spammers have taken over, I'm out!

tunsty said:
I'm here for the duration.. no 'kiddie spammers' turfing me out...

i am also here for the long haul! :D
QBall1970 said:
hehehe... I gotta do this. JUST. FOR. YOU. :rofl2:

Wanna all day sucker, little girl?
Here, have mine. Strangers have the best candy!



have to agree with whoever it was - the spammers will be off on a diff board doing it now so why worry about it?

itll happen again no doubt but hey nothin perfect!

as for the certan people still moaning about me SERIOSULY just stop now with it on the board its gettin dull just PM me your insults or leave anonymous ones via rep points k



weird - invisible posts im confused number 65 is missing o_O
I have an idea stop using frigging IE

the piece of shit that it is, anytime I've ever used it on porn sites I get a virus or spamm or whathaveyou


nylo said:
I have an idea stop using frigging IE

the piece of shit that it is, anytime I've ever used it on porn sites I get a virus or spamm or whathaveyou

what ARE u on about?!


S tupid
P easants
A gainst
M essage-boards!

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Look people, don't flame one another over some daft spammers with nothing better to do. As agggelos21 mentioned - they are outnumbered. We can just ride 'em out of town. Yeee-hhhaa! *fires pistol*


Staff member
nylo said:
I have an idea stop using frigging IE

the piece of shit that it is, anytime I've ever used it on porn sites I get a virus or spamm or whathaveyou

use mozilla you will avoid a lot of spyware and bad things when you use it. it is also very fast and not like ie.

hope that helped




okily dokily - i didnt know if u meant about me seeing missing posts as i had NO clue about IE lol


see now u lost me again o_O
LadyLove said:
I agree that sometimes Mod actions here are a little slow , I'm sure they are working to fix that . Sometimes there isn't coverage for a bit and "shit" slides in . It happens . I just don't get one point in the post you made .

So I only have one comment .NOBODY not even a mod should make private information available on a board .Under any circumstances . They should contact the spammer in private , let them know they have the info and for them to please quietly leave . Then ban their IP . A jerk spammers family should not be exposed to the remaining creeps of the net because they don't know how to act .I hope that others don't feel such action is acceptable . People could grab onto that info and cause terrible problems to innocent people .

I feel Lightning has a right to his opinion , as well as anyone does , but I don't agree that the mod on the other site is right and find it hard to think anyone would admire that . I hope you're wrong about why he feels as he does . A strong hand yes , exposure no . My :2 cents:

I strongly disagree with your post Miss Ladylove and I'll explain why I disagree.

Lets say you own a 29,000+ member pornography message board. You notice your getting 150 to 200 new members signing up per day. You also own some Pay Websites and Thumbnail Gallery Sites (Like Freeones Has).
Now take into consideration your name "Ladylove" is your online business, this is how you make a living.

Here comes a member disrespecting your other message board members and their posts. You have the programs to check IP's but you discover the IP he or she is using is a fake IP, what do you do ?

1) You obviously can not ban that IP because they will obtain another one and be back on your board.

2) They read the personal messages you sent them but chose to ignore the PM's and continue to be dickheads.

3) You have the programs to check email addresses but its a new (throw away) email addy. (They just created it.)

4) They notice they are driving you crazy spamming the shit out of your board, most likely laughing at you the entire time.

5) Now they start to become destructive posting malicous trojan infested links. --> Your members are clicking on those links and their computers are getting fucked up.

Wadda ya do ? --> I'll answer that question below.


Next, we have the spamming Webmasters. The "Freeones Board" hasnt had the pleasure of seeing those asswipes yet. --> Wait till they learn of this board, battan down the hatches cause your going to be in for one rough ride.

Here is what they do :

1) They will create a User Name and have their spam already typed out on notepad.

2) They will open numerous windows on your board to create new topics in each of your catagories.

3) Like a fuckin machine gun, they blast the shit out of your board with their spam. Two seconds later, they are gone like a thief in the night.

4) PM them ? --> LMAO, dont even waste your fuckin time because they dont give a shit what you have to say.
Delete their spam thread ? --> LOL, you have no choice but to delete it but they will be back, you can count on it.

^^ That is only one Webmaster. I have had 23 of those jerkoffs blasting the shit out of my board at one time. This is not to mention the Users from the UK and Russia that when it's 2am and I'm sound asleep, my 2am is their mid afternoon. --> You get up in the morning and your board is a fuckin disaster area.
Is it still time to be nice Miss Ladylove ? --> Should we still make these constant 4 - 5 month spammers / trouble makers feel all warm and fuzzy ?

It's "Hit List" time !

1) Your real name, home address and phone number is posted on my Hit List.

2) Your real IP number complete with trace data is also posted on the hit list. (I have a program that traces proxys to the source server including AOL's. From there I access that servers logs. Most servers implement a "sniffer" to trace user activity, I access that log as well. Basically, I own your ass.)

3) If you have a website, that sites server data is posted right along with the ^above^ information.

If your a doctor, lawyer, construction worker, university student, it doesnt matter to me. Once you chose to cross that line and disrespect our paid .com internet space, all bets are off.

I dont care if the data supplied in my "Hit List" is copy and pasted onto a destructive C-r-a-c-k / H-a-c-k-e-r board.

I dont care if the data is copy and pasted onto destructive W-a-r-e-z boards.

I dont care if your girlfriend or wife finds out about your malicous online activity and smashes your computer over your head.

I dont care if you get thrown out of your University.

I dont care if you loose your job.

If your that hell bent on ruining my online business and reputation that pays my bills and puts food on my table, I dont care what happens to you.

Here's the bottom line people :

Most of ya's get up in the morning and head off to work. Ya's pick up your pay checks, pay your bills and put food on the table for your families.

Alot of us do the same thing but our office is the internet. We pick up our pay checks by selling online consumers the products they want. To establish a loyal following, you need a good online reputation. How is it possible to achieve a good reputation when a select few are hell bent on destroying it ?
Would you want to visit a message board or website that constantly gets complaints of malicous links and trouble makers ?
It's just like me and 500 others going to your business every night and spray painting graffiti, you can forget about obtaining new costumers and the same applies online.

Secondly, if any of ya's like to think your anonymous online, you better get that thought out of your head quick. Being anonymous died back in the mid to late 1990's.

The jerkoff spamming this site with that B-r-i-t-n-e-y S-p-e-a-r-s website is Adri Susanto of Denpasar, Bali India. Mr Susanto is 16. His buddies are even younger than that. You havent seen them yet, they are busy right now trashing a Bikini message board.
Now, if the mods would have posted his real name as the topic on one of his spam threads, how much do you wanna bet his ass would have been gone and never returned here. The thing is, you cant delete it. If you delete it, you can bet somewhere down the line some other nipple head will try the same thing Mr. Susanto did.

The two asswipes that spammed your board today are members of that Bikini message board. The two origional spammers created identical names of the members on this board and spammed the shit out of the Bikini board.
The Bikini board people loaded up and returned the favor.

How do I know all this ? It's called online respect of sharing information. If you knew of my 15 years of being online you would understand. I also work online coding certain things for certain people. I take my internet dealings very serious, I have to because it's my job.

This was only today in my personal messages :

He registers today and his User Name caught my eye. Bang ! how did I fuckin know what he was going to do. After he posted, I moved his thread and sent him this Personal Message.

Ranger said:
From: Ranger
To: thelister
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:03 pm
Subject: Slow down son

Please remove your website URL out of your signature and out of the "WWW" section of your profile.
If you would have read our board rules like you were supposed to prior to posting, you would have known they violate our rules.

All your posts will be deleted untill you comply. If you ignore my warnings and continue to post, you will be featured on my "Hit List".

You do not want to be featured there !

<< Link Removed. >>

This board is also NOT here to be used as your personal advertisment haven. Just ask all the others on my Hit List if it's worth it.

You have one hell of a nerve coming onto someone elses paid .com internet space expecting this board to supply you with advertisment to put money in your pocket. -->You have got to be fuckin kidding me.
This board is not another link dump like "fionasforum".

If you only came here strictly to advertise like I know thats the only reason you came here, you best turn right back around.

Dont say I didnt warn ya Stan.



Read BBL's Board Rules
Click Here for Free Hosting
Cold Hit; Silent Kill

thelister said:
From: thelister
To: Ranger
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:14 pm
Subject: Re: Slow down son

kewl daddio.. don't want to be on your hit list!


With in four minutes, I knew his name, address, city and state and the car he drives. As you clearly see, I sent him a PM warning him not to spam. Some mother fuckers read my PM's, ignore it, say fuck you and spam anyway. Well, I let them enjoy themselfs to the point I have just about had enough.
What will really piss me off is if this guy decides to create another User Name and post his links thinking I'm some stupid ass.

These webmasters are the biggest pains in the asses I have ever met. "Zozon" / "bageristo" with his 30 User Names / I moron comes on as "gaga" and then he's "kaka" and today he creates a chicks User Name.
As soon as you see any of those names register on this board, drill their fuckin ass because they post malicous links and spam like there is no tomorrow.

Good day

Oh, by the way, I'm Ranger, from that "Other Board"


PS : (Freeones), how ya making out with that Mamak Click Tracking System ?
Tell Marie I said hi and keep up the good work.

Damn it's been awhile, I must be getting old.
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