Wal-Mart silenced Mexico bribe inquiry

I'm not sure where you got your information, but you should check your sources because they are wrong. ESPECIALLY in California, Mall-Wart doesn't want their workers unionizing. When I got hired at Sam's Club we were told that we would be watching a bunch of instructional videos for our orientation. For some reason or another the session ran late and we didn't have time to watch most of the videos that were supposed to. Curiously enough, the one video that we did have time to watch was the one on unions. It talked about how the evil unions just want to take employees' hard-earned money and not do anything in return, and how they interfere in allowing the company to have great benefits for their employees (health care after 2 years for part-time employees, which EVERYONE who gets a job there is at some point or another (their policy says that it's 6 months for full-time employees, and 2 years for part-time employees to have medical benefits, but if your status changes before you're on the health plan your time resets back to 0. The way they work it is that you're part-time for a year and a half, then they make you full-time, which shouldn't make a difference because you had 6 months before you could get benefits anyway, but then after 5 months they tell you that there is not enough work in your department to have you working full-time, so they're bumping you back to part-time, and voila! Your 2-year counter resets back to 0.)), and allowing their employees to buy stock). In order to prevent these evils from befalling the company and its employees we were specifically instructed not to tolerate any kind of pro-union talk from any coworkers, but to instead report any kind of pro-union sentiments expressed by a coworker to a manager immediately. This is a standard training video that is shown to ALL Mall-Wart employees when they are first hired. Does that sound like they would allow Californians to unionize? Here's a hint: I live in California, and the Sam's Club where I worked is in California. Like I said, check your sources.

About four years ago in a 200 level political science-related course I did some brief research on the matter and I recall that the meat cutters in some California stores did in fact unionize. I'll see if I can dig a source or two up via Google, and this was a while back, but I am fairly certain the meat cutters/packers did in fact unionize. It may actually just have been a "movement" to unionize which fascist Walmart shut down, now that I recollect. Give me a sec'...
1 in 5 Wal-Mart stores are located in Mexico.

Wal-Mart: now 20% more ILLEGAL! :busted:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Was there a lifetime supply of Ramen Instant Noodles offered up on the bribe table?