Had this individual been some southern redneck named Billy Bob Jones shouting, "Jesus saves," while shooting down innocent people, the administration and the press would have been "jumping to conclusions" with both feet.
We are being overrun with tales of how this poor, confused man felt persecuted and harassed because of his Muslim faith. This man complained about American involvement in Muslim countries, advocated violence as a way to protest and tried to convert psychiatric patients to Islam! And after he shoots people, we're supposed to believe he is the victim?
Jihadists cut off civilians heads with rusty knives and murder their own children in the name of the "Religion of Peace." American soldiers take only the lives necessary to keep us safe, and manage to save a life that even Hasan's own family has now denounced. These soldiers didn't do it because they had to, but because they followed their training. It is endemic to the American ideal that where mercy is given, mercy is shown. The moral relativism that says American soldiers are just as bad as the terrorists is beyond hypocritical. It is insanity. It is Orwellian "War is Peace/Hate is Love," insanity.
Our Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief, Barack Obama, wants us to believe this was an isolated incident with no connection to the Islamic extremism we are battling overseas; but clear-thinking Americans know better. They understand it is the same war.
by Doug Patton