I've never taken my console online to begin with so it's no big deal to me. But putting myself in the shoes of those who do go online with their console, it would annoy me to no end. The sheer arrogance and ignorance of Sony towards their customers is nothing short of amazing. These fucking bastard sons of cunts are more or less to blame for their massive attack they got through how they deal with customers. I mean look at Microsoft it's got like fifty zillion viruses that attack Windows and how many attack Linux? three?. When these idiots, that's the big boys in the industry, get too big for their boots and start squeezing the wee man more and more, they have what's coming to them no matter how it's dealt!. They deserve it. And now Sony through no one's fault but their own are like saying "we are to blame and now we've got a kick in the backside for our antics, we are taking steps so you can't sue us as quickly as before, so we can continue our antics and do so for longer periods from here on hahahaha!" that's about the size of things init.