Then why do you have to continually concede the facts I present?
I don't believe you are an engineer any more then the 'babes' that come on here are who they claim to be.
They probably are, but I am not going to believe it 100% just because they say it. And at least they are confirmed by the staff on here.
No one has confirmed you that I know of. You probably are an engineer. Or for all I know, you are just a guy who reads allot.
Then you are free to assume everything I say comes out of my ass and has no merit.
But over the years I have provided consistent, technically accurate information --
and it's that which "proves" who I am more than any "credentials" I could ever flash!
In fact, after
years of proving you wrong with technical facts, you'd figure someone like yourself
would have learned by now?!
The ABM treaty was signed almost 35 years ago.
The velocities and missile characteristics that were required at that time to intercept ICBM's no longer apply.
Oh, so now we're
not in violation of the ABM treaty, but the US is
in violation of what you think it should be?
Furthermore, we've
always had the capability to intercept missiles from a velocity/altitude standpoint.
What we didn't have was the "real-time" sensory and "active guidance" to do it.
The ABM treaty took this into account, that it
would happen in the future.
That's why there is the distinction between TMD and NMD -- TMD is "general air defense" for a "theater of operation" and NMD is a system designed to protect a "nation or large region"
The ABM treaty was to prevent the US and USSR from upsetting the MAD balance.
That no country would build a huge lot of exo-atmosphere ABMs that could take out a significant number of their ICBMs.
It didn't address TMD because TMD
was never (and still isn't) a threat to MAD!
THAAD and PAC-3 can (theoretically) intercept ICBM's.
They just built a base in Alaska to take out planes?
do you even THINK before you type?!
No, better yet, do you realize
how continually foolish and argumentative you look?
The NMD base in Alaska provides thousands of miles of
global-wide coverage using a NMD interceptor -- sounding rocket plus EKV.
It intercepts exo-atmosphere at very long ranges -- again, thousands of miles.
TMD deployments, like mobile PAC-3 and THAAD launchers, provides short range, "general air defense."
We're talking about defending NATO in Europe, so we're talking about providing "general air defense" for the theater.
So how you keep crossing Alaska's fixed, long-range NMD capability with the fact that the US is going to deploy mobile, short-range TMD units at NATO bases (such as those in Eastern Europe) is beyond me.
I really don't understand what your point is at all.
TMD intercepts anything that is lower or upper atmosphere -- including aircraft, as well as boosting or re-entering ballistic vehicles.
NMD intercepts exo-atmospheric -- including any spacecraft, satellites, etc... as well as ballistic vehicles near apogee, but not aircaft.
TMD is used locally, in the theater, virtually mobile/as needed -- aircraft, surface-to-surface missiles, etc...
NMD is used globally, from a fixed location, like Alaska, and can't be used for tactical engagements, like aircraft.
What NMD has to do with Eastern Europe is beyond me.
How you even thought I was talking about PAC-3 or THAAD in Alaska, and shooting down aircraft, is beyond me.
At this point, since you can't even construct a consistent argument without having to redefine and otherwise backtrack, let alone state things that I never even hinted, is beyond me.
Now the US
would like to build a joint NMD system with the Russians to protect all of Eurasia!
But that's another story and unrelated to TMD deployments by NATO.
PAC-3 and THAAD aren't even NMD-capable, and no where near the specs set in the ABM treaty.
And IRBM's (intermediate range ballistic missiles with maximum ranges of 5500 kilometres)? Of course not. They are there to stop ICBM's.
Yes. That's why Kodiak can't use PAC-3 or THAAD (other than as a "last resort" to just protect itself).
That means they would violate any realistic and modern ABM treaty.
Under your
same classification, the Russians are in violation of that treaty!
They have deployed the
most extensive radar and interceptor network in the world!
And if these missiles were to be deployed under the current ABM treaty, it is obvious that the Russians would demand that these treaties be modified to meet the needs of today's modern weaponry.
What "modern weaponry" are you speaking of?
General air defense was
considered in the ABM treaty, and it doesn't apply to
preventing MAD!
The ABM treaty was MAD would not be unbalanced.
Putting ten (10) TMD interceptors
does nothing to stop MAD!
Not ignored. Taken with a grain of salt. If you want me (and I assume others) to believe you then you are going to have to provide verifiable data to back up everything that you propose.
My God, you can't even stop to consider the facts, so why should I continue to provide my first-hand knowledge that has
been accurate over and over?!
Others do it on other subjects. Why would you be any different?
And maybe if you stopped getting so angry when we don't take your word for it then we might trust you a bit more.
Maybe you should respect that fact that virtually
everything you have challenged me on with regards to defense and space you've been PROVEN WRONG over and over again.
Many, you
utterly expose your ignorance over and over, while I show that I know these systems.
Yelling and insulting someone is no way to get them to believe you.
As I have typed before. You have some knowledge that can be good for the board - IMO.
But if you want to gain people's respect, you are going to have to earn it.
I've "earned" my respect from others by
continually providing sound information in areas I could be considered "an expert."
And that means treating people as equals, not delinquent children.
Because you can't seem to understand what "air defense" and TMD is, and how that has
nothing to do with NMD and the type of interceptors at Kodiak, you are an delinquent child at this point.
And backing up your scientific claims with links or Copy and Paste passages that prove what you are typing.
You can assume I pull everything out of my ass, the "proof" is what you research and find out I'm 100% correct on.
Like the "backtracking" your doing right now on the ABM treaty!
You were wrong and you know it, but you won't even admit it, and are dancing around it.
You got everyone "riled up" on the ABM treaty, before you even know a fucking thing about it.
The ABM treaty is about ensuring "MAD" -- not about being able to stop 2-3 missiles.
So as you have continually proven for me, time and time again, you end up agreeing with everything technical I state over time.
Why? Because you finally research stuff and realize that it would be "common knowledge" to someone who has worked on the shit.
And you'll still try to "dance" around it, and put the focus on, "how can we believe you are who you say you are"?
If you "don't believe me," then why do you continually have to concede the facts I state, over and over, time after time?