Well the problem here is, it seems only white people are capable of it. If a guy is a "known white supremacist". and he goes off on a shooting spree, even if he kills only one african american, but 3 or 4 white people, he is STILL considered a racist and they will prosecute him for a hate crime. However if an african american, or any other race commits a violent crime, to ANY other race, it seems to be conveniently overlooked. I have a serious problem with the fact than it appears to me that the ONLY race being charged with hate crimes, in the United States, are white people. If I'm wrong, I would appreciate that anyone supply me links to any examples of where I'm wrong. I realize it may occur in some small cases that aren't news worthy, and if anyone could point those out also, I would read them, but I'm mainly basing my opinion on what news is presented to me, on the internet, from various site, and also links on this site. I don't watch TV news, so I'm not getting this from a FOX affiliate, or a CNN program.