porn is made for people to jack off to. This type of porn is a very specific fetish that some people like to jerk off to. so it sells. Period.
Porn shouldn't be any sort of social representation of any group of people. It's not real life. It's not meant to be taken so seriously. Same goes for Hollywood movies, no?
If people want to "spread an negative image of whites" they are going to find SOMETHING to be outraged about it, and do it. Those people are racist. Take away this entire genre of porn, and you think those people would stop? or find something else to back up their judgmental ways? Anything can be used to justify anything, especially for hateful people. Great example.. the Jesus freaks who email me on the daily using the Bible as an example to tell me I'm going to burn in hell. Doesn't mean I should stop doing porn so they don't think that anymore. Just tell them to fuck off and move on with my day..
Ignoring it won't make it go away, but it will direct your time and energy to something more productive. Getting angry over a type of porn you find offensive is just a waste. Life is short, change the channel if you don't like what you're looking at.
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was this meant as a joke? Cause I don't see the humor..