You a cog in the machine. You are one of many. You are not a little snowflake. You are not special or unique. You are meat and bone like everyone else. You are no more important than the person you serves you your coffee.
And you are, by first impression, a terrible human being.
That is a terrible thing to say and also not true. Just because you let the world beat you down and convince you that you aren't worth shit, that is no reason to transfer your loser emotional baggage onto others. Everyone has something special to offer in this world and/or in their profession, but too often their potential is never maximized because of lame-brain idiots like you. Just because the porn industry is garbage doesn't mean she should ever consider herself less than special just because she uses porn to make a few bucks.
You are a horrible person to say that to some 18 year olders just asking for some simple insight on an agency. You are quite the personal motivator, Your kids, if any, should be ashamed of you.