Schwarzenegger's proposal to end welfare

That is not the legacy I want for my beloved Corps and shame on you for postulating this idea.

shame on you you mooch. why don't you get a real job and actually earn some money instead of just sucking off the tax payers?

why don't we take the military off welfare. Congratulations. you guys removed one petty dictator from power that wasn't a threat to anybody else and... well that's about the only thing that we accomplished in the last ten years for the trillions of dollars that we spent on the military.

You want to talk about welfare cheats? most of the guys that I know in the military (all of them that aren't in active deployment and even some of them that are) do the exact same thing, they sit around on their ass and play video games all day.

We provide these guys with food, clothing, lodging, education and guaranteed job security because their job is controlled by the government. If you give these things to civilians these same people will call it communism and call you a lazy worthless asshole.
Have you ever considered adopting a family?

It's kind of hard to do when you're one of the millions of Americans that got laid off from their jobs and lost their homes because with no income they couldn't pay their ever-raising interest rates.

But hey, that's good old capitalism and the American way, right? Fuck em.

Those companies don't owe them anything, they should keep all the profit for themselves. and the government don't owe them nuthin, even though all the money that they have comes from the people that they took it off their paychecks in the first place.

If it's not the purpose of the government to provide for it's people, if that's the first thing on the chopping block, then what the hell is the point of the government? it's just to provide a group of people to sit around and decide what to do with your money, after they took thier own paychecks out, of course.

OK. if you think i'm too radical with the things I've said before, what do you think about this one:

How about every government official cut thier own salary, to make up for the deficit, starting with Governor Arnold? If he won't do it for cheap, hell, for free, you don't think that anyone else will?

Who wants to be the new Governor? step right up. Somehow I don't think it will be a problem finding a candidate who's willing.


Hiliary 2020
Dude its got almost nothing to do with it.
These are not people who lost their jobs.
These are people who never even bothered to do anything productive, especially work and support themselves and contribute anything to the society that they leech off of and plan on leeching off of until they die.

If they don't have a pot to piss in, then why do they keep having kids?

Like I said the only thing we've gotten from welfare in the last 45 years is more people on welfare.

Now theres a huge percentage and growing chunk of society that sleeps late, does shit all day and waits for that family first card to be recharged so they can piss it away in a few days then bitch that theyve got no money.

This is reality. This is what has become of a huge portion of the society in the USA.
Not because they can't find work but because the GOV has made it too easy to live this kind of life.

Now the system is collapsing, so its time to do something with their lives.
They can start by taking a few years off from having more kids and maybe learn a skill or go to school.
And if the people who care so much really do, they should start contributing to charities
ok cal then keep giving them free money with the criteria being more babies, more money.
hell they can't succeed anyway, they will just be discriminated against i suppose.
but maybe, just maybe if the free cash was to stop coming in, they just might do what millions before them did.
Go find work and take care of themselves and not rely on somebody elses hard work and sacrifice.

The only thing we got from welfare in the last 45 years is more people on welfare.
Now the camels back has been broken.

Have you ever considered adopting a family?

I'd give anyone who needs it welfare for 2 years! Then, ALL BENEFITS cut off. Lets see. If I don't find a job, I'll starve.
So be it.
Welfare is a self propigating system that just harms the benefactors and bleeds the country dry.
You're missing the obvious point so I guess I will have to spell it out:

They can't get jobs because there are no jobs there to get, not even for qualified people. The idea that everyone on welfare could just go out and get a job is not realistic in the slightest.

I don't think that they should just give free money out to anyone, it should go to people that really do need it and be better controlled so that that money is being accounted for and actually contributing something instead of being pissed away... but I think that there are some people who do legitimately need a helping hand to get on their feet and that the welfare life is not as easy and glamorous as it's opponents make it seem. If that is the case then why don't all of you supposed hard-working people quit your job and live the good life? Oh, is it because Americans are so honest and principled? bullshit. Either they are just stupid, or else there's more too it then that.

BTW, Johnny I wasn't really serious about what I said about the military and I know that was harsh... but I was illustrating a point. No one should have this idea about how I am "untouchable". Times come when we all have to make sacrifices and I just don't understand this blockheaded approach that a lot of people have that says, "we are not going to consider our options."

It's like the only POV's we have are: no one should get welfare, or else just leave it alone. But why not a comprehensive restructure of the system to make it work and cut out the parts of it that are inefficient? and I'm talking all across the board when it comes to policy, not just that issue. But that is something that I never hear.
I'd give anyone who needs it welfare for 2 years! Then, ALL BENEFITS cut off. Lets see. If I don't find a job, I'll starve.
So be it.
Welfare is a self propigating system that just harms the benefactors and bleeds the country dry.

How many people would actually starve? None. They'd find work. They just wouldn't have their cell phones, 2 computers, flat screen tv, 6 kids from 4 different mates, and time on their hands to do nothing.
Life styles and poor choices would eventually change for the better instead of fostering never ending cycles of welfare.
Starve in America? No. even the truly houseless can find sustenance in the trashbin, such is our excessive consumption.

But millions with poor education, poor diet, few economic opportunities, poor social and relationship skills, crime, drugs... That we have. All leading to hopelessness of a better future.

There are self made millionaires, and brilliant writers, artists, inventors..minds that strive for greatness. But that is not the norm for human achievement. Most people just go along with what they are used to dealing with and accept it.
Starve in America? No. even the truly houseless can find sustenance in the trashbin, such is our excessive consumption.

But millions with poor education, poor diet, few economic opportunities, poor social and relationship skills, crime, drugs... That we have.

Yes, and they wouldn't have to eat from trashbins. The Europeans who settled here and worked in the mines survived and thrived without welfare because they had to and had self dignity.
I don't agree with the conditions that have people slaving away like cattle, but those people did do what they had to to survive- and that is something that people seem to take for granted now. They also possessed, what I guess you would call a "spirit" that is also lacking in today's age.
I don't agree with the conditions that have people slaving away like cattle, but those people did do what they had to to survive- and that is something that people seem to take for granted now. They also possessed, what I guess you would call a "spirit" that is also lacking in today's age.

Correct. I call it being lazy.
When is California just going to legalize marijuana and sell it? We could:

1. Sell it for profit
2. Tax the heck out of it
3. Release non-violent minor drug offenders from jail (who cost the state ~44K/yr each)

Legalizing marijuana is a federal thing, not a state thing. Until the federal government makes a change, it wouldn't matter. In regards to the third point, as much as money isn't available right now, I don't think $44,000 is really enough motivation for the state to enact such a policy.

Sounds to me like it's Ahhhhnold throwing his hands up since the last revenue referendum basically told the politicians to use the money they already have. Guess he doesn't want to expend the time or energy to figure out how that might be done. The big budget cuts need to come from somewhere! Oh well, they're poor people anyway so who the fuck cares, right?

No matter what your agenda is, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about achieving it. This is the wrong way....

Just out of curiosity, if you were the Governor, what would you try to do? I'm not disagreeing with you or anything, I'm just genuinely curious.

this guys was ok for years and then all of a sudden turned to the shittiest governor is history.

In all fairness, there's not a whole lot he can do. He tried in the last election to enact some new laws that would help, but all of his attempts have essentially been shot down to this point. He's running out of options.

there just aint enough money in california.

Right now, that's the primary reason why this fiasco is going on. And it's essentially all because of Enron.
If the constitution were ever changed for him to become President, I'd leave - and pick up my tent. Thanks Arnie:mad:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
My opinion on welfare: as it's been said, there are some people, a very worthy few that are deserving of it, but if you're too lazy to get up off your fat ass and get a job, even in the state this country is in right now, then you're not worth helping. The thing that gets me even more pissed off is the people that do get welfare checks spend it on things that they don't need. I see people all the time around where I live, both white and black driving a big ass car or have more jewelery on then Mr. T, and they live in a shithole house or apartment building and their kids look like they haven't had a shower or new clothes in years. That's the shit that really pisses me off about welfare.
How many people would actually starve? None. They'd find work. They just wouldn't have their cell phones, 2 computers, flat screen tv, 6 kids from 4 different mates, and time on their hands to do nothing.
Life styles and poor choices would eventually change for the better instead of fostering never ending cycles of welfare.
Find work?!? Where are these jobs?
& where are these people with cell phones 2 computers etc?!?
Yes the Welfare system gets abused but by a minority NOT a majority. So why should those that rightfullly claim be penalised because of a minority who play the system.
Then again, is this attitude from Arnie really surprising, coming from a country that doesn't even have free healthcare for its citizens!! :dunno:
...and let's not forget: did the b(w)ankers ask for 'welfare'. No fucking need: they took the Money - and ran. Fuckin' Clowns :mad: ("I'll be back" - no, they fucking won't! )
WHen Arnold was initially installed as Gov..he gave speeches about "cutting up Sacramento's credit card" and "taking back California from the special interests." He tried to go directly to "the people" and, as it turns out, the people don't want to decide anything except bond measures for schools, zoos, gay marriage, etc.

I guess Arnold thought Sacramento politicians (Dems and Wackoes) would just lay down before him and ask him for autographs? Or that the "Special Interests" would flee the state now that the Terminator was in the corner office smoking his cigars?

California is the model for why all forms of Lobbying need to be *removed* from the political process, at the State and at the Federal level.

What jobs do Welfare recipients normally secure? Do people think these jobs are $40/hr accounting or engineering jobs? How many retail/fast food jobs are required for the single mother in this source article to afford to live in San Jose, CA?


Hiliary 2020
Find work?!? Where are these jobs?
& where are these people with cell phones 2 computers etc?!?
Yes the Welfare system gets abused but by a minority NOT a majority. So why should those that rightfullly claim be penalised because of a minority who play the system.
Then again, is this attitude from Arnie really surprising, coming from a country that doesn't even have free healthcare for its citizens!! :dunno:

I disagree.
I feel its the minority that truly needs it based on a situation they had no control over, the rest are just parasites.
I know because I've seen it so many times with my own eyes.
A 65 year old woman working her ass off to get by while some unwed 18 year old with a few kids is living for free, thats the country i dreamed of when i was younger.

WHen Arnold was initially installed as Gov..he gave speeches about "cutting up Sacramento's credit card" and "taking back California from the special interests." He tried to go directly to "the people" and, as it turns out, the people don't want to decide anything except bond measures for schools, zoos, gay marriage, etc.

I guess Arnold thought Sacramento politicians (Dems and Wackoes) would just lay down before him and ask him for autographs? Or that the "Special Interests" would flee the state now that the Terminator was in the corner office smoking his cigars?

California is the model for why all forms of Lobbying need to be *removed* from the political process, at the State and at the Federal level.

What jobs do Welfare recipients normally secure? Do people think these jobs are $40/hr accounting or engineering jobs? How many retail/fast food jobs are required for the single mother in this source article to afford to live in San Jose, CA?

See thats the problem. Its that mentality that makes me sick.
These people want a great job right out of the gate.
But you gotta start somewhere.
For that you must percervere to acheive.
But why do that when all you really need to do is get pregnant and apply for free everything?
The bottom line is that "welfare" is not what America is all about. I don't mind giving folks who need a hand help to get on their feet, but since the 60s, we have created 2 generations of Welfare-dependent people who, by in large, contribute nothing to society or humanity. It's a simple concept: when you give people something, whether it be housing, food or money, it won't mean much to them. If they earn it, it will mean something.

Life it tough, but giving people something for nothing is doing both the recipients and the taxpayers a disservice. It need to end and people need to stand on their own two feet. Again, I know everyone hits a rough patch, so I'm not against unemployment benefits for a limited period, or helping out people who can't work, but giving people free shit who can work is wrong. Period. Heck, I worked two jobs until I was into my 30s to make it, it can be done!

BTW, does anyone else find it ironic that America has fat poor people??