Stormfront, ever heard of it? Been on it?

yeah twice.
both times i found it searching for crime stats.

i do feel whites have many legitimate gripes in this day and age regarding race relations ect but the people who post on that site are just dumb asses for the most part.
they really dont know shit.
they do much more damage than help by far.
they make white people with legitimate concerns open for the accusation of racism , so fuck those people too.

This is something I can actually agree with. Most of the people who post there are really no different than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson in terms that they seem to hurt their cause more than help it. Sure they probably have made more people aware of the reverse racism that is taking place in this country, but anyone who has a legitimate concern about it who is not a hardcore racist would probably be turned off from the site due to a lot of the extreme racist rhetoric that is all over the place. Having pride in ones race wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact that racial pride usually doesn't exist without some contempt for anyone who isn't a part of that group. This isn't just a white thing, it is a HUMAN thing.:2 cents:
1.To answer from your perspective, I do that (talk about anti-White racism) because I feel that it's not something being properly articulated in the MSM. I'd like to "enlighten"/corrupt other white people into thinking more about what it means to be White and if that's something that should be preserved. Obviously from my posts you can tell I'm mostly positive on what I consider to be White people and Western civilization. But I'm definitely not above pointing out it's weaknesses or the foulness of the collective White psyche at this point in time.

2. I bash Islam because I think it's evil. That's not to say that I feel it's the only evil religion, but the fact that Islam has been specifically tuned for conquest, slaving AND--because it has historically been obsessed with subjugating "The West" and European people (or non-European peoples that I hold dear like India, Iran, the Berbers, the Copts) it's a big deal.

Long story short: We're currently suffering terrorist attack after attack by Muslims not Mormons or Jains. Muslims have been doing it long before 9/11 and won't stop until they learn to leave non-Muslims in peace.

3. Who cares if you're an Atheist? A large percentage of the Muslims who've facilitated terrorist attacks in Europe and in Iraq have been "cultural Muslims" who identified themselves as part of the Muslim nation but didn't really adhere to Muslim teaching.

In the case of Muslims in Western countries, the identification with a Muslim identity has almost racialized Muslims. The Madrid bombers had plenty of Taqfiris who outwardly obeyed no Muslim commands and slept with non-Muslim women (a lot of hateful Muslim men have this fetish/quirk)
but plotted doom for kafirs.

In the Sydney gangrapes or the French tournantes, "cultural Muslims" committed all sorts of unspeakable acts, against non-Muslims or those they found wanting.

Islam is not just a religion, it's a culture and a political ideology. A hateful atheist Muslim doesn't stop being a hater anymore than a hateful atheist Jew.

p.s. I'm an agnostic for what it's worth...

so i wasnt wrong about you being a poster on that site correct?:elaugh:
I've read through it a couple times, usually when someone here decides to post a link to it to prove whatever point they're trying to make - although I haven't been back in about 2 years. I find the place farcical due to the sheer levels of ignorance on display. For example, read through some of the threads and replies in their science section; hilarious!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Stormfront, ever heard of it? Been on it?

Yes and yes.

I used to post on a political board where there was a discussion about military memorabilia. I happen to have several items with Nazi markings from WWII (as well as a fair number of geniune and replica items from other wars and periods). In another thread I detailed how supply side economics works (in theory) and stated that that happened to be the school of economics that was most prominent when I was in school. In yet another thread, I made it very clear that I was opposed to Zionism - not Jews or Judaism, just Zionism. Somehow, some way, several of the more "interesting" members added 2+2, got 22 and developed a man crush on me. They invited me to join them on this site called Storm Front... where "people like us could speak the truth freely."

I went there. Looked around. I think I even made a post or three. And as obnoxious and pissy as some here probably think I am, I used to be a lot worse. A whole lot worse! :surprise: Oh yeahhh! :D I still remember the shock and horror of my new interweb "playmates" when they learned the truth about my views. The way I saw it, the ancestors who they wanted to lay claim to were considered barbarians and savages by some of my (likely) ancestors. The Greco-Roman period brought about the beginnings of democracy and western civilization as we now know it. So (just to fuck with them), I spun it around and claimed that it was their claimed ancestors who nearly brought down what the Greeks and Romans had built. Something along the lines of... "You come from a line of illiterate savages who painted themselves blue, ate raw meat and wiped their asses with their bare hands... and you fellows really have a gripe with Blacks, Jews, Catholics and Mexicans???!!!"

Storm Front, as I saw it, was basically an echo chamber for intellectually lazy and socially retarded people, who had thus far failed to make anything of themselves, and wanted/needed to find someone besides the face in the mirror to blame for their sad, pathetic plight in life. IMO, sites like Storm Front are for those people. It exists for the same reason that you sometimes see Confederate flags flying in front of single wide trailers, but not in front of $2 million+ homes: people who have "made it" aren't running around searching for bogeymen to blame for the fact that they are fuckups and/or losers... or just unhappy with themselves or their situation. Money doesn't make one a winner, and not having it doesn't make someone a loser. It's wanting what you're too lazy or not intelligent enough to get, and blaming others, that makes one a loser.

I came. I saw. I shit on their dinner table... and left. :cthulhu:

And yeah, there are a several people here who would fit in there perfectly. Since I've been here, it's rather easy to pick out the names that are obviously obsessed with issues of race and/or religion. Whenever I see a race related thread, I know who will be in it... garonteed! Several of them even use the same style of language and pretzel logic that I remember being on Storm Front. Eh, whatever... They say God takes care of babies and fools, so I'm sure they'll all be OK. :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
This is something I can actually agree with. Most of the people who post there are really no different than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson in terms that they seem to hurt their cause more than help it. Sure they probably have made more people aware of the reverse racism that is taking place in this country, but anyone who has a legitimate concern about it who is not a hardcore racist would probably be turned off from the site due to a lot of the extreme racist rhetoric that is all over the place. Having pride in ones race wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact that racial pride usually doesn't exist without some contempt for anyone who isn't a part of that group. This isn't just a white thing, it is a HUMAN thing.:2 cents:

you got it.
thats exactly what i meant.

black americans as a group have some problems.
theyre not exempt from criticism.
criticism can be a good thing (and its sad that so many, mostly whites will automatically say "racist" when a white person discusses these things)
dropout rate, unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, these are all real problems and they are all connected.

however if when discussing these things every other word is ****** or something similar who's gonna take them seriously?
nobody important, most will just get disgusted and tune out.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
you got it.
thats exactly what i meant.

black americans as a group have some problems.
theyre not exempt from criticism.
criticism can be a good thing (and its sad that so many, mostly whites will automatically say "racist" when a white person discusses these things)
dropout rate, unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, these are all real problems and they are all connected.

however if when discussing these things every other word is ****** or something similar who's gonna take them seriously?
nobody important, most will just get disgusted and tune out.

Very good post, MP. That is exactly it. Because race and religion are such sensitive topics, people are going to examine any discussion with a microscope. Two things that I try to keep in mind when talking about a race or religion related topic are that not everyone knows me or what's in my heart (especially on the internet), as well as the history that might be contributing to their defensiveness.

Unlike what I saw somewhere in this thread, I don't believe that what's on Storm Front will be considered "mainstream" in the near, or even distant future. I think of society and social norms as a giant bell curve - with most people and their attitudes occupying the central area of the curve. Storm Fronters and their allies would occupy that small area to the far right, just as Marxists, Black nationalists and radical feminists would occupy that small area to the far left. Especially as the demographics of the mainstream continues to be represented by a more diverse population, IMO, the only way that Storm Front (or sites like that) would become "more mainstream" is if their attitudes moved from the far right and closer to the new center - which is becoming more progressive, not less so. Just off the top of my head, here are a handful of things that would not have been possible or socially acceptable just a generation ago: a Black man as President of the United States, a Black woman (Oprah) as the queen of a media outlet and a self-made billionaire, Ivanka Trump, the blonde princess of Manhattan's blue blood social set, marrying a Jew, open discussions of homosexuality, etc. Hell, just look where we're having THIS discussion: a forum based on a pornography site! I read that either Kennedy or Johnson banned a porn film in the 60's because it featured a Black man and a White woman in the sex scenes. I think it was Kennedy, but anyway, the fear was that it would spark race riots in the south. And now, who won the Miss FreeOnes 2010 contest? Bree Olson. A cute, "girl-next-door" looking, blonde haired girl who has probably done as many scenes with Black men as White men. Though I doubt she'd win the Miss Storm Front contest, in the porn universe, she seems to be doing pretty well for herself. And the fact that apparently she lives peacefully in Indiana (still a hub of Klan activity) sort of boggles the mind. In the 60's, and probably right up to the 80's in many places in the U.S., she'd have needed to pave her yard in asphalt so the fires from the weekly cross burnings wouldn't set the grass on fire.

You're right: there are a lot of issues with various groups. But of course, if I'm discussing financial reforms or business corruption, and I only name Jews who have committed financial crimes (Madoff, Milken, Boesky, Levine, Kozlowski, et al) or point out that compared to their numbers in the population, Jews make up a disproportionate share of bankers and traders, and therefore, a disproportionate share of those who commit financial crimes... it's safe to say that people would see through that (veiled) argument pretty quickly. To your example, some of the same issues that affect Blacks and Mexicans in urban areas affect Whites in rural areas: illiteracy, teen/unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, etc. But on sites like Storm Front, I doubt a discussion on true solutions to the overall social problems of illiteracy, teen/unwed pregnancy, drugs or crime would be welcome... unless it was strictly focused on minority groups.

From my short, tumultuous time on Storm Front, you'd likely be talking about some of the members there if you discussed those topics in broad terms. People generally don't like it when you start dropping shells too close
to home. :ban:
No. And reading three posts on here and skimming a few long detailed posts, I am really not that interested in it.
you got it.
thats exactly what i meant.

black americans as a group have some problems.
theyre not exempt from criticism.
criticism can be a good thing (and its sad that so many, mostly whites will automatically say "racist" when a white person discusses these things)
dropout rate, unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, these are all real problems and they are all connected.

however if when discussing these things every other word is ****** or something similar who's gonna take them seriously?
nobody important, most will just get disgusted and tune out.

The problem with that is many ways Whites are far more screwed up than black people in the long run. Too many of those folks gauge White people by using the black American community as a prism. That really needs to stop.

What they're doing is similar to a doctor looking at a very ill patient and thinking himself lucky that he's not lying there. All the while he's got a cancer eating up his mind, body and soul. Physician heal thyself. In 200 years black people will still be around somewhere around the globe, heck Africa will probably become the new East Asia in terms of economic growth. We can't be sure about White folk or Europeans.

Some say demographics is destiny, if that's true then things need to be corrected right now.
so i wasnt wrong about you being a poster on that site correct?:elaugh:

No, I've never posted there. Even if I did identify with them I wouldn't join for reasons already touched on: people have been saying for years that it's monitored very closely by the ADL, SLPC and even the FBI so why would I compromise everything I've worked for in my life?

All of those klan, neo-Nazi and separatist groups have been infiltrated by FBI, ATF, ADL/SLPC folks for decades and bare in mind that SLPC and ADL consider stormfront to be a bigger long term threat.

One of the biggest White supremacist groups in the country had a leader who was a paid FBI informant for years. Wouldn't that be a lot easier and less dangerous for the folks who run stormfront to also be informants and outright ADL/SLPC operatives?
What does SLPC mean? I googled and found Southern Poverty Law Center. Is that it?
The problem with that is many ways Whites are far more screwed up than black people in the long run. Too many of those folks gauge White people by using the black American community as a prism. That really needs to stop.

What they're doing is similar to a doctor looking at a very ill patient and thinking himself lucky that he's not lying there. All the while he's got a cancer eating up his mind, body and soul. Physician heal thyself. In 200 years black people will still be around somewhere around the globe, heck Africa will probably become the new East Asia in terms of economic growth. We can't be sure about White folk or Europeans.

Some say demographics is destiny, if that's true then things need to be corrected right now.

Hopefully in 200 years people will get that demographics are irrelevant on the level you're talking as in 200 years neither of us will be around to give a shit and 200 years from then neither will those people.

Demographics hasn't been the problem of's been the people who see enough of a difference in them to make the world a more miserable place obsessing over it.

If people want to teach their children homogeneity it should be their individual choice...not some collective perspective in some misguided attempt to save something IMO.

There's no sickness in whites just because some have a perspective just as rational but simply different on some things from others...the notion itself is sick.:2 cents:
No, that's not what I said .... and not even relevant to what I posted.

Serbian, Hungarian, Austrian - middle to north European.

'Italian, Greeks, Southern Euros' (the question to which my reply was actually directed) south to Mediterranean.

Look at a map. Actually read a post properly. Try some basic history.

Try not looking for a fight where none exists.

It helps.

I think you dug yourself a hole and are trying to get out. Whatever.
Hopefully in 200 years people will get that demographics are irrelevant on the level you're talking as in 200 years neither of us will be around to give a shit and 200 years from then neither will those people.

Demographics hasn't been the problem of's been the people who see enough of a difference in them to make the world a more miserable place obsessing over it.

If people want to teach their children homogeneity it should be their individual choice...not some collective perspective in some misguided attempt to save something IMO.

There's no sickness in whites just because some have a perspective just as rational but simply different on some things from others...the notion itself is sick.:2 cents:

Could you restate that? I think I get what you're saying but it's so vague I really don't know how to reply, if at all.
Could you restate that? I think I get what you're saying but it's so vague I really don't know how to reply, if at all.

Simple version: Unless you're planning to hire out an army to kidnap and intern whole societies into thought reform camps..what's the point of your efforts?

You life's work is geared toward what exactly?? Something that won't matter to you when you're dead...and won't matter to people 200 years from the time you're worrying because they will be dead too?

You can't castigate people into having your perspective by claiming their's is a product of some mental infirmity.

Honesty BDG..I'm not sure you even like porn as you probably see it as a vehicle that hurts your cause and your presence here is just in keeping with tackling site upon site to 'intellectually' steer race debates.
Simple version: Unless you're planning to hire out an army to kidnap and intern whole societies into thought reform camps..what's the point of your efforts?

You life's work is geared toward what exactly?? Something that won't matter to you when you're dead...and won't matter to people 200 years from the time you're worrying because they will be dead too?

You can't castigate people into having your perspective by claiming their's is a product of some mental infirmity.

Honesty BDG..I'm not sure you even like porn as you probably see it as a vehicle that hurts your cause and your presence here is just in keeping with tackling site upon site to 'intellectually' steer race debates.

Hmm your take on my post is completely different than what I intended to convey. I'm not sure what else to tell you.:dunno:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Could you restate that? I think I get what you're saying but it's so vague I really don't know how to reply, if at all.

Yes, you are so right. You defeat me with your logic, eloquent rational exegesis and pithy, smart counter arguments.

If it was not for the fact your avatar is so lust-inducingly hot, I would be forced to conclude you had nothing. That you were, in the words of those great white Englishmen - all mouth and no trousers.

Who is she, BTW ......:dunno:
Yes, you are so right. You defeat me with your logic, eloquent rational exegesis and pithy, smart counter arguments.

If it was not for the fact your avatar is so lust-inducingly hot, I would be forced to conclude you had nothing. That you were, in the words of those great white Englishmen - all mouth and no trousers.

Who is she, BTW ......:dunno:


Is this a misreply?:confused:
Hmm your take on my post is completely different than what I intended to convey. I'm not sure what else to tell you.:dunno: the context of all of your posts in this thread and some of your erstwhile posts...You essentially subscribe to there being some dysfunction with whites and it portending for some disaster you foresee.

To me...what does it matter when you think about it?

BDG: Hey random white chick why are you hurting our race by procreating with Asian dick?? Don't you care about what the demographics will be for whites in 200 years??

Random white chick: Wut?? I like Asian cock....the fuck are you on about?

BDG: Don't you know that you are dysfunctional and a self-hater for this?? 200 hundred years fro.....

Random white chick: Dude let me stop you right there, what the fuck have you been smoking?? This is my business and why are you in it??

BDG: :confused: This my life's work. The white race doesn't stand up for itself anymore and and...

Random white chick: We don't? Watch me right now...shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face with that lame, paranoid bullshit.

BDG: :mad::mad: the context of all of your posts in this thread and some of your erstwhile posts...You essentially subscribe to there being some dysfunction with whites and it portending for some disaster you foresee.

To me...what does it matter when you think about it?

BDG: Hey random white chick why are you hurting our race by procreating with Asian dick?? Don't you care about what the demographics will be for whites in 200 years??

Random white chick: Wut?? I like Asian cock....the fuck are you on about?

BDG: Don't you know that you are dysfunctional and a self-hater for this?? 200 hundred years fro.....

Random white chick: Dude let me stop you right there, what the fuck have you been smoking?? This is my business and why are you in it??

BDG: :confused: This my life's work. The white race doesn't stand up for itself anymore and and...

Random white chick: We don't? Watch me right now...shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face with that lame, paranoid bullshit.

BDG: :mad::mad:

What are you talking about? I don't remember that conversation. I don't even see how it's germane to my post.


Hiliary 2020
intermixing is a small reason why whites are dwindling in numbers or percentage of overall population in most areas of the world.

in the middle east, india, china and africa they fuck a lot and reproduce at an incredible rate.
they have been doing that for years and now 100's of millions have gone to europe and continue to do it.

in europe and north america most white people are too busy working just to survive thanks to high taxes and inflation to even consider reproducing.
they have neither the time or money for it.

hence less whiteys