Standing up or sitting down?

How do you wipe your ass?

  • Standing up.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Sitting down.

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Dragging your ass across the living room carpet.

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
So the other day I'm telling a friend of mine a random story from college...story goes 'one day when I was a freshman I walked into the community restroom and see this guy who has obviously just finished taking a shit and is wiping his ass with one foot propped up on the wall. He is basically doing the splits trying to get every trace of shit out of his upper intestine.' My friend looks at me and say "Jesus, the guy was wiping his ass standing up?" That was not the response I expected.
I just assumed that everyone wiped their asses standing up but my friend tells me that I am the the one in the minority! So which is it...standing up or sitting down?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What's with all these threads....


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Wipe my ass? That is a novel idea. I should try that.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I lean to the right; I'm a southpaw wiper. I don't stand up because I'm not three-years-old.
If you stand up, don't you cheeks kinda squeeze together, thus making it harder to access you a-hole for wiping?? Hence the whole point of sitting down while you wipe? :dunno::2 cents:
I thought about if I should post in this one or not.

I sit not that this was in any way intended for a chick to answer I don't think.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Since everybodies saying how they do it, I'll also say:
I take all my clothes off and run full tilt towards a wall, paper in hand.
I then run UP the wall and backflp?
Why? Because I'm an environmentalist: Taking a backwards swipe with a small amount of toilet paper while flipping forwards inverted gives me the extra power from G-force to thoroughly clean my shitter with only one sheet. The downside is that sometimes when I'm drunk and I do it I land face down in the toilet paper...