States Consider Drug Testing For Welfare Recips


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
And the govt misses the target again. Instead of going after the people that created the mess we are in lets punish those whose lives have been thrown into a tail spin already. Now granted there are some people who shouldn't be getting a handout, that's why individual states can require time limits on welfare or food stamps. They can also request you actively seek work if you are able, I can agree with those. But drug testing starts to open the door for too many other possibilities. In my mind if you smoke a little pot everyonce in a while you are not a drug addict. If they only tested for opiates and other narcotics okay. They need to go after the executives of these companies.
Its a slap in the face to all americans when these a holes come out and say they are going to take reduced salaries, of course they will, most of their compensation comes from bonuses any way not salary.
I am sick of the little guys getting shit on while these sit back and count there money, wooh :relax:.
The irony here of course is that "small-government conservative" Republicans are pushing this idea, which would require considerable bureaucratic structures to implement. Yep, that's the way to shrink government - implement a whole new subdivision within the unemployment bureaus. And if we're going to check all those receipts from every purchase, we'll need some kind of enforcement division, right? People to go around making sure that someone didn't sell their frozen pizzas (also, should there be a limit on just how high-end of a frozen pizza one should be allowed to buy with their welfare money/food stamps? It's important these people not forget their place!) to buy some DVDs (Chef - why didn't you just go whole hog and say "DVDs of gangsta rappas!" ?? It would've been a nice touch.) or some rims for their Escalade - which I'm sure is entirely typical. :rolleyes:

But if you want to monitor the spending of everyone who receives financial assistance from tax dollars, why is corporate welfare so rarely mentioned? Instead we get the tired, old crap from the Reagan-era about the welfare queens in their Cadillacs. Damn, even after Clinton shrank welfare down considerably it's still a real boon for some, apparently - Gucci bags, Hilfiger shirts... and DVDs!!! Unemployment welfare is a great way to get rich, apparently.

What about college students who get government grants or subsidized loans (and even the loans are the equivalent of free money, as the borrower saves money with the low or zero interest rate)? Should they be subject to these tests, too?

This is like some kind of moral testing. If you get a few hundred bucks from the govt., people get pissed thinking that you're getting stoned. But there are tons of stupid ways to waste money. Booze, hookers, PORNOGRAPHY, fast food, cable (incl. the dirty channels!), and oh yes, gambling! I see someone's already thought of that one, though! From the article:
"Drug testing is not the only restriction envisioned for people receiving public assistance: a bill in the Tennessee Legislature would cap lottery winnings for recipients at $600."

Anyway, what's ALWAYS so conveniently forgotten are the places where so many gazillions of dollars are blown: corporate welfare. So, if a bunch of corporate execs come to the govt. begging for money should they be subject to drug tests, too?

Our tax dollars pay the salaries of everyone in all three branches of government in DC - why not them, too? Test them constantly and monitor their every move. Fuck, Senator David Vitter probably rolled up one of my tax dollars and snorted coke from a transvestite hooker's ass at some point!
I'd hate to think what Larry Craig did.

My tax dollars were blown like they were going out of style in Afghanistan and Iraq. And those dollars went to an elective conflict that cost American lives and the lives of many innocents and did not serve to make me any safer (that was the stated goal; although honestly, I wasn't living in fear before anyway). If some dude gets a couple of my dollars and buys himself a DVD, I'll live with it.

If you get any sort of government assistance with your finances, you shouldn't be buying things like weed in the first place. I think that's why the drug testing should implemented.

There are people out there who are getting free handouts and using the assistance to buy things like weed, alcohol, Tommy Hilfiger shirts, $100 shoes, Gucci bags, jewelry, DVDs, rims, etc. It's a waste of our tax dollars.

Is it expensive to drug test all of these people? Hell yes. But, it's cheaper than handing them a bunch of money every month and letting them spend it on whatever they want. That's why I agree with Facial_King (even though I felt a lot of sarcasm), in the sense of making everybody on governnmental financial assistance provide receipts for everything they spend their money on. Rent, utilities, food, clothing, school, etc. If they can't provide receipts or the dollar amount on the receipts doesn't add up to what they are getting for financial assistance, they don't get anymore money. That's how it should be, in my opinion.

I'm glad that I have to bust my ass just to survive, but my hard earned dollars that I pay my taxes with are helping lazy, undeserving people get baked while they watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. That's the America I love...


would certainly discourage ppl from taking drugs

Not in the least...there would be a major market of scripts sold so people could test positive and get exempted, stay drunk most of the time trading food for beer, and only the least criminal would be hurt...pot smokers.
As well as people who can't afford doctors to write constant scripts for downers, etc, like folks with high end docs can get easily.
And of course, many connected people would start testing companies to rake in millions in govt money, and there would be widespread test result tampering for payoffs.
Who can afford that...except those with connections and cash?
Medicare was such a success...especially for those who made millions corrupting the system.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The irony here of course is that "small-government conservative" Republicans are pushing this idea, which would require considerable bureaucratic structures to implement. Yep, that's the way to shrink government - implement a whole new subdivision within the unemployment bureaus. And if we're going to check all those receipts from every purchase, we'll need some kind of enforcement division, right? People to go around making sure that someone didn't sell their frozen pizzas (also, should there be a limit on just how high-end of a frozen pizza one should be allowed to buy with their welfare money/food stamps? It's important these people not forget their place!) to buy some DVDs (Chef - why didn't you just go whole hog and say "DVDs of gangsta rappas!" ?? It would've been a nice touch.) or some rims for their Escalade - which I'm sure is entirely typical. :rolleyes:

Can I ask...

How many people on welfare do you personally know? I'm just wondering.

Personally, I know a lot. And, most of them are completely undeserving of any financial aid from the government. There are just a bunch of shitty loopholes that people find in order to get government assistance.

My cousin is on welfare. My cousin currently works in a major Cleveland area hospital as a nursing assistant (she is still in school to be an RN). She has a full time job, insurance and excellent benefits. Her husband also works. He makes more than enough money to pay the bills. They have two young daughters as well. Their day care is paid for by the US government. On top of that, they also qualify for welfare. Oh, this is where I should mention that they own 2 houses, pay the mortgages on both of them, own 3 cars and all sorts of household luxuries, such as big screen TVs, fancy laptops, leather furniture, etc.

Our tax dollars are literally paying for that. Why? They are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, yet, they're getting a huge check every month from the government. Are there people who actually need and deserve welfare? Yes, absolutely. But, does that mean that all people on welfare should just be given the benefit of the doubt and trusted with our tax dollars? Fuck no, absolutely not.

This is like some kind of moral testing. If you get a few hundred bucks from the govt., people get pissed thinking that you're getting stoned. But there are tons of stupid ways to waste money. Booze, hookers, PORNOGRAPHY, fast food, cable (incl. the dirty channels!), and oh yes, gambling! I see someone's already thought of that one, though! From the article:
"Drug testing is not the only restriction envisioned for people receiving public assistance: a bill in the Tennessee Legislature would cap lottery winnings for recipients at $600."

If you truly need financial assistance to help keep you and your family alive, why would you be spending your money on lottery tickets in the first place? Why should we, as tax payers, be ok with those people misusing their financial assistance like that?

Our tax dollars pay the salaries of everyone in all three branches of government in DC - why not them, too? Test them constantly and monitor their every move. Fuck, Senator David Vitter probably rolled up one of my tax dollars and snorted coke from a transvestite hooker's ass at some point!
I'd hate to think what Larry Craig did.

Government employees get randomly drug tested. I doubt the people who are REALLY high up in the government do, but I would actually like to see them get tested too. My dad works for The Department Of Homeland Security and he gets tested 4 or 5 times a year.

My tax dollars were blown like they were going out of style in Afghanistan and Iraq. And those dollars went to an elective conflict that cost American lives and the lives of many innocents and did not serve to make me any safer (that was the stated goal; although honestly, I wasn't living in fear before anyway). If some dude gets a couple of my dollars and buys himself a DVD, I'll live with it.

One of your friends is in need of some money. He comes up to you and tells you that he’s going to be short on rent and that he might get evicted if he doesn’t pay up. He tells you that he doesn’t have much food to eat and that things are really, really tight. His argument is convincing and you feel extremely bad and sympathetic towards his unfortunate situation. You end up lending him $500, with the understanding that he was going to use the money to pay his rent and buy some groceries.

The following week, he shows up to your house wearing a brand new watch, some expensive sunglasses and the newest Air Jordans.

Chances are, you’re going to be really pissed, as your friend didn’t use the money as he said he would. Instead of taking your generosity and using it to help him survive, he used it to by meaningless shit that did nothing but ultimately waste your money.

I’m willing to be that you would never lend that friend money again.

That’s exactly what is happening with people who are receiving financial assistance from the government, only it’s on a much, much bigger scale.


what the fuck you lookin at?
While I see the point of the doing this. and think its an effective way to weed out deadbeats.

but How many innocent family members (especially helpless children) are gonna be affected by this (drug testing scenario) how many children and other family members who can't control what the "one" in charge of the AID / CHECK does with it.

How many will go hungry, or go without medical assistance if need be, and possibly end up homeless without a roof over their heads? (possibly because of a drug problem or alcoholism) and this could also happen without the rest of the dependants knowledge ie. (they think bills are being paid when they are not) and everything is lost all of the sudden.

I think drug testing / screening is not a fair / good idea too being, because IMO their will be too many innocent affected, with all sorts of unavoidable casulties. :2 cents::hatsoff:

Casualties of war my man. The "war" on drugs! Which is a fucking joke and a waste of tax payer money if you ask me. Just legalize all the drugs, then tax the fuck outta them, would also help eliminate jail overcrowding and the economy all at the same time. Its so fucking simple!
Thanks for addressing my questions about college students and corporate welfare, Chef.
It woud be fan-fuckin-tastic if they did it, but they won't. To much of a clusterfuck to get it off the ground, plus who do you think will be footing the bill for all this drug testing? It's already bad enough we're giving them free money to begin with.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Thanks for addressing my questions about college students and corporate welfare, Chef.

College students and corporate welfare have nothing to do with this, but you're welcome.

College students EARN their assistance by going to school, working hard and getting passing grades. Most financial assistance is terminated if a student gets failing grades.

Corporate welfare is completely different than an individual's welfare. In fact, corporate wefare is nothing more than a term that is used to demonize the government's financial assistance that is given to corporations. Much like how the term "liberal" is used to demonize people who are pro-change.
I just don't believe that your sister who is a nurse and owns a house and 4 cars and a plasma tv and laptop, yadda yadda is on welfare.

I knew someone that was on welfare and they were denied services because they "made too much money" after getting a part time job that paid minimum wage.

most people that get government assistance only receive a few hundred dollars a month, barely enough to pay their bills.
Having been on Food stamps... twice, for 3 months at a time, I can say this.

I think its a good idea. To many people abuse the system. I used it because both times I lost my job.

Oh... and you DO have to provide where all your money is being spent. You have to bring proof with you: bills and reciepts. Its a process!

But I see to many that are consistantly getting assistance when they don't need it.

Bring the drug testing on!!! Let it weed out all non-hackers!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I just don't believe that your sister who is a nurse and owns a house and 4 cars and a plasma tv and laptop, yadda yadda is on welfare.

I knew someone that was on welfare and they were denied services because they "made too much money" after getting a part time job that paid minimum wage.

most people that get government assistance only receive a few hundred dollars a month, barely enough to pay their bills.

I posted something about this same cousin getting welfare a few months ago. Did I just make that up at the time so I could bring it up again in this thread? No. If you don't believe, that's fine, but I'm just telling you how it is.

She qualifies for welfare because she has 2 kids. She doesn't deserve welfare, but she qualifies for it and takes advantage.

Technically, I qualify for welfare here in Chicago. If I wanted to, I could be soaking up some free money and spending it at free will.
Technically, I qualify for welfare here in Chicago. If I wanted to, I could be soaking up some free money and spending it at free will.

well then why don't you? you're always bitching about how little money you make. I suppose that it's noble that you'd rather suffer for the high road. stupid, but noble. I think life is hard enough as it is, I'll take an easy break when it comes to me.

If the government is dumb enough to throw away money, who would be dumb enough not to hold out their hand? who's to blame there?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
well then why don't you? you're always bitching about how little money you make. I suppose that it's noble that you'd rather suffer for the high road. stupid, but noble. I think life is hard enough as it is, I'll take an easy break when it comes to me.

I'd feel like a scumbag if I took financial assistance when I could get by on my own. I hate my cousin for doing it. She's a dirty piece of trailer trash. Actually, dirty pieces of trailer trash are better than her. She', she's just a piece of shit.
yea...blame it on welfare lmao...the county was doing fine till george bush decided he was stick his nose in every other countrys buisness,,,why must the usa be the bat man...and salvation army for the whole world?? have you people got ANY idea..what its causting america to have troops in iraq??thats what breaking us...every single day.......and i could car less about add up what its caust us from day one since we been in iraq////and wonder where the money went?? surprised we got a mustard bisquit to eat....if they stay there 6 more months.....we should really be in bad shape then...a man is gunna take care of his wife and child....he will find away...if he has to rob a 7 its gunna get worse
ok, so we've heard from someone on drugs.

can we hear from someone on welfare now?
Fuck it, either make drugs legal or randomly test everyone for 'em just for being a citizen. Boot 'em out of the country for doing drugs if you're so opposed to it. Otherwise, let people be and do what the hell they want to.


Official Checked Star Member
Someone hurting from losing their lifestyle (eating regular, paying bills on time) due to the meltdown aren't drug addicts...and if they take a hit on some reefer 2 or 3 times on a weekend for some relief from the depressing times, why are they suddenly not qualified for govt assistance? Drug tests don't measure quantity or how many times the drug has been used, or how long ago.
Smoke a hit of reefer once a month, and you'll test positive.
Drink yourself shitfaced all weekend, and Monday you won't test positive for alcohol.
Drug testing is a way for govt to control their agenda, not to get people off drugs.
I'd like to see a drug testing policy implemented for all executives and management of all companies receiving govt bailout loans...I don't want cokeheads making decisions that cost us money.
But that goes for all govt employees as well, imo.

And when there is a test that can detect alcohol use weeks after it has been used, then I'll support the policy.
All or none...

Although there is not a test to detect alcohol weeks after use, it can be detected up to 72hrs after your last drink. And I agree with pretty much everything you have mentioned!
College students and corporate welfare have nothing to do with this, but you're welcome.

College students EARN their assistance by going to school, working hard and getting passing grades. Most financial assistance is terminated if a student gets failing grades.

Corporate welfare is completely different than an individual's welfare. In fact, corporate wefare is nothing more than a term that is used to demonize the government's financial assistance that is given to corporations. Much like how the term "liberal" is used to demonize people who are pro-change.

Why should the taxes paid by a garbage man go to pay for the education of some college kid? Why can't the student get a job to pay for their own education? Did you get government grants or loans when you went to school, Chef? Is that why this has "nothing to do with this"?

In fact, the term "welfare" as is being used by you, and Craig Blair, and your various anecdotes about various welfare queens and your "piece of shit" family members is "nothing more than a term that is used to demonize the government's financial assistance that is given to... [individual people]"

I'm sure that corporate America takes a collective sigh of relief whenever someone like you takes the Limbaugh/O'Reilly (etc.) view and dismisses corporate welfare as no big deal.,9171,989508-1,00.html
I think... some people take this subject a little too seriously for their own good :eek: (problem with humanity)