damn man why ya gotta be so mean?
my only issue with you is that you always talk about racism against whites in particularly when it regards to blacks(muslims too) but you never ask why
also you do realize that i am an Aetheist?:tongue:
1.To answer from your perspective, I do that (talk about anti-White racism) because I feel that it's not something being properly articulated in the MSM. I'd like to "enlighten"/corrupt other white people into thinking more about what it means to be White and if that's something that should be preserved. Obviously from my posts you can tell I'm mostly positive on what I consider to be White people and Western civilization. But I'm definitely not above pointing out it's weaknesses or the foulness of the collective White psyche at this point in time.
2. I bash Islam because I think it's evil. That's not to say that I feel it's the only evil religion, but the fact that Islam has been specifically tuned for conquest, slaving AND--because it has historically been obsessed with subjugating "The West" and European people (or non-European peoples that I hold dear like India, Iran, the Berbers, the Copts) it's a big deal.
Long story short: We're currently suffering terrorist attack after attack by Muslims not Mormons or Jains. Muslims have been doing it long before 9/11 and won't stop until they learn to leave non-Muslims in peace.
3. Who cares if you're an Atheist? A large percentage of the Muslims who've facilitated terrorist attacks in Europe and in Iraq have been "cultural Muslims" who identified themselves as part of the Muslim nation but didn't really adhere to Muslim teaching.
In the case of Muslims in Western countries, the identification with a Muslim identity has almost racialized Muslims. The Madrid bombers had plenty of Taqfiris who outwardly obeyed no Muslim commands and slept with non-Muslim women (a lot of hateful Muslim men have this fetish/quirk)
but plotted doom for kafirs.
In the Sydney gangrapes or the French tournantes, "cultural Muslims" committed all sorts of unspeakable acts, against non-Muslims or those they found wanting.
Islam is not just a religion, it's a culture and a political ideology. A hateful atheist Muslim doesn't stop being a hater anymore than a hateful atheist Jew.
p.s. I'm an agnostic for what it's worth...