Another liberal.
I took a gander at who was getting nominated here and it looks like a lot of the lefties and p.c. types are nominating each other.
Kind of a nice system they have going there. To what end? Does rep do anything for you or is high rep a path towards moderator status?
Funny enough, it's like a little patronage scheme that so many urban Democrats have used for centuries to stay in power. The machine system comes to Freeones:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:stir:
I chuckle when I see the nominations going on. I guess it is a fun thing for people who spend quite bit of time on here. Nothing wrong with that.
I'll quote another member, Johnny Stryo I think (and I'm not sure if it was on that topic, but it fits), it is all "Me-stabation".
Opinions are like anything else. What are they worth? When I see people posting on here, mocking other members who have posted, and feeling very proud of themselves because they have taken the time to read "stuff" online and post it to "prove" their point, I wonder, what is it worth? Their opinion. It doesn't matter how well informed one may be or one may think they are. What is it worth? Since it isn't worth anything because they aren't obtaining anything from others, it makes me wonder where all of the ego I see in the posting comes from.
The postings where people are actually exchanging ideas are a discussion. That is different than those that are posting their opinions and are not open for discussion.
I digressed.
Some posted supra that any special religious needs should be discussed during the interview process and can be a condition of employment. Outside of that, so long as it is not disruptive and does not affect the expected results of the employee, it seems reasonable.
Religion shouldn't take precedence over business in the U.S.