the context of all of your posts in this thread and some of your erstwhile posts...You essentially subscribe to there being some dysfunction with whites and it portending for some disaster you foresee.
To me...what does it matter when you think about it?
BDG: Hey random white chick why are you hurting our race by procreating with Asian dick?? Don't you care about what the demographics will be for whites in 200 years??
Random white chick: Wut?? I like Asian cock....the fuck are you on about?
BDG: Don't you know that you are dysfunctional and a self-hater for this?? 200 hundred years fro.....
Random white chick: Dude let me stop you right there, what the fuck have you been smoking?? This is my business and why are you in it??

This my life's work. The white race doesn't stand up for itself anymore and and...
Random white chick: We don't? Watch me right now...shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face with that lame, paranoid bullshit.