That is not the legacy I want for my beloved Corps and shame on you for postulating this idea.
shame on you you mooch. why don't you get a real job and actually earn some money instead of just sucking off the tax payers?
why don't we take the military off welfare. Congratulations. you guys removed one petty dictator from power that wasn't a threat to anybody else and... well that's about the only thing that we accomplished in the last ten years for the trillions of dollars that we spent on the military.
You want to talk about welfare cheats? most of the guys that I know in the military (all of them that aren't in active deployment and even some of them that are) do the exact same thing, they sit around on their ass and play video games all day.
We provide these guys with food, clothing, lodging, education and guaranteed job security because their job is controlled by the government. If you give these things to civilians these same people will call it communism and call you a lazy worthless asshole.