you got it.
thats exactly what i meant.
black americans as a group have some problems.
theyre not exempt from criticism.
criticism can be a good thing (and its sad that so many, mostly whites will automatically say "racist" when a white person discusses these things)
dropout rate, unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, these are all real problems and they are all connected.
however if when discussing these things every other word is ****** or something similar who's gonna take them seriously?
nobody important, most will just get disgusted and tune out.
Very good post, MP. That is exactly it. Because race and religion are such sensitive topics, people are going to examine any discussion with a microscope. Two things that I try to keep in mind when talking about a race or religion related topic are that not everyone knows me or what's in my heart (especially on the internet), as well as the history that might be contributing to their defensiveness.
Unlike what I saw somewhere in this thread, I don't believe that what's on Storm Front will be considered "mainstream" in the near, or even distant future. I think of society and social norms as a giant bell curve - with most people and their attitudes occupying the central area of the curve. Storm Fronters and their allies would occupy that small area to the far right, just as Marxists, Black nationalists and radical feminists would occupy that small area to the far left. Especially as the demographics of the mainstream continues to be represented by a more diverse population, IMO, the only way that Storm Front (or sites like that) would become "more mainstream" is if their attitudes moved from the far right and closer to the new center - which is becoming more progressive, not less so. Just off the top of my head, here are a handful of things that would not have been possible or socially acceptable just a generation ago: a Black man as President of the United States, a Black woman (Oprah) as the queen of a media outlet and a self-made billionaire, Ivanka Trump, the blonde princess of Manhattan's blue blood social set, marrying a Jew, open discussions of homosexuality, etc. Hell, just look where we're having THIS discussion: a forum based on a pornography site! I read that either Kennedy or Johnson banned a porn film in the 60's because it featured a Black man and a White woman in the sex scenes. I think it was Kennedy, but anyway, the fear was that it would spark race riots in the south. And now, who won the Miss FreeOnes 2010 contest? Bree Olson. A cute, "girl-next-door" looking, blonde haired girl who has probably done as many scenes with Black men as White men. Though I doubt she'd win the
Miss Storm Front contest, in the porn universe, she seems to be doing pretty well for herself. And the fact that apparently she lives peacefully in Indiana (still a hub of Klan activity) sort of boggles the mind. In the 60's, and probably right up to the 80's in many places in the U.S., she'd have needed to pave her yard in asphalt so the fires from the weekly cross burnings wouldn't set the grass on fire.
You're right: there are a lot of issues with various groups. But of course, if I'm discussing financial reforms or business corruption, and I only name Jews who have committed financial crimes (Madoff, Milken, Boesky, Levine, Kozlowski, et al) or point out that compared to their numbers in the population, Jews make up a disproportionate share of bankers and traders, and therefore, a disproportionate share of those who commit financial crimes... it's safe to say that people would see through that (veiled) argument pretty quickly. To your example, some of the same issues that affect Blacks and Mexicans in urban areas affect Whites in rural areas: illiteracy, teen/unwed pregnancy, drugs, crime, etc. But on sites like Storm Front, I doubt a discussion on true solutions to the overall social problems of illiteracy, teen/unwed pregnancy, drugs or crime would be welcome... unless it was strictly focused on minority groups.
From my short, tumultuous time on Storm Front, you'd likely be talking about some of the members there if you discussed those topics in broad terms. People generally don't like it when you start dropping shells too close
to home. :ban: