if you think the prayer time demands from some muslims are limited to ramadan, you are wrong.
Muslims have to pray several times a week.
However in Ramadan they have to pray like 5 times a day
if you think the prayer time demands from some muslims are limited to ramadan, you are wrong.
Muslims have to pray several times a week.
However in Ramadan they have to pray like 5 times a day
you don't even know what you're talking about! it's 5 times every day!
you got that right!I'm not a fucking genius of Islam.
Do you know why Sunday trading hours are limited compared to all other days of the week, because it's the Christian day of rest and the government didn't want to upset the church. Also you say that Christians are forced to work on Sundays but there was no Sunday trading until large 'Christian' owned firms forced the government to allow Sunday trading so they could make more money, they didn't care about Christian 'day of rest' but rather £££££££££, you gonna blame muslims for that? Money and commerce rules all western governments, religion comes a distant second and who do you think sells all the most expensive properties in London as well as Football clubs to the Arabs, 'Christians' who just want to line their pockets with ££££££££££.I don't know why you are bringing up ramadan.
It's not bad working on Sunday and it's not bad working during prayer-time either. the difference between the west and the Arab world is that we are living in a modern secular society, and we do not let religion interfere in our work. Muslims who want to immigrate to the west and work here ought to recognize and accept this.
why is it only Muslims who are demanding special privileges like this. and why are people like you just to ready to give into their demands?
I bet you'd say the same thing about a majority-Muslim country that DOES NOT cater to minority Christian demands in their land. I bet.
Unbelievable the hypocrisy with some left wingers. More like lunacy.
You say that yet in places such as Syria, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh there are many Christian churches and are actually given days off on their holidays - And I know this because I have a Christian Pakistani and Syrian friend that have informed me of this. And suppose what you say is true, and they are being the jerks, shouldnt we be the better guys and cater for their needs in their special periods? Isnt that the aim of a Christian? to be a pacifist and to care for others?
Christians are more like 33%. I'm not sure where that chart came from.
They are still the largest group though.
Funny 'toon.
Don't say people are "racist" if they don't want their culture mutilated.
I love how some fall back on the whole "You're racist" if you don't want to bend over to please muslims. It seems to come from members who's country's are already having problems with unchecked muslim immigration.
Wow let me guess who came up with this:
Fat, pimply, double chin, social worker, bulldike lezbo atheist.........or
Scrawny, upper middle class communist wannabe with an American Express card, Volvo driving, long hair, mescaline using male, atheist, theater major freak douche.
That is such anti social thing to say, as if our culture is going to be mutilated by us respecting other people's religions or cultures. Are you really saying by giving people a spare room in an office for the lunch period to practice their religious views is going to eradicate everyone's culture? - if so you should see a doctor because there is genuinely something wrong with you.
Also for the people who agree with this fella have you even considered how our cultures were made? I mean I'm English but my present culture is based/derived from the foundations laid by the Greeks, the Scandinavians, Romans, Arabs and even the Barbarians from Germany in some respect. What im trying to say is each culture is temporal and will change into one which is better, its unavoidable - each civilization in history has had to develop into a better one due to the cultural exchanges that occurred - and by saying ''we dont want our culture to be mutilated'' is a very narrow minded thing to say :L
Unlike the people who invented Jesus.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull? Now the people who call Christianity's bluff are the epitome of the physically and socially unattractive?
Your god never existed. You lord and savior was a culmination of ancient fables that precede Judaism. Abrahamic religions are nothing more than clumsy theft propped up by idiots. Get a new fucking gig. You're embarrassing the Westerners who are actually willing to think.
I've decided to vote yes, purely because trident and biodefense did the opposite.
that depends on where you live, and how you define a Christian
Unlike the people who invented Jesus.
What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull? Now the people who call Christianity's bluff are the epitome of the physically and socially unattractive?
Your god never existed. You lord and savior was a culmination of ancient fables that precede Judaism. Abrahamic religions are nothing more than clumsy theft propped up by idiots. Get a new fucking gig. You're embarrassing the Westerners who are actually willing to think.
Even your P.M. has said it's a failure. What the left has cooked up is not something that brings society together, it plays identity politics by dissolving the majority then empowering disparate groups to shred the nation.