spammers have taken over, I'm out!

did it ever occur to anyone to just ignore the spammers? They are feeding off this and they LOVE the attention this is generating. I used to run a message board and I had this type of issue, but you know I just deleted the messages, banned them from the board and just waited. Most of the time they would go away.

Just my :2 cents:
Your right nylo, and ya they go away most of the time, or wait months to come back sometimes.

It's just something to yap about I guess.
Wow, great post Ranger, you really know your stuff, and frankly i really dont want to be on your bad side... so from now on, i will always agree with you. ;)

Seriously, nice work ! :thumbsup:
Yeah, thanks for the in-depth info , let's hope that we can use it against these fuckheads.
i want ranger to tell me what car i drive. if he could, well i would shit. and consider blowing up my computer and putting all of my money undernethe the mattras in my bed.


Staff member
f5 tornado that is a very good work:hatsoff::thumbsup: are you the admin of


I think I may have a solution:

Why not enable members in good standing (post count about 100 / join date / comibination....) the ability to suspend the new accounts when they see spam. Maybe that is linked through the ! or maybe through quick reputation negatives.

The point is, that as I am typing this, dudeur is posting spam and none of us can do anything. The suspension of the ability to post allows the mods to make the actual decisions and keeps the board clean.

The other option may be to limit the number of posts in the first minutes / 15 minutes / 30 whatever of membership. That has been done with the search function. (For some reason I don't understand.) I can only search once every 20 seconds. That limited number of posts ties spammers hands and slows them down. And judging by the way in which ALL of the recent ones have worked, speed is their tool. :2 cents: :)


You know, I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of LordRaven's but I think it's hilarious how he's attacking this dudeur spammer! :D :rofl:


one ******* board i have used doesnt allow you to enter urls until you hit 50 posts which is doable on this system here


Brino said:
You know, I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of LordRaven's but I think it's hilarious how he's attacking this dudeur spammer! :D :rofl:

i will hunt him down and make him pay! *ties on rambo bandana*


Staff member
lordraven said:
one ******* board i have used doesnt allow you to enter urls until you hit 50 posts which is doable on this system here

that sounds a good system.
Famousbabes said:
I wanna proxy sniffer too F5. I'm not kidding.

With respect to "Sniffers" or any other program you need, they can easily be found online. The program I use was designed and written for AOL proxys. AOL is nothing but proxys. A few of my online associates servers were being attacked from people using AOL / Opel out of Germany.

(I thought the same thing to, AOL "America Online" in Germany ?
Yes, AOL / Opel is in Germany.)

Constantly notifing AOL about the attacks on the servers became more of a pain in the ass than the actual attackers themselfs.
Alright fine, ya got the program and it leads ya to the hub of servers where this IP came from, where are you going from there ?

1) Do you know how to access that servers log's ?

2) How are you going to breach their security ?

3) What if the data contained in the log / logs is encrypted ?

4) What if the server is running an Apache 2.0.49, do you know anything about Apache or that perticular verison ?

5) Here comes another jerkoff but he's running dial-up off of a German telekom, wadda ya do ?

Ya see the point I'm trying to make ?


nylo said:
did it ever occur to anyone to just ignore the spammers? They are feeding off this and they LOVE the attention this is generating. I used to run a message board and I had this type of issue, but you know I just deleted the messages, banned them from the board and just waited. Most of the time they would go away.

Just my :2 cents:

With-out-a-doubt. Now, put yourself in their position. Your alittle jerkoff kid that gets his rocks off by bustin up message boards. Do you actually think if nobody responds to them that they are going to think they are wasting their time bustin up boards ?

They dont give a fuck if you respond to them or not. Sooner or later someone has to clean up the mess they made and that person or persons are going to be pissed. --> They get the fuck off making people look like assholes.


bigdan1110 said:
Wow, great post Ranger, you really know your stuff, and frankly i really dont want to be on your bad side... so from now on, i will always agree with you. ;)

Seriously, nice work ! :thumbsup:

bigdan1110, I dont make it a habit of checking every single person that registers on the board because I simply dont have the time. Once someone draws my attention, thats when I start to look around. Besides that, I really couldnt care less who is who or where they are from.


tunsty said:
Yeah, thanks for the in-depth info , let's hope that we can use it against these fuckheads.

Thats the whole reasoning behind my "Hit List's". Ya have a potential dickhead spammer and or a spamming webmaster reading what happened to all the others that tried the same thing he or she is about to try, they tend to move on. Take my word for it ma man, the "Hit List" has gotta be the most ruthless list on the internet today. I used the word "Ruthless" because being ruthless and malicous is exactly the actions the destructive spammers do to me.
They wanna play, go ahead, but when it's my turn at bat, believe me, I'll dent some fuckin cars in the parking lot with them and their bullshit.


harold said:
i want ranger to tell me what car i drive. if he could, well i would shit. and consider blowing up my computer and putting all of my money undernethe the mattras in my bed.

Harold, harold, harold, just as I ask everyone else that likes to challange me, I'll ask you the same question :

Are you sure you want to go there ?
This board has 6000+ members and maybe a handful will read all about you. --> Thats untill one of the Mod's or Freeones himself edits it out of my post. The board I operate has almost 30,000 members and tons of Guest traffic. You can bet your last dollar whenever they see my "Hit list" flag light up as a new entry has been entered, they will read all about you Harold. The thing is, I'm the commander in chief on the BBL board, I'm the only one that adds or deletes shit, I wont be deleting yours. If ya wanna be famous, I'll make ya famous. You best think long and hard son and re-read my ^upper^ post.

Secondly, I came here offering suggestions to the staff on certain things, not to play little fuckin high school games.

Thirdly, a message board is supposed to be fun to it's visitors. It's basically an escape from the "Real World". For many as myself, the internet is our so-called "Real World", because this is where we work, it's our employment.
To have a member create the User Name "--it's me--" and you address him on the board with his real life name, that intimidates people. Intimidation is not a good policy to openly practice on the unknowing or the ignorant.


georges said:
f5 tornado that is a very good work:hatsoff::thumbsup: are you the admin of

Thank you. No I am not an Administrator on BBL. "Shap" owns the board as well as pay websites and thumb mail gallery sites. There are a few other Admins on the board but they never come around. I think the last time I seen Shap on the board was about eight weeks ago.

To be quite honest with ya, with the now almost unexistant spammers (do to my "Hit List's") there really isnt anything an Admin can do on that board to stop the spamming webmasters.

1) Your wasting your time banning a fake IP number

2) Your wasting your time banning a email addy they dont care about anyway.

The only way to stop that bullshit is to publically display their personal information. Every time they spam with what-ever User Name they decided to create that day, you replace their spam with the URL that leads right to their personal information area on the hit list.
"Shap" doesnt know how to do that nor do to many others on the internet.

The board rules are in place. The carnage from the past spammers are clearly posted on the Hit Lists. A person would have to be a complete idiot to wanna try their outdated script kiddie luck. Believe me the forty or so that are members of my exclusive country club called the hit list will vouch for that.


lordraven said:
one ******* board i have used doesnt allow you to enter urls until you hit 50 posts which is doable on this system here

That really isnt a bad idea but why would you be willing to inconvience the innocent newbies ?

The whole objective of the asswipe spammers is to little by little chip away at the boards integrity. --> You cant allow that to happen because if you do, they won.

The Staff here has to hand a few people their asses on this board without mercy. When a new guest comes on the board they cant miss the "Hit List" catagory. The innocent looking for a good time know the staff here isnt up to playing games with trouble makers. The trouble makers read what happened to the ones before them that tried to act stupid and they wont even bother fuckin around.


Tip of the day

You obviously know who your trusted participating regulars but you dont know who the newbies are.

1) In notepad, type the newbies User Names and copy and paste their profiles URL right under the User name. --> Save it to your desktop for fast easy access.
Every once in awhile copy and paste the profile url into another browser window and review their board activity.

(I say another browser window because you can have the actual message board in one window watching it and the profile on another window. This way nobody sneaks up on ya)

Also, may I suggest a "Virus Catagory". This is where your members that have experienced malicous links can report them with that threads URL.
(Save ya time from running around the board like a fuckin nut trying to find the malcious link)

Good day

hey hey don't put me on any list. looks like you you are a one man spaminator. good job and thats for the advice
And those two posts folks is exactaly why I am frustrated with this board. Ranger tells it like it is, NO BULLSHIT. His board is run clean, and most members appreciate it. Those that don't, well they probably just move around and SPAM over here.

I wonder why this board was down all say. My guess is someone was getting their ass chewed out, while others checked the security.

I never said I was complaining about a viris. I use mozilla. It's not perfect but it is better that I.E. I left because I was sick of clicking on a thread and seeing nothing but spam.

Yes surfing porn is a waste of time, but should I have to get frustrated while surfing. What if freeoens just randomly inserted spamming ads, and when you clicked a link you thought was gonna be " Taylor Kennedy nude", and it was a link to a sponsor. It would be like a commercial. Would you guys/girls accept that? Tell me how this is any different?

Harold, Ranger can tell you when you last flushed you toilet (your water bill) Just try to spam over at BBL and see.

Goblin, find me a post of mine that you considered spam. (I could find many of yours) Your post about your wife not being clean still haunts me to this day.

Darkman you were handed you ass yesterday.

and foxy it's lightNing

hello beavis how was bears ring? :wave:

Don't know if I'm staying, I will probably stick around to see what happens because of this mess, after that we'll see.
Wow a member with 600 plus post, trying to stir up the pot. Leave, don't leave, don't care.

Flip flopping foo.

BTW, here's a tip to anyone. (you know who you are)

This board won't be able to make everyone happy.

Get this: A mod edited a post about rape. That mod gets 3 pm's saying the mod is a nazi. That mod also gets 3 pm's saying "way to go".

Heres some news for some as well. This board just got a upgrade, not everything is working as it should. It takes some to work out some of the bugs.

If this board is so bad, your free to not come back. Your also free to bitch about it for a bit.

Others can feel incouraged that the mods and staff are doing it best behind the screens to make freeones board a better place for all it's members and lurkers.
"Loyals" and Lurkers

I'm tired of the newly-surfaced lurkers and trolls being so fucking critical of this board and their "pontifications." It's ridiculous. These lurkers and trolls never said "boo" as they happily tapped into this board (and its members' very valuable resources, talents, time, and their immense knowledge and stores of links and pics).

Yet now we get hyper-criticism of the board in feigned "concern" and pretentious guidance -- from trolls and lurkers (and their other web buddies who never had any interest in this board before), nonetheless. How condescending and arrogant...

What's worse, in one post (at least), it was illustrated just exactly HOW to go about fucking up a board (for those who didn't already know). Great! Give the kids their dynamite -- really brilliant fucking idea, there. Talk about the problem and then tell everyone exactly HOW they might go about doing it themselves. "First, you open up 15 windows, use copy and paste, and then..." Not too "swift." That's like the FBI having a press conference about an anthrax threat and then telling people exactly how to go about preparing anthrax for greatest damage/death/destruction. Just asinine. Irresponsible. Reprehensible. Not admirable. Technical prowess/knowledge is admirable, but providing destructive and disruptive guidance to wannabe hackers and spammers was just NOT appropriate. Thanks a pantload.

"Loyals" here are confident in our FreeOnes leadership team -- mods and admins alike. This board does VERY well, and will continue to do so. Sure, you cannot eliminate disruptors and spammers and the scourges of the earth from messing about on a board, but we certainly should not tell them HOW to go about it, nor should we post the private names of members here, let alone our admin. I was appalled and mortified when I saw FreeOnes's real name posted (FB edited it out).

The bottom line seems to be this -- either contribute here in a positive way, or in an inquisitive one, or go away with your respected personal opinion knowing this board is "not for you." Stop this cock-measuring "my board is better than your board" shit, and let's get on with the enjoyment and fun for which we have grown to love this board, these fora, or let those who DON'T enjoy this board peacefully leave.

Thanks for reading. :hatsoff:
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