the black lightsaber sounds pretty cool where is it?.... i am using the compressed yellow crystal currently but i will probably change it everytime i get a new one. the one i have now it like pulsates yellow
I guess I didn't really like how they changed what a lot of what people thought when it came to the beginning of the rebellion, and the fact Starkiller is pretty much never mentioned again once Episode IV gets going.
Didn't Bail Organa tell Starkiller something along the lines of, "and now thanks to you, we have the Force on our side"? I seem to recall something like that from the cutscenes of the game (I rented it, so I can't go back and check, but I'll probably look it up on Youtube). In a way, it makes sense now why the Rebellion would always say, "May the Force be with you." to each other. The probably inspired each other like that by remembering Starkiller's sacrifice.
I think the Lego Star Wars games took me 3-4 times that length of time. And, to be honest, I found those a bit more fun to play.
Usually I end up playing games along the like of the Final Fantasy series, and I think I just expected something a bit more "epic" like those; especially from what was being billed as the "ground-breaking" new game. I mean, to thuroughly play a good Final Fantasy game it can take in excess of 100 hours.
All in all, a fun game, a nice part of the Star Wars canon, but it still left me wanting.
so is his going to continue off of the movie that just came out (clone wars) ?
DLC has been confirmed
I'm guessing that the Jedi Temple campaign will be the Wii/PSP/PS2 levels, which will be pretty cool to see on the 360/PS3 versions. The boss fights there were my favorites in the game, because they involve you going through the Jedi Trials.
Nice, they might make a movie out of the this story.
the guy that played as starkiller (sound and looks) I 99.99% guarantee will play the role.
Sam Witwer did a great job with his voice work and he looks like he's going to be good as Doomsday on Smallville.
He voiced Palpatine too, from what I heard. I loved his "Annnd thenyouwilldie" line in the game. :rofl:
i might be the only one still playing this game, taking my sweet time i NEVER rush through games in 2 days cause it's a waste to just beat the game as fast as you can.
but i noticed that when i look at my Mission Objectives and to see if i got all the Holocrons even though i have gotten 2 on a level it says 0/10 does it update after the level or should it do it during the level so i know if i need to look for more? the same with my Force points. the 1st few levels it said 150000/250000 now on the level that i am currently playing halfway through it says 0/150000 but i have gotten a bunch of 10000 force points.
anyone know if there is a glitch or something. the level on cloud city i finished without getting anything then realized and went back and did it over to get all the points and holocrons. could that have done something?
and i am not using any cheats to play the game. well until i finish it and play it again.
You have the *DEFAULT TEXT glitch. The only way to clear this up is to erase your game off of your hard drive, start over, and pray it doesn't happen again. If you don't you will never get the COLLECT ALL HOLOCRONS achievement.
yea...i did see default text on the mission objective screen. i will still get to level up and stuff right?
i don't care about acheivements i don't pay attention to that stuff
Yeah, you can still level up your abilities. I just think it sucks when you've spent all that time finding Holocrons and getting points and the game tells you that you haven't.