Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Wisconsin was the first state to abolish the death penalty for all capital crimes. Before the Civil War. Goes back to 1853. One hundred and sixty eight years ago.
I have a feeling this guys gonna get a slap on the wrist anyway. If he's been let out on bail under the circumstances that have been put forth already, he'll get it again, probably jump it too. Maybe someone in the joint will serve him a little justice for the child that died. Even some criminals have a line.
I have a feeling this guys gonna get a slap on the wrist anyway. If he's been let out on bail under the circumstances that have been put forth already, he'll get it again, probably jump it too. Maybe someone in the joint will serve him a little justice for the child that died. Even some criminals have a line.
Don't they keep asshats like this away from gen pop precisely for that reason? I'm pretty sure larry nassar is enjoying a private cell somewhere.

I don't think he's going to get off easy. There's no way he's asking for a jury trial, and obviously any judge will ensure the sentence isn't going to be so lenient that it's going to be appealed.

Time like this, I think capital punishment should be universally available in cases where there is a finding of guilt beyond all doubt.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Don't they keep asshats like this away from gen pop precisely for that reason? I'm pretty sure larry nassar is enjoying a private cell somewhere.

I don't think he's going to get off easy. There's no way he's asking for a jury trial, and obviously any judge will ensure the sentence isn't going to be so lenient that it's going to be appealed.

Time like this, I think capital punishment should be universally available in cases where there is a finding of guilt beyond all doubt.
Well I was basically being sarcastic, because he was out on a very low bail, when committed another offense, and got bail for that. One of them involved a firearm. It just seems unreasonable to expect people to buy into stricter gun laws, when people that use them in a criminal act, are getting out on bail in the first place. I don't know that it will be a little spanking, but they don't seem to want to make this particular individual a permanent resident, at the grey bar hotel. I agree, on the death penalty point of view. When you have video, and or DA, and or ballistics and witnesses, they shouldn't be on death row beyond their initial automatic appeal. If that holds up the conviction, execute them. As far as those on death row currently, and possible tests should be automatically allowed, if it proves guilt, they're done, if not, commute to life with no parole. I don't want to see innocent people die at the hands of the State, but if it's beyond all reasonable doubt, they shouldn't be dying of old age on death row. A guy named Lawrence Bittiker was on death row in San Quentin prison for 28 years and he brutally tortured, and killed several young girls, most under 18. He used pliers to rip off their nipples, and clits, and recorded the torture on tape. He died of natural causes, 28 years after his conviction, and he's only one of MANY. It just doesn't seem right for the families to have to wait for justice.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
We're lucky we had multiple camera w/multiple clear angles on him. That's pretty much the only reason we got decisive answers from him. The case would have been very different without this video. Can you imagine how many time he (or rittenhouse) would have said "I don't recall" during the trial if we didn't have this evidence?
Conversely, the video evidence helped get Ahmaud Arbery's killers arrested - then convicted. Without the video evidence, the original absolution of the murderers by the DA and law enforcement would have stood. Video shines a great light onto the truth.

There is of course, the danger of the "CSI Effect", where the popularity of that show gave jurors unreasonable standards for evidence. They wanted the level of decisive evidence found on the TV show, when in reality most cases have nowhere near that kind of evidence.

In the era of cellphone videos, I'm actually worried that the whole "Pics or it didn't happen" mentality is going to spill over and (millennial) jurors will never convict unless there is clear video evidence.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That's fucked up. I feel bad for the parents, involved in this. I just wonder where a 15 year old kid got a gun? I didn't notice it mentioned, or I missed it in the article. I hate when things like this happen. No one wins, and everyone suffers. If this kid got this gun from his house, and his parents didn't have it properly secured, they deserve to go to prison too.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I would not wish this circumstance on anyone. It seems like mom was worried about the wrong things though. She needed to more concerned about how her kid would use the weapon.

“As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms … Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.”

“A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.”

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It is terrible. Dad got the gun for him on Black Friday. (I am not making that up.)
I couldn't get the link to work, but my God, what kind of a fucking moron buys a 15 ear old kid ANY thing past a Crossman air rifle, not the pistols, they look fucking to realistic. That's what got Tamir Rice killed, that pellet gun looked EXACTLY like a 1911 .45ACP. I honestly think dad needs to answer to charges too. Even if the kid is responsible, he's not allowed to own a hand gun until he's 21. That means dad puts it in his safe, and it comes out when they go to the range. A couple of good friends of mine are avid hunters, and their young sons became hunters too. They had to take hunter safety courses and be accompanied by their dads, and the kids guns were NEVER available to them until they were heading into the woods. The main key to the preservation of firearms rights, is safety. Personally, I think it should be mandatory training, just like driving a car is. One of those friends I mentioned, had 2 sons. both hunt, and at about 15 or so, the younger of the 2, had a friend over. The kids parents were of the absolute belief no one should be allowed to own any gun. The boys went down into the family room to play video games, and the kid saw the gun case, and was mesmerized to the point all he kept doing was bugging my buddies kid to play with the guns. He was so curious, and obsessed with it, he said it was kind of creepy. He never had exposer to firearms, even in a logical conversation type situation, he couldn't think about anything else. He left that house the same way he came in, and my sons friend told him right out, they aren't toys, they are dangerous, and my father would ground me until collage starts if I go near them, without supervision, and permission. Even I keep all but 1 gun locked up, and the only reason the one isn't, is because I have no children in the house, but if relatives come over, it goes right in the little safe I keep upstairs, for small things, like jewelry, a second handgun, my narcotic prescription's, and such.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Thanks for the link feedback. I fixed it.

Your usage of ‘fucking moron’ is quite appropriate here.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Thanks for the link feedback. I fixed it.

Your usage of ‘fucking moron’ is quite appropriate here.
Well, I truly would like to preserve all of my rights, to own any kind of firearm I want, and stupidity like this makes it very hard for people like me. I've owned firearms since I was 18. Never had a mishap, never had an accident, and fortunately, I've never had to use a gun for self defense. When I was growing up, and in school, I took a lot of shit because of my red hair, freckles, and because of my weight. A LOT of shit, but in 1980, if you had an issue, you settles it in a field off of school property. I think some of the problem with these kids, is they aren't allowed to settle things like kids do. You can't reason with a bully, you have to kick his ass. When that builds up inside you, it comes out in horrible ways. How many serial killers have a history of bullying. This kid could have gone a different route and ended up killing more people over a long a period of time. I think most people in my age group understand, that running and telling on someone just makes it worse, in most cases. But all during the years, and it started in elementary school, I took that shit, until one day I got fed up, and beat the snot out of someone, but the thought of violence beyond my fists, NEVER entered my mind. Well, I did kick a few times too, but still, never thought about murder. I should add, as a younger man, I always appreciated firearms, and wanted guns, but using them for something like this, never came close to my mind.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Apparently the Michigan shooter's parents have told him not to talk to the policed.

Maybe they can share a "family" cell?
I doubt it. If the parents are charged, they won't be on death row, where the is likely to end up. He planned this, nothing gets you sent to death row, like premeditation. I also think this is going to be an "example" family. People are tired of this, including gun owners, and chuckle heads like this ruins it for everyone.
I doubt it. If the parents are charged, they won't be on death row, where the is likely to end up. He planned this, nothing gets you sent to death row, like premeditation. I also think this is going to be an "example" family. People are tired of this, including gun owners, and chuckle heads like this ruins it for everyone.
As I am sure you could tell I was being my usual sarcastic self. I just wonder about a family where the first words out of the Parents mouth when their child kills someone is "don't talk to the cops"


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
As I am sure you could tell I was being my usual sarcastic self. I just wonder about a family where the first words out of the Parents mouth when their child kills someone is "don't talk to the cops"
Sounds like they are experienced in dealing with the police. After knowing they gave the gun to the kid, nothing would surprise me about them.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
As I am sure you could tell I was being my usual sarcastic self. I just wonder about a family where the first words out of the Parents mouth when their child kills someone is "don't talk to the cops"
No, I missed the sarcasm this time. I would think they told him not to talk to ANYONE, called their lawyer, and he is now in charge of who says what, when they say it, and where. I know in my CCW class the cop that taught it said just that. You have the right to remain silent, shut your mouth, and get a lawyer. It isn't your job to prove your innocence, it's a lawyers job. No shit, that's what a cop told the class, in fact out of the 4 people involved only 1 wasn't in law enforcement. Of course the main instructor worked in, internal affairs, so the cops probably didn't trust him very much either.

I use this style of warning for sarcasm alert. I keep forgetting all are not used to me yet. It just seems funny to me that the entire family hunkers down after such an act. Back in ancient times parents were ashamed when their kids misbehaved. Now they all seem to be in it together.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
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I use this style of warning for sarcasm alert. I keep forgetting all are not used to me yet. It just seems funny to me that the entire family hunkers down after such an act. Back in ancient times parents were ashamed when their kids misbehaved. Now they all seem to be in it together.
Well in all fairness to you, I did have a few beers in me, so my logic was impaired.