This is true for totalitarian China as well, traffic cops and regular neighborhood cops don't carry guns, and result is less incidents of pig brutality compared to north america - not counting of course the in custody torture and killings of course.
I bet you're the first one to call the "pigs" when you need help though, aren't you. Some guy grabs your old ladies ass, or some stranger hanging around a play ground, you whimper to those "pigs", because you need them to keep your scared little behind safe. You've made it quite clear that you aren't pro 2nd Amendment, so I guess that leaves you with your fists. You must be UFC grade bad ass to stop a criminal. Maybe if you took a half of a second to think about how many rights they really do have in China,
You Might just get that light bulb above your head to illuminate the reality that, the people in China, are so scared of their leaders, and police, that they know better then to do the kinds of things that make police carry guns.
You Might also try to remember that the police and government of that cesspool of a country also doesn't have to follow any rules or regulations, before they just put a round into the back of your head, when you do violate the law. You're praising a country that wouldn't piss on one of their citizens to put them out, if they were on fire. Putting a disclaimer of "not counting the", is as sad an excuse as I have ever heard. You are truly, just pathetic, you really are. I don't suppose you would want to give any "not counting the", slack to "pigs", that might be facing a potential threat here in North America, would you? I would also guess you have no idea what it's like to stare down a gun, or be shot at. Ever fear for your life, who will you call when you fear for your life? The term "pig" is HIGHLY OFFENSIVE to me, and it should be to everyone, and the mods should take note that, it IS as offensive as ANY OTHER RACIAL, OR ETHNIC SLUR!