Shoud Turkey be a member of EU?


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... and while you may say "but the Jews are innocent!", I will say (1) so are 99% of the Muslims, and (2) there are 1% of Jews (Israeli militants and supporters of Nuclear strikes against neighbours etc) who are no more innocent than some of the people on this board, wanting to wipe out Muslims, and some of the bigots throughout history, who wanted to wipe out Jews.

What fairy tale world are you living in? I don't count all the Muslims that either condone the actions of overt terrorist that do the actual killing, or look the other way and don't say anything as innocent. You notice in how most civilized countries when the people in power do something that a large portion of the people don't like, even if there in the minority, there is always a huge group of them that are willing to speak out? That rarely seems to be the case with the practitioners of Islam. There sure is a hell of a lot more people dancing in the streets in favor of terrorism than there are people protesting it. There might be some here or there that try to speak out or there might be some that are not in fundamentalist countries but they are a rarity in them. If you count that it is a hell of a lot more than 1% of them, it's more like the vast majority unlike every other major religious group in the world. Only somebody like you could fail to and keep failing to open your eyes, be objective and realize the obviousness of it. No we are not the same, and the argument that everybody else is just as bad doesn't hold ground to anybody with a brain. You would have to go back hundreds of years to things like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades before you could find another large organized religion that is even as remotely as bad as the people practicing Islam are right now. Pretending we are just the same or they are just like us is not going to change the fact it isn't true. While there are bad people or every race, gender, creed, and religion in the world, Islam seems to have a much higher amount of them. There are more of them that are willing to kill innocents on the other side. There are more of them willing to force more control over others because of their beliefs than even other religions fundamentalist, and there is more of them that look the other way or secretly support the direct action of terrorist.

As far as Turkey goes I don't care because I'm not a member of the EU. However in my opinion it shouldn't get in regardless of its economic stasis until it improves upon human rights more.
What fairy tale world are you living in? I don't count all the Muslims that either condone the actions of overt terrorist that do the actual killing, or look the other way and don't say anything as innocent. You notice in how most civilized countries when the people in power do something that a large portion of the people don't like, even if there in the minority, there is always a huge group of them that are willing to speak out? That rarely seems to be the case with the practitioners of Islam. There sure is a hell of a lot more people dancing in the streets in favor of terrorism than there are people protesting it. There might be some here or there that try to speak out or there might be some that are not in fundamentalist countries but they are a rarity in them. If you count that it is a hell of a lot more than 1% of them, it's more like the vast majority unlike every other major religious group in the world. Only somebody like you could fail to and keep failing to open your eyes, be objective and realize the obviousness of it. No we are not the same, and the argument that everybody else is just as bad doesn't hold ground to anybody with a brain. You would have to go back hundreds of years to things like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades before you could find another large organized religion that is even as remotely as bad as the people practicing Islam are right now. Pretending we are just the same or they are just like us is not going to change the fact it isn't true. While there are bad people or every race, gender, creed, and religion in the world, Islam seems to have a much higher amount of them. There are more of them that are willing to kill innocents on the other side. There are more of them willing to force more control over others because of their beliefs than even other religions fundamentalist, and there is more of them that look the other way or secretly support the direct action of terrorist.

As far as Turkey goes I don't care because I'm not a member of the EU. However in my opinion it shouldn't get in regardless of its economic stasis until it improves upon human rights more.

D Rock if the muslims who don't reputiate all the the things you mention are not "innocent" than isn't it fair for them to apply that same standard and say that all the populations of western countries who are seen by them as oppressing them and do not speak out are not innocent also?They are not trying to do harm to us out of a religious beleif,they could be atheist and they would still have problems with the west.What one side would call terrorism the other side would call freedom fighting.Everbody always thinks they have right,God whatever you want to call it on their side.


Is somewhere outhere.
I think as only a small part of the country is westernized they shoudn't be allowed in.

As for the EU - what has it done for us??

I think it's a total waste time and taxpayers money to be totally honest. :sleep:
This is getting to be a very contentious thread - but there's nothing wrong with that. I have voted No - but then again I don't the UK should be part of it either - they (the UK) always seem to hinder the 'progress' of the European Union; they don't participate particularly well; and they are quite introverted (almost against other nationalities). :)


Is somewhere outhere.
This is getting to be a very contentious thread - but there's nothing wrong with that. I have voted No - but then again I don't the UK should be part of it either - they (the UK) always seem to hinder the 'progress' of the European Union; they don't participate particularly well; and they are quite introverted (almost against other nationalities). :)

I would agree with that all the way "No progress please.We're British" :thefinger
YES. Istanbul (Costantinopoli) was the capital town of the Eastern Roman Empire. His people has european somatic appearance (except for the curds, but they would prefer living in a country of their own), they look like italians or spanish. The Union means to unify people who live close each other and to boost trade and commerce. Most important, the Union means PEACE.
pez are good. nuff said.

wow, that's a pretty nifty thing there ^^^. If only I knew before that I just had to say one thing that in no way validated any of my opinions, but nonetheless, everyone would understand and appreciate exactly what I was trying to get across and see my point of view, It would have really saved me a lot of time in the past where I put in the effort to type up informed and thought-out responses of more than one sentance.
I voted yes.I think Turkey is right now a secular country and that recently there were protests over govt maybe changing that.Woudn't it maybe be a good idea to bring them in to the secular EU to encourage them to stay that way themselves?And possibly have a spill over into the middle east of secularism which I think would be in everyones interest.

Where ever possible you need to include rather than exclude.
The EEU is what we are talking about. The second E is "economic".
It is more likely to influence change toward secularism in those parts of Turkey that ae currently intransigent, by getting them economically locked in.

THe other way of trying to influence change is by force (ie. terrorism). What then distinguishes the seculars from the extremists?
... Never mind....
so some people on this board can become members, but a soveriegn nation doesn't have the sway to get admittance? you crazy europeans.
I voted no as I do not like the idea of a European Union, as I feel it means countries lose there independance and national identity. I would like the EU dispanded and each country to set there own rules and guidelines on everything.


Staff member
You can dress up anti-muslim stereotyping mass labelling and assumptions (from someone who has never been to any muslim countries in his life, I am sure) based on constant exposure to western media and like minds as intellectual fact and call the opposition idiots and fairy tale dreamers, but your views are *no* different from the "muslims are the enemy" blind followers of our Fearless Leaders. They are just dressed up in longer words and texts. You can believe until the cows come home that there is a fundamental difference between you supporting invasions into the Middle East and a Muslim supporting terrorism, but there is no difference: and it occurs to me that a much higher percentage of westerners support military action in the Middle East than do Muslims support terrorism.

I wish I believed in your god too, D, because then I would tell you that someday, when you get to the gates of heaven, god or st. peter or whomever will ask you why you supported violence against an entire religion of mostly very peaceful and underprivileged people. And you will realize, then, that it wasn't god or logic or intelligence that led you to think most muslims had violence towards the west on their minds: it was American propaganda. All of that distrust in your government, and yet you believe *this*, one of their biggest lies of all. It is no different than the anti-communist propaganda of the 50s... it is all to make you scared and make you support wars that have no warrant whatsoever, and governments that are butchers.

Well, exactly. Everybody thinks they are right, but there is no difference between either side. In an Islamic country I stand in the middle of the fight and they tell me I am the enemy. In America I stand in the middle of the fight and they tell me I am a terrorist. Get out if you're not with us. Good is on both sides, depending on who you listen to. More predominantly, bad is on both sides. But like I said before, you look at the percentage of Americans who support illegal wars like this, and then go to a Muslim country, and find out the percentage of that nation which supports anti-western terrorism, and you will find out (a) which culture is the more violent, or more likely (b) which culture has the more effective brainwashing propaganda techniques. It is this one (western). Almost everything is more effective here :( That is why it is the most powerful and ruthless region in the world.

I see that since Turkey and the EU has little to do with America, you have nothing to say :D

What D Rock describes is something you fail to understand or perhaps you are too much of a pacifist and a horrible war geostrategist or analyst to understand it. Iran is developping a nuclear arsenal to better control the
region and eventually wipe Israel out of the map. Iran is also supporting radical Islamism with Ayatollah Kamenei far worse than Rasanjanni and Kohmeni.
Do you think that a woman wearing the tchador or dressed like in Afghanistan under the taliban is a sign of a civilized nation? Not really, it is a sign of a civilization living in the feodalism of the middle ages. It is also the only religion where the woman is treated like a slave. Tell me how many people of western civilized countries really think that muslims have brought something postive to their country? An extremely small percentage.
Wiping out a whole rogue regime is different that seeing people blowing themselves and killing innocent people because they have been brainwashed by Radical Islamists and Integrist like the Hamas.If communism is a solution then why don't you live in a communist country? Because you clearly know that you will have no rights. So yes, destroying communism was indeed a good thing.
In war, there is no in between and it has never existed. If you are one day with your army and another with your ennemy then you are a traitor.
No. Turkey is part of the Middle East. The EU is a union of European states. Its values are secular, European values. Turkey is culturally more closely linked to other Middle Eastern nations. Only western Turkey is Europeanized.

What he said. (Rep. your way)

No. It's not Europe. It does not belong in the European Union.
I would like to point out that I think it would come as a shock to China,North Korea and Cuba that communism was dead.