How does it not work?
The NHS has been part of British lives for over 70 years. In my, and many others opinion it is one of the single greatest feats provided by the government to the people of the UK. Free healthcare for all. No one has to worry about whether their insurance will cover it if they fall ill, or if they lose their jobs. I fully admit that the NHS has many problems and can be extremely wasteful at times, and is in need of reform, but does it work? You're fucking right it does. There is real fear in the UK that the current tory government will continue to privatise the NHS through the back door as they have already been doing for the last five years.
One question for those who oppose it so strongly. What would happen if you were to lose your job and not have the money to cover your medical insurance and you were to fall ill or be in an accident?
I'm actually agreeing with you, the Australian system is awesome too. What the US has is total bullshit, and like many of the beliefs of the far right, it takes a certain level of sociopathy to believe that it should have stayed as it was. They argue that everyone should just be prepared and take care of themselves, but when you get some rare bullshit disease and the insurance company drops you after 200k no amount of preparation is going to keep you in the black.
And if you want an example of the type of person I told you about, just look at BC. This is a guy who has on this forum offered to give thousands of dollars to random internet strangers more than once, but if his insurance premiums go up by 4k so that one or two other families or individuals might be able to afford their health insurance it's the end of the fucking world.