Scariest Game You've Ever Played?

It's not so much I want the old gameplay back. Just the atmosphere. If I want a shooter with scares/thrills in it I will play FEAR or or something.

Resident Evil has always been about surviving and being smart with how you use your ammo you find. They can keep the control and over the shoulder aiming, I love that. It adds a new level to aiming. I love shooting the legs and making them fall (trip) and put a few in their backs.

Now it is run and gun to the credits. I love the older Resident Evils and still play them,

yeah I see where you're coming from I just hope I'm not disappointed by the next one & I hope the psp resident evil game is good I'm looking forward to it. But either way if it says resident evil I'm buying (except for the shity movies damn I wish romeo directed. Seriously how do you fuck up a resident evil movie? I mean come on the game had a story there was no need to go back to the chalk board. fuck I hate those movies)
The dolls would have been awesome. It could have been a series of them parasites inside the doll making it seem alive. I am sure something would have been told about how they can get up and run around like that.

That looks like it would of kicked ass if it was released!


Silent hill for me as well. It was the whole lack of light thing to be honest I mean remember first playing it. Was in the elementary school, Corridor really dark man all of a sudden I take damage and the damn crazy audio starts with the crackling radio and mental music(no better description) and was pretty much like completely bush whacked.....What the fuck where is it? Only to turn around to see a undead foetus type thing with a bloody machete. What followed was a highly unnerved me making my way down corridors ready to bash my own shadow.
Yeah as soon as I saw this thread I though Silent Hill 2 or 3. The games are just fucked up. I didn't like SH4 at all and SH:Homecoming was total crap, but I still have great memories playing SH2 and SH3. They terrified the hell outta me, but they were great games.
You know what some of the games mentioned before (ie Silent Hill, F.E.A.R, and Resident Evil) are pretty scary but nothing freaked me out more then the first time I played Manhunt.
Funny your name should be Jett on here... do you do photography, too?


Closed Account
scariest game I played was when I was about eight, when me and my friends used to play chicken with the freight trains!
Half-Life. The first game.
When I played that game for the first time back in high school, It freaked the shit out of me. No other game has done that.
It wasn't because there were zombies in it -- it was because I actually felt responsible for the resonance cascade, and other events in the game. Needles to say, Valve's first game was very well done!

...and for all you Half-Life fans, check this out if you haven't already.


I had high anxiety playing the Silent Hill series. Those games just truly mess with your mind.
Other games are FEAR and Dead Space.

Right I reckon we can officially dub the silent hill series as number 1. Followed in short order by resident evil series and then maybe Fear and Dead space(gotta check out the latter myself)