Seven shot dead at US army base

Let me make it clear. The shooter is one of us !

He is a graduate of Virginia Tech University, where he was a member of the ROTC and earned a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in 1997. He received his medical degree from the military’s Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001. At Walter Reed, he did his internship, residency and a fellowship.

He served in the ROTC, went to Army medical school in Bethesda, did internship, residency and everything at Walter Reed but received poor evaluation at Walter Reed (That's why he would have been a Colonel by now, but he just got promoted in May, 2009)

Clearly, the shooter has a lot of problems, issues in the Army not related to Muslims.

If anyone went to ROTC, went to Virginia Tech and then Army medical school and trained at Army hospital Walter Reed and spent 7 years in training there and just got promoted at 39. He has poor grades in the US Army !

Let`s not forget, he was born here !

The VA is full of them too.


Yes Fort Hood is 18 miles from my home here in Central Texas, I am retired military and use the facilties out there all the time. The Commisary, MWR, AAFES, And the Carl Army Darnel medical Center there. I have a scheduled medical appointment there tommarow and am trying to call Fort Hood to see If I should rescheule my medical appointment.

I would reschedual, there is going to be CID and FBI everwhere.
I believe UK went through this when a bunch of Paki doctors planned a terror attack at UK.

US Army should start screening of all Muslim soldiers from General down to the private.

It does not matter if you are born here. The guy went to Virginia Tech and spent his entire life in the US Army from ROTC to Uniformed Medical School (Army medical school) and 7-8 years at Walter Reed. Come on , what is the Army doing

They should start screening after Sept 11 all US Army personel and discharge them if they are Muslims !

There are many good Muslims but they should not have access to guns in the US military bases in a crowded check-in area ready to ship out to Iraq !
This is sad very very sad. Thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected by the crimes this day.
Be honest the truth is the guy got very poor grades at the Army medical school and training programs. Otherwise, he would have been a Colonel.

Don`t even watch the news. They know nothing about the US Army medical system.

The guy spent his entire life in the US Army medical system and did not get promotion until 40 years old as a Major. Something is wrong (nothing may be nothing to do with Muslim and the religion)


press conference is going on now

the Shooter is alive and in Army custody.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The gunman is alive and under CID custody. He was shot multiple times , wounded but alive !!!!

Hopefully, with Fort Hood being in Texas, his trial will be quick and his execution slow and painful.
13 dead !

Sorry, the state of Texas has nothing to do with Federal military bases.

It is a Federal crime and will be handled by the US Army military court (unlike civilians attack Federal building)

He will be executed but his trial will take a minimum of 2-3 years and execution will take another 12 months unlike Texas state law. Federal persecution is very, very slow !!!
The shooter just finished school and medical training about 2 years ago. He was at Walter Reed for training and finished the training in 2007 June 30 ! So CNN report can not be trusted at all.

CNN claimed he has only one year of practice. The guy just finished school and did very poor at Walter Reed !
The shooter just finished school and medical training about 2 years ago. He was at Walter Reed for training and finished the training in 2007 June 30 ! So CNN report can not be trusted at all.

CNN claimed he has only one year of practice. The guy just finished school and did very poor at Walter Reed !

I suspect this quack was a PC quota hire.
This is a very disturbed person. And I use the word person loosely. It's just too bad that this will be a black eye to people of Muslim decent who happen to be good honest Americans.

I read just a few minutes ago that the suspected shooter was upset that he was to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe he was so scared that he snapped? Who knows? It will be interesting to find out exactly why this happened.


How would you feel after a 14 month long deployment from Iraq to come home and get shot or killed at your duty station.

WTF does this FORMER major know about stress or dealing with stressful things.

Did he ever watch his friend bleed out in his arms from a GSW to the neck while doing what he could to tell him that everything will be ok?

Did he ever have a AK-47 or RPG fired directly at him? Or see the HUMVEE in front of him hit an IED and see body parts fly everwherer.

this guy should have been discharged years ago from the Army based on poor OER's.

Well damn now I need to go and take my meds.


I am surprised my psychs don't break down. They are human just like us and they have a high stress job. Having to listen to people with mental issues all day can not be easy.:2 cents:

Please WTF is so stressful about listening to people all day and asking them 'how do you feel about that"
Well that's just going to give the idiots more excuses to tar all Muslims with the same brush, real shame that the actions of one person can have such consequences for other people.