Oh, youngin' is gonna (try to) get all witty and shit. :nanner:
Son, since comprehension isn't your strongest trait, I'll ask you again: you're the one who introduced race into this. From what Wile E posted, I only knew the guy was White because I saw his picture. Is the mother Black or Hispanic? If so, how did you find that info? Where did you find that info? Was that info important to you? Why was that info important to you? Or was that just more dreamed up, goofy "speculation" on your part? And since no where in the article did anyone claim that the incident was racially motivated on the part of either party, WTF are you even talking about??? Do you even know?
Wow. You're worse than Titsrock and Facial King combined. Kid? Are you so incompetent that you don't even understand the premise of my previous post? Go back and fucking read it and SEE what it said. I think I repeatedly said he should go to prison, did I not? And the other point flew right over your head, by far. What was I implying when I said this other person might have not been caucasion? Do I need to spell it out for you? Jesus Christ. You're the worst on this board by far.
Get to your local community college quick and ask an instructor or two about the logistics of reading and comprehension, you fuggin' momo.