Sony asks gamers to sign new terms or face PSN ban


Closed Account
And this is where I regret buying my PS3...
....quick.. someone email Anonymous :laugh: :clown:
Seems pretty reasonable, actually. However, I don't own any gaming station of any kind, so I might just be too dumb to answer this.

But I don't steal music or porn, so I don't think this would be much different for me...

Will E Worm

Did you already sign something to begin with?

They can't just change things at will.

What does the original contract say?
Also, did you pay when you first signed up?
Don't understand the big deal either.
I can't see this holding in court, because Sony is responsible for their networks security and this is just a way of them attempting to get out of it. I can see this falling apart at some point.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Did you already sign something to begin with?

They can't just change things at will.

What does the original contract say?
Also, did you pay when you first signed up?

You mean PSN? It's a free service.

cindy CD/TV

You mean PSN? It's a free service.

Yeah. It's not a big deal. Whenever there's a change in the terms of service they, for legal reasons, send out a notice. This was a more significant change in that the name is different. But otherwise, meh ...
I've been online today and nothing's different. :)
Just like with the user agreement most software makes people sign when they by and install it that has blanket statements, I don't see this is very different, and the courts have often found that those agreements are non-enforceable if not illegal.
And this my friends is why I remain an avid PC gamer.

And exactly why is that?

People act like it's so fucking hard to push two fucking buttons to except the new terms and continue gaming as usual.

If you aren't doing anything wrong,then you have nothing to even remotely worry about,otherwise,you get what you deserve.
And exactly why is that?

People act like it's so fucking hard to push two fucking buttons to except the new terms and continue gaming as usual.

If you aren't doing anything wrong,then you have nothing to even remotely worry about,otherwise,you get what you deserve.

Because I am basically free to do as I please. I don't have to follow any Nazi-esc rules to play online as I don't have to login to one service to get to where I wanna go. If I don't like the way someone does business, then I leave and move on to the next person. Not to mention, most services are free and I don't have to pay for jack shit to play somewhere(except W.O.W. which sucks ass anyway) unlike the services of XBOX circle whose company is notorious for nickle and diming people to death.


what the fuck you lookin at?
:facepalm: thats what I agreed to last night when I signed in? Fuckin lame. I just thought my PS3 had reset it's shit for some reason. It's happened before. I still would have agreed as I like to game online, but its pretty fuckin pathetic that they are concerned over future law suits because they can't get their shit together!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Seems pretty reasonable, actually. However, I don't own any gaming station of any kind, so I might just be too dumb to answer this.

But I don't steal music or porn, so I don't think this would be much different for me...


Move your goddamn aborigine ass out of your straw hut and get with the times you non-technology using fucktard. If you're not downloading music and porn illegally, then the terrorists have already won.
And exactly why is that?

People act like it's so fucking hard to push two fucking buttons to except the new terms and continue gaming as usual.

If you aren't doing anything wrong,then you have nothing to even remotely worry about,otherwise,you get what you deserve.

It seems Sony is doing this to try and limit there own personal liability for wrongdoing or negligence than for what it's users might do.

In any case it might be hard for some people to believe, but there are still some out there that do things, and/or quit associating with other things and groups just for no other reason than because of principle alone, like a person that doesn't like what a corporation does even if it's personal impact on oneself is more likely than not to be minimal.

cindy CD/TV

It seems Sony is doing this to try and limit there own personal liability for wrongdoing or negligence than for what it's users might do.

Hmmm, this got me thinking that Sony is shoring things up a bit and covering their butts in the wake of the hacker attacks earlier this year. :2 cents: