessary...

dick van cock

Closed Account
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

You are all too easy on him!

He should listen to the Macarena 24 / 7.

Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Think of it as quality control.

We have a factory, of any on earth, produces the most product of its kind. In fact, we have a monopoly.

If our factory were run correctly and responsibly, it would have strict quality control guidelines. Every unit of our product is inspected, the good ones, the ones that do what they're supposed to do and don't harm people, are released to the general public.

Then there's the issue of the bad products. Those that are flawed, blemished, and quite frankly, inferior to the thousands of others that we crank out on a daily basis. These bad products are unreliable, unpredictable, and there's a good chance they could harm somebody. We can't release these products to the general product for two reasons: 1. They could be harmful to somebody. and 2. Their preponderance amongst all the good ones will only serve to weaken the entire lot, and poison the population for future generations.

So what do we do with the bad ones? We could try to fix all them, rework tehm, polish them, and take a gentle caring hand in an effort to make them as good as the rest.

But the thing is we make so many of these every day that fixing all these crappy ones takes way too many resources that could be devoted to just getting the good ones out. It is much more efficient, and beneficial to the general public, to just throw the bad ones away and concentrate on making the good ones, and making them even better.

We've got 6 Billion of these things, we don't need him.
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Think of it as quality control.

So what do we do with the bad ones? We could try to fix all them, rework tehm, polish them, and take a gentle caring hand in an effort to make them as good as the rest.

Now we're cooking ... like a servitor :)

dick van cock

Closed Account
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

isn't it swell that we've finally found somebody to demonize? Doesn't it make us all feel morally superior? Aren't we great specimens of the human race?

Thank you, Josef F.! :hatsoff:
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

sentence him to sex with ron jeremy
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Im not sure how you can say we are worse than him. No individual here has committed these atrocities and within reason, I cant imagine would. Ultimately the one who should decide his fate, is the girl at the centre of it all. Its all well and good to spout about forgiveness and rehabilitation when nothing like this has happened to us personally. if you were that victim, could you forgive him for that, Im sorry but anyone who says they can is a filthy liar.

(In regards to the "starry eyed kids", Im sorry but I despise people who think of the army as a quick way to make a buck, then whose parents cry about it when they are wounded/killed in action. Its the army, not uncle sams happy fun camp, make friends, be trained to kill then go off to college! Its the army for god sake, dont act all surprised when you are called on to fight, whether it be for your country or in defence of another, especially in the US military where it has a history of going places it shouldnt have! Apologies for the side track rant, dont mean to go off topic!)
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

Collectively, we are WAYYYY worse than Josef.

OK Fox, I see where you're coming from. Now here's your question. Suggest a proper punishment for us, since we are worse than Josef. What do you say, 20 years in prison for every American? And while you're at it, tell me how I personally am responsible for the deaths in the Middle East. I haven't voted for Dubya, what did I do to contribute to this tragedy?
Re: Suggest a punishment for the Austrian sicko who raped & imprisoned his own daught

We don't need experts to determine he's insane. He locked his daughter in a hole for 20 years and fucked her. That's insane.

I believe you have one chance in this world. If you hurt someone, especially as deeply and intensely as he has, you've just blown your chance. Your card is pulled, it's over. It is not society's responsibility, nor burden, to vainly try to repair it's irreparably damaged goods.

Rehabilitation is for drug addicts and those recuperating from knee surgery.

If you don't know the most basics of right and wrong, you never will.

Kill him.

I agree completely. This individual should be brutalized on a daily basis.