If it's owned, operated and financed by government then it's "socialized". The gov't is barely capable of running anything efficiently.
Are you willing to pay a tax surcharge for "socialized med"?
you and I already do.
All your major advancements in medicine (and even Google/Tech) would not have came about if were not for government funding to Universities and grants to incentivize infrastructure. "Socialized" just like your commie highways and engineering standards.
The "socialism" moniker is meant to be a boogey-man. When the Health Care bill mandates that I purchase insurance from a private entity.....that isn't socialism. Thats called forced capitalism.
Because of the health care bill and the ARRA, Medicare/Medicaid is actually going back and auditing the last several years of work and recouping monies from various health agencies (check
www.cms.gov ). It sucks to be a health care facility right now because (just as it would have been in the 90s with Hillary) the only way to improve health care across the board is to develop KPI / standardization within the industry.
I have a feeling you are going to have a hard time on this one extending yourself past what you hear on your AM radio and cable news pundits, and you're just going to trot out these strawmen and refrain "ugh....taxes". Face it - you're 1-dimensional with these hokey, rhetoric-filled threads you start with assertions in mind to force a perspective on people ala Frank Lutz
You won't find any "lefties" actually supporting the Presidents Health Care bill because it really doesn't do anything for them. It addressed
nothing of what people demanding health care reform were asking for (true single-payor option and/or government-run insurance for all).
You can show me all the charts, graphs, Democrat/Rep. propaganda you want.
numbers are 'propaganda' now? Those are economic figures....are there 'republican' figures that are somehow different? :dunno:
A document that over 1,000 pages is almost impossible for one person to fathom let alone take in...............typical Fed work.
how many pages do you think a health care bill would be? No one seemed to be pissing their pants when that first $700B bail out money was being shoved down everyone's throat in the fall of 2008. Are you suggesting that representatives charged with validating legislation are too incompetent to read? You're probably right there. But your "its too big....we cannot has read" is a little tired.
The only thing that I care is how will it effect my taxes. Answer that.
what are your taxes supposed to go towards?