This whole "job cree-A-tor" mantra by the GOP and Fox News isn't class warfare? And for the past three years we've been hearing so called conservatives misapply the terms socialist, Marxist, communist and fascist... and that's not class warfare? The claims of "government death panels", as the health care debate was going on, when any of us who have dealt with insurance companies know that Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Wells Fargo and all the rest actually do have death panels... that's not class warfare? The claim that GM could have (somehow) gone through Chapter 11 and the government's involvement was unnecessary, and was just to protect "union jobs" (when the supplier base was largely non-union)... that wasn't class warfare???
Please. The GOP is at least as guilty as the Democrats in employing class warfare.
As for this testing debate, I have no real issue with it... as long as members of Congress, government workers and employees and executives of bailed out banks and other companies also face random drug testing. I was in banking in the 80's and 90's. I know that drug use in banking was not uncommon back then. I suspect it's no different now. So if a bank (only money center banks need apply) that lost tens of billions needed taxpayer funds to survive, I'd want to know that the bankers and traders who now have "my" money aren't doing coke in the bathroom.