Now we're getting way off-topic!
Lastly what have I posted related at all to enginering,in fact what thread has been related to engineering?
Your comments on whether or not Patriot even hit in the first Gulf War, as well as the assumptions that it doesn't work now, but may in the future.
I promise I will not engage and have not in some sort of techanical discussion about these things as that hold little interest for me.
Then don't ignorantly comment whether it works or not.
Great Post on a very important story
And we're getting more and more
I could go into the outrageous defense
and pork/social spending of the US at this point. People also seemingly include
all the pork attached to defense spending that is
not defense, which happened during Vietnam as well.
And this has
nothing to do with
missile defense, of which
most of the costs of missile defense were in the '90s. The R&D efforts, in total, of the BMDO JPO were only a few tens of billions. It's a
true and 100% defensive system. And even by
your own article, it is only going to cost $11 billion! That's
nothing compared to other items.
How "missile defense" keeps getting lobbed in with offensive capabilities is beyond me. Except the fact that Russians like to use that for rhetoric, and prey upon the people -- like yourselves -- who don't realize that simple fact. People have
abused this thread to talk about
nothing that has to do with missile defense -- including offensive US operations or securing resources.
Missile defense is a paltry expense compared to everything else going on, and has
nothing to do with securing anything -- other than protecting our allies and ourselves.
"To a rational observer, such spending -- totaling more than $1 trillion in 2008
I thought the article said $650 billion?
according to the figures I've just cited -- seems quite literally insane.
Adjust for the US GDP and current dollar value and it's more aligned with the Reagan administration.
remove some of the pork attached to defense spending, I sure wish people would do that.
Please CLOSE this thread. We are well OFF-TOPIC now.