I bet you're the first one to call the "pigs" when you need help though, aren't you. Some guy grabs your old ladies ass, or some stranger hanging around a play ground, you whimper to those "pigs", because you need them to keep your scared little behind safe. You've made it quite clear that you aren't pro 2nd Amendment, so I guess that leaves you with your fists. You must be UFC grade bad ass to stop a criminal. Maybe if you took a half of a second to think about how many rights they really do have in China,
You Might just get that light bulb above your head to illuminate the reality that, the people in China, are so scared of their leaders, and police, that they know better then to do the kinds of things that make police carry guns.
You Might also try to remember that the police and government of that cesspool of a country also doesn't have to follow any rules or regulations, before they just put a round into the back of your head, when you do violate the law. You're praising a country that wouldn't piss on one of their citizens to put them out, if they were on fire. Putting a disclaimer of "not counting the", is as sad an excuse as I have ever heard. You are truly, just pathetic, you really are. I don't suppose you would want to give any "not counting the", slack to "pigs", that might be facing a potential threat here in North America, would you? I would also guess you have no idea what it's like to stare down a gun, or be shot at. Ever fear for your life, who will you call when you fear for your life? The term "pig" is HIGHLY OFFENSIVE to me, and it should be to everyone, and the mods should take note that, it IS as offensive as ANY OTHER RACIAL, OR ETHNIC SLUR!
You're pretty pathetic yourself assuming that everyone is a pig lover like you? Assuming that everyone is cowardly talking tough until the pigs arrive for you to suck off?
I call them pigs because I choose NOT to call them for protection, unlike you assuming that everyone is scared of a world without pigs like you. I've been saved by paramedics and doctors but never have I not will I be a coward like you to grovel like your are now encouraging others to pig worship as you do.
So you can bet this and bet that you coward that everyone simply must be scared of life scared of death so scared like you that you can't imagine a world free of the stench of cowardly bullies like you and other pigs.
So I'll repeat it so you're not confused - no, I don't call pigs for protection of rescue when my life is in danger not will I ever do so, I've risked my life many times and I will do so again because calling them had proven to be of no benefit or protection at all.
Literally I can run away or drive away or hide faster than pigs like you arrive trying to be tough guys.
You bet I've never stared down the barrel of a gun? What a pompous fool you are hiding behind your computer screen with all you guns but still so scared that you have to make foolish assumptions about the world behind your keyboard.
I've started down barrels of police guns and non police guns been shot at by police and non police too, and I rather be shot by non police instead of shot by police - my choice of I could make it.
About China, you pompous name changing pig(white Christian Devil into daystar? lame), I've lived in China have you? Keep making assumptions jackass. You think people in China live scared? Used to be people in China would pay large to immigrate here, now the majority of them live better than people do here - except for the few victims of pig brutality, sound familiar? Because that's the same as here, everyone loves it until they because victims of police brutality - same everywhere.
Only pigs like you promote pig culture by telling people to turn blind eye because it's worse elsewhere - just like you must tell domestic abuse victims not to complain because it's worse if they leave.
Really, nothing is more pathetic than an idiot like you who thought they had everything right, then found out ask their assumptions are wrong - classic pompous pig culture.
You talk of his in should worry about Chinese pigs putting a bullet in me? How can they when they don't carry guns you idiot? Of course they can take me to jail and steal my organs, but at least they don't carry guns like the pigs here.
The term pig is offensive to you BECAUSE YOU ARE A PIG, you're a pig calling for help now wanting moderators to do what you can't do - shut someone out from telling the truth about you, you're a pathetic keyboard authoritarian pig wanting to bully others by pretending to be patriotic.
Funny thing is you're a worse pig than the Chinese pigs in China, in fact you are the type to join the Communist party there simply because you're an authoritarian like them - that can't stand others who aren't authoritarian.
So remember this YOU PIG, I'm not the only one that chooses not to call the pigs for assistance no matter what, it's an easy choice - either call them and have pig culture idiots like you show up or not show up, or just keep going. The fact that many in this country choose the same as me proves just how much a problem pig culture is in this world.