Something I Just Noticed About Star Wars-Return of the Jedi.

On a similar note - Steven Spielberg has vowed never again to edit his films to make them more politically correct.

The Oscar-winning director said he “deeply regrets” altering a scene in his 1982 film E.T. to make it more suitable for family viewing.

Officials hunting the alien carried guns in the original movie but were instead shown holding walkie-talkies for a 20th anniversary DVD version.

Spielberg said he now plans to re-release the original version alongside the new when it comes out on Blu-ray marking its 30th anniversary.

He told the Daily Mail: “A lot of kids only know E.T. from the digitally enhanced version.

“So, in order not to traumatise that entire generation, I’ll probably come out with the old version and the enhanced version but sell both at the same time, for the same price, so you can make your choice.”

Earlier this week, Spielberg criticised modern film making, claiming there have been very few great movies made over the past two decades.

The 64-year-old, responsible for movies including Schinder’s List and Jaws, said there were not “not a lot of films” worth watching.

Spielberg is currently working on a film version of the theatrical hit War Horse which is due to be released in the UK on January 13.


Earlier this week, Spielberg criticised modern film making, claiming there have been very few great movies made over the past two decades.

On that, we agree completely.
Is it just me or is Hayden Christensen not even credited as Anakin in the edited version of Return of the Jedi? Could've at least changed the credits...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The other guy who was Anakin's ghost was made one with the Force by George Lucas.
Maybe George Lucas's girlfriend made him do it :dunno:



For anyone who is tired of hearing about Firefly yet again, blow me. I'm completely over Star Wars and Star Trek because of it. We finally had a wonderfully written story, for adults, with spaceships.....and it got ripped away from us like a mugger snatching a handbag. It's a cruel, cruel fucking world, all is cold and bleak and I wish everyone and everything would die.

Now if you'll pardon me, it's time for Ovaltine. :thefinger: