Scariest Game You've Ever Played?


For jumps, Silent Hill and Resident Evil. For creepiness, and things that haunt me for a while after I've seen it, Fallout 3. There is some evil and creepy shit lurking in that game...
some of the levels on Thief: Deadly Shadows had some very good (scary) atmospheres to them.

I hear there's going to be a number IV.
Condemmed : Bloodshock was quite scary for me, the way the maniacs would just come out of nowhere trying to hack u to pieces.
Dead Space for me.

I have to admit,while playing the demo,I was very nervous of making a wrong move.I can't even imagine going through that whole game feeling like that.It's pretty fucking creepy indeed.
F.E.A.R. 1 and 2.
maybe 2 is the scariest, the chapter in the abandoned school is absolutely scary :eek:
'Demon's Souls' can get me going a little. there's some creepy stages in that game ...and some of the boss fights really get the adrenaline flowing.

btw, it's an amazing game. if you're into action RPGs, this is for you. it's the most addictive game i've played since Diablo 2.
I love FEAR. FEAR 2 I am looking forward to playing FEAR 2 :D
FEAR was good, but Penumbra... THATS a scary experience, seriously, if you havent, try Penumbra and the expansion packs
Has to be either Silent Hill or Dead Space. Silent Hill was good for the eerie enviroments and tension, and Dead Space was a bugger for things jumping out of nowhere.
Its not scary. It just has the unexpected, which makes you do a little girly scream and a small jump, then look around and hope nobody saw you.

The unexpected? Cause the whole popping up or out of nowhere gets old fast. I well admit it was a fun game (& resident evil 5 should have picked up on the move & shoot concept) but the way some people talk about it made it a huge disappointment for me. & if it's not scary then why did you put it here?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Resident Evil 5 should have picked up on the move & shoot concept) but the way some people talk about it made it a huge disappointment for me. & if it's not scary then why did you put it here?

Resident Evil isn't a move & shoot games, that's what makes it different from all the other games.
Resident Evil isn't a move & shoot games, that's what makes it different from all the other games.

RE5 & 4 completely branched out from the originals, yes originally RE1, 2, (to many to name) etc derived off of survival horror & puzzle based gameplay, but when resident evil 4 came out it was a 3rd person shooter. Some people hate the fact that it changed & some loved it, I personally enjoyed it I found it to be a reviving jolt to a dying franchise (before people get on my nuts for saying it was dying, if you look at it's sales it drastically decline after code veronica)now in the originals you couldn't move while shooting I understand that, but why should I expect 5 to stay the same when 4 was such a huge steppingstone for that franchise, they should have built upon the action horror aspect of 4 which was a success & put in the simple ability of walking & shooting. DS came out before re5 both 3rd person shooters with almost the same engine RE5 should have added walking.
RE5 & 4 completely branched out from the originals, yes originally RE1, 2, (to many to name) etc derived off of survival horror & puzzle based gameplay, but when resident evil 4 came out it was a 3rd person shooter. Some people hate the fact that it changed & some loved it, I personally enjoyed it I found it to be a reviving jolt to a dying franchise (before people get on my nuts for saying it was dying, if you look at it's sales it drastically decline after code veronica)now in the originals you couldn't move while shooting I understand that, but why should I expect 5 to stay the same when 4 was such a huge steppingstone for that franchise, they should have built upon the action horror aspect of 4 which was a success & put in the simple ability of walking & shooting. DS came out before re5 both 3rd person shooters with almost the same engine RE5 should have added walking.

Resident Evil was staggering worse than a zombie when they kept coming out with titles just to sell and make money off of: Dead Aim, Survivor, Code Veronica, and it was Resident Evil remake on the GameCube that had fans excited again and then the release of Resident Evil 4 given a whole new breath of life excited fans and newcomers alike.

It was great and fun. However Resident Evil (looking at you there RE5) is becoming nothing but like all the other games of this genre out there: mindless shooting and going from plot point to plot point.

Now if they give you limited ammo and all that good stuff and bring back the whole survival horror aspect, many things can be done and put a new life into it and still keep it to the original.

Now it is nothing but Rambo horror instead of survival horror... shoot and get scared from a few jumping out at you.
Resident Evil

LOL RAMBO horror, yeah re5 was a disappointment to me I don't mind them going toward action horror instead of survival horror but don't just enhance the graphics and put a different skin over the same engine as re4. I mean come on stop trying to hide the fact that it's not a action horror game & just embrace it. I know alot of people want the old gameplay back but that ship has sailed it wasn't selling anymore & resident evil 0 was a good wake up call that survival horror can still be made but seriously how many times can they remake/reboot the series. I read the new one well be the old gameplay which I'm glad to read. Honestly if RE5 had just fast zombies & alot of them & the old school B.O.W (not just licker) instead of a parasite I think I probably would have loved it [oh & not in some village(RE4) or africa I want a urban setting (like some parts in resident evil 2)] P.S. I liked code veronica lol
It's not so much I want the old gameplay back. Just the atmosphere. If I want a shooter with scares/thrills in it I will play FEAR or or something.

Resident Evil has always been about surviving and being smart with how you use your ammo you find. They can keep the control and over the shoulder aiming, I love that. It adds a new level to aiming. I love shooting the legs and making them fall (trip) and put a few in their backs.

Now it is run and gun to the credits. I love the older Resident Evils and still play them, however this upgrade they have since RE4 is awesome. Just bring back that sense of needing to survive and consequences. Not, well should I use my SMG or shotgun to shoot these waves of enemy to get through that gate?
I loved RE4, it was probably the best one after RE1. RE5 was sooo disappointing though. After playing Gears of War 2 and other similar action games, RE5 was almost a step back. I liked the Co-op mode if you had someone to play with, but when the AI was playing as Shiva, she wasn't all that bright and more annoying than anything.

#1 - bring back the survival aspect of the horror
#2 - bring back zombies!! (when these creatures can shoot back and be intelligent enough to have strategies, it's no longer RE. They are suppose to be mindless creatures who only have one thing on their mind and that's eating anything that is fleshy)
#3 - Have mercenaries but have it start off with like 8 people on a single team and if you die, you turn into a creature and have to get the other survivors that were once on your team. (i know Left4Dead is similar to this, but I thought of this long before that game)
#4 - I still do like the over the shoulder look of the game, but allow walking and shooting.
#5 - I liked Wesker at first, but he better be dead for good now after RE5. That lil guy needs to be put to sleep.

By the way, any of you people seen what RE4 looked like originally? It was completely different and a lot more supernatural, almost Silent Hill like:

Personally, I'd still like to see a game like this made, but maybe as an alternate RE universe title or a completely different franchise. (Those little bald dolls freak me out)