Russia says new ICBM can beat any system

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Which explains why you miss several points only to agree with me later acting as if it was the first time I explained them.
Sigh, I'm a fool.

Oh no. I just started this policy today.

I gave up on reading your posts all through. They are just too incoherent whenever you get emotionally involved - IMO.

No offense.
Re: Putting words in my mouth and not agreeing I have admitted I was wrong in 1 threa

And I was wrong!

"Dude, now this stuff is elementary physics -- even other people get it!
We had the same issue during the "Moon Landings were faked" when I talked about the particle physics of engine thrust striking a flag as well as the wobble of Shepard's golf ball due to angular momentum.
You guys argued it was impossible due to lack of an atmosphere on the moon -- just like the media (video) stated -- and we engineers just laugh!

But don't take my word for it, ask another engineer you trust -- someone who has had basic engineering mechanics -- if I am correct or not.

This is the only part I will resond to as the union issue I already have in its thread.I am not one of "you guys" and we never discussed moon landing for the record.Lastly what have I posted related at all to enginering,in fact what thread has been related to engineering?You think the story about Russian ICBMs is meant to be an engineering story?McRocket put this up as a policy discussion i'm sure as to the wisdom of the US doing this not to debate its technical ascepts although that might have some bearing.I promise I will not engage and have not in some sort of techanical discussion about these things as that hold little interest for me.That's what the Dr.Strangeloves of the world are for,to build weapons and such for the people who have historical knowledge to know when and where to use them and those are the important people in that equation IMHO.
Actually let me correct myself it was AFA who started the thread,my bad:crying:


Re: This thread needs to be closed ...

You are an argumentative fool to the end.
I'm asking the mods to close this thread because we keep re-covering extremely elementary, technical and engineering facts over and over and over again.
Some of you guys don't want to learn at all, you just want to argue.

No, it is just that I believe nothing that you type about anything technical unless a) I already know it or b) you prove it.
Which I rarely, if ever, recall you doing.

Your supposed credentials mean nothing to me.

I am not taking your word on any of it.

And the same applies to everyone on this board - just as it should to me as well.


Re: The R&D jobs are pretty much gone ...

If you didn't notice in your quoted article -- which also references the BMDO, a JPO which no longer exists -- that comment was at the time when W. just got into office -- back in 2001.

Most of my fellow engineers -- like I -- moved outside of the industry, as it moved into the deployment phase in 2002+ -- I saw it much earlier than most.
That's hardly the time where lots of engineers are working, and lower-paid technicians (and heavily enlisted military men) actually deploy the units.
There's no R&D money for TMD anymore, and the NMD scope is far more limited as the EKV was developed 20 years ago.

This is all basic engineering lifecycle and microeconomics -- the R&D is over, which is the major cost in any product.
Now it's fixed X dollars for Y units -- profit margins are scamp.
The technical market for engineers in the central Florida area for that industry is far less than it ever was in the '90s -- even NASA downsized around the same time (2001).

This is an excerpt from an article from a week ago (June 9) located here:

It includes the following condensed paragraph:

'As always, a significant part of the defense bill is eaten up by these big-ticket items. According to the reputable Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation...And that's not even including the Star Wars missile-defense system, which at the moment soaks up about $11 billion a year.'

And that is per year. Whether that means 100's of thousands or jobs in the military and private sector I do not know. But I willing to guess that an awful lot of people are being employed on NMD.

the R&D is over
They are spending over $30 million dollars per day on Missile Defense and none of it is going to R&D?

Right - not.

Or maybe that seemingly colossal ego of yours assumes that since you are not in it anymore (if you ever were at all) that they cannot be spending anymore on research and development.
Re: The R&D jobs are pretty much gone ...

This is an excerpt from an article from a week ago (June 9) located here:

Great Post on a very important story,I would encourage everyone remotely interested to read the full article.I will just post one paragaph on the craziness of current defense spending.

"To a rational observer, such spending -- totaling more than $1 trillion in 2008, according to the figures I've just cited -- seems quite literally insane. During the Cold War, hawks scared Americans into tolerating staggering but somewhat lesser sums by invoking the specter of Soviet Communism. Does anyone, anywhere, truly believe that we need to spend more than a trillion dollars a year to defend ourselves against small bands of al-Qaeda fanatics?"
Now we're getting way off-topic!

Lastly what have I posted related at all to enginering,in fact what thread has been related to engineering?
Your comments on whether or not Patriot even hit in the first Gulf War, as well as the assumptions that it doesn't work now, but may in the future.
I promise I will not engage and have not in some sort of techanical discussion about these things as that hold little interest for me.
Then don't ignorantly comment whether it works or not.

Great Post on a very important story
And we're getting more and more off-topic!

I could go into the outrageous defense and pork/social spending of the US at this point. People also seemingly include all the pork attached to defense spending that is not defense, which happened during Vietnam as well.

And this has nothing to do with missile defense, of which most of the costs of missile defense were in the '90s. The R&D efforts, in total, of the BMDO JPO were only a few tens of billions. It's a true and 100% defensive system. And even by your own article, it is only going to cost $11 billion! That's nothing compared to other items.

How "missile defense" keeps getting lobbed in with offensive capabilities is beyond me. Except the fact that Russians like to use that for rhetoric, and prey upon the people -- like yourselves -- who don't realize that simple fact. People have abused this thread to talk about nothing that has to do with missile defense -- including offensive US operations or securing resources.

Missile defense is a paltry expense compared to everything else going on, and has nothing to do with securing anything -- other than protecting our allies and ourselves.

"To a rational observer, such spending -- totaling more than $1 trillion in 2008
I thought the article said $650 billion?

according to the figures I've just cited -- seems quite literally insane.
Adjust for the US GDP and current dollar value and it's more aligned with the Reagan administration.
Also remove some of the pork attached to defense spending, I sure wish people would do that.

Please CLOSE this thread. We are well OFF-TOPIC now.



Quite honestly, every single mod is tired of this type of thread with these types of posts. I don't think that anyone is reading them, except for (you) two.

Why not just PM if you really have to go on?

I'm sorry to close it with this post, but you can reach me by PM.
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