There's a frighteningly large portion of the population here that is disgusted beyond belief that any of their own money might benefit somebody else. These people love to take advantage of all the benefits that everyone else in their society has contributed to, but they'll bitch and whine and make up bullshit statistics for days, as I'm sure you've witnessed here. The ironic part is that these kinds of people love to label anyone else who gets benefit from the communal pool as a "taker".
Then you have the airtight, can't possibly refute it, mother of all arguments against socialized healthcare - "that could never work!" I know that as a citizen of a first world country you probably believe that it works quite well, but you're wrong, you just don't realize it.
You're right We should tax food to where it costs twice as much because everyone has a right to food. We should double mortgage payments because God dammit everybody has the right to a home And that car payment let's double or triple it because who in the fuck can survive without a car or look for work anyway
What a selfish heartless bastard I was.