I would think that would get in the way of:
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Yeah let's just toss out the first Admenment. I think you might be a mental midget.
how much other literature has been banned in USSA? hasn't the Bible been banned from public schools, private?
It's not banned. It just cannot be taught in a religious sense, which harkens back to the first amendment. As they are public schools, funded by government money, gained through public taxation they cannot be seen to promote one religion over another; "Freedom of religion" as well as "freedom from religion" etc. But if a student wishes to read a bible outside of class then they are perfectly free to do so.
the Koran is increasingly tolerated and the bible increasingly intolerated every type you and I take, and if you say "no", I'd find it laughable. be real, BlueBalls, and don't shit me...the Bible is BANNED from the public institution in many ways, more or less (Alabama's Constitution disalows display of the Ten Commandments, for example). so don't feed me that BS.
If it is banned from public institutions then why do we swear on it when you take an oath for office?
the Koran is increasingly tolerated and the bible increasingly intolerated every type you and I take, and if you say "no", I'd find it laughable. be real, BlueBalls, and don't shit me...the Bible is BANNED from the public institution in many ways, more or less (Alabama's Constitution disalows display of the Ten Commandments, for example). so don't feed me that BS.
Generally speaking,students should be free to read the Bible on their own initiative on the same terms as any other book they might bring to school. Bibles are also often found in school libraries along with other religious books, and biblical texts are sometimes included in literature anthologies or history or comparative religion courses
Hard to find info on this right now (but this is a fact), the issue over if there is foot bathing on US Universities has taken control: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1818177/posts 'comin' to a 'town near you!'.
this thread is :2offtopic
this thread is :2offtopic
ok the media is on the right track in my opinion.
The group saw no evidence that Hasan was violent or a threat. It was more that he repeatedly referred to his strong religious views in discussions with classmates, his superiors and even in his research work, the official said. His behavior, while at times perceived as intense and combative, was not unlike the zeal of others with strong religious views. But some doctors and staff were concerned that their unfamiliarity with the Muslim faith would lead them to unfairly single out Hasan's behavior, the official said.
they were concerned (afraid is a better term) about the wrong thing, the politically correct thing. They didnt want to offend the muslim man.
just like the school and security staff was afraid to ask the thugs outside the high school dance a few weeks ago what the hell they were doing there. They didnt want to offend the mexican men.
In the name of PC.
And people get hurt, kids get gangraped and people die as a result.
The guy was fucking up at work , being vocal about "strong religious views" aka kill the infidel, and being intense and combative???????
And nothing was done because " some doctors and staff were concerned that their unfamiliarity with the Muslim faith would lead them to unfairly single out Hasan's behavior"
Pure PC
meanwhile home depot fires a guy for wearing a god bless america pin?
what a fucked up place its become.
And I blame mainly democratic party mentality and extreme liberalism for this stuff
It makes me sad.