Rush Limbaugh Stands by Haiti Comments


WTF is it with these right wing nuts. Not surprisingly, Glen Beck has joined the criticism of Obama for acting too quickly on Haiti. How can anyone take these guys seriously when they sound like idiots? :mad:

Please quote something from Glenn where he criticized Obama for acting too quickly in Haiti...that sounds like still more Rush twisting and Beck bullshit.
I know both Rush and Beck are good people who are careful to say exactly what they mean, and the usual gang of idiots tries to twist what they say into some lame lie every time.
Rush said (correctly) that government aid has never made it to the people directly in any real portion, like the aid we give to the Palestinians...Aristide is reputed to have left with around $300 million and Haiti is almost a non-functioning county today.
He has the right take...let the private sector do the money/aid disbursement, they already are in place and know where the hurt is.
He never said not to help the desperate Haitians.
He is completely right on Obama, and people like Hot-Mega know it...which is why every second word he posts is "Bush" and "someone else did it", it's not Obama's fault, etc... he's a wonderful publicity whore, especially with his approval rating plummeting to new lows... :rofl:
It makes no difference how much the Mrs Jolly types post lies and BS about Glenn and Rush...they are right on the money and one can tell how much so by all the "village dogs" yapping and ankle-biting whenever they say something on the money about the lamest admin since Carter.:rofl:
Obviously they don't listen to Rush and he laughs his ass off every day at the spin the Libs throw at their audiences...he accurately predicts the type and amount of bs spin that will show up, and it a dog that can't resist trying to chase a passing car.


Hiliary 2020
of course the USA is gonna be the main contributer in this current disaster.
both with money and personel.
we always are,no matter who's prez.
always our blood, our money.
but is there such a thing about being too generous?
i think so.
I know I'm not the only one who believes that our foriegn aid to haiti is enough and most of the millions sent over their now for relief will be wasted and stolen.

Rush, c'mon admit it obamas grandstanding a little. He knows this is making him look good.
"obama gonna help, not like that bush who let them black folks die down there in new orleans".
You know thats being said and thought.
Can't blame OB though for running with it.
And you shouldnt condemn rush for saying it.
Please quote something from Glenn where he criticized Obama for acting too quickly in Haiti...that sounds like still more Rush twisting and Beck bullshit.
I know both Rush and Beck are good people who are careful to say exactly what they mean, and the usual gang of idiots tries to twist what they say into some lame lie every time.
Rush said (correctly) that government aid has never made it to the people directly in any real portion, like the aid we give to the Palestinians...Aristide is reputed to have left with around $300 million and Haiti is almost a non-functioning county today.
He has the right take...let the private sector do the money/aid disbursement, they already are in place and know where the hurt is.
He never said not to help the desperate Haitians.
He is completely right on Obama, and people like Hot-Mega know it...which is why every second word he posts is "Bush" and "someone else did it", it's not Obama's fault, etc... he's a wonderful publicity whore, especially with his approval rating plummeting to new lows... :rofl:
It makes no difference how much the Mrs Jolly types post lies and BS about Glenn and Rush...they are right on the money and one can tell how much so by all the "village dogs" yapping and ankle-biting whenever they say something on the money about the lamest admin since Carter.:rofl:
Obviously they don't listen to Rush and he laughs his ass off every day at the spin the Libs throw at their audiences...he accurately predicts the type and amount of bs spin that will show up, and it a dog that can't resist trying to chase a passing car.

Rush may be 100 pct. correct. Problem is he's calculating and conspicuously silent on like circumstances that involve his team.

That makes him little more than a political entertainer..clever, successful...but still just an entertainer.:thumbsup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
"On the facts, Rush is right," writes Jim Geraghty. "The tale of U.S. foreign aid to Haiti is maddening, as well-meaning Americans dump more and more money to alleviate suffering, only to see little or no actual improvement in the living conditions on the ground."

Absolutely nobody can argue that. America WASTES a shit load of money each and every year by aiding efforts in which nothing will improve. We spend millions upon millions of dollars sending medical aid to Africa each and every year, but nothing has improved for them. Yet, we won't spend money on our own citizens, while our own conditions continue to worse. Shit like this needs to stop. Yes, we are a powerful country and we CAN help a lot of other nations and their citizens. But, we don't need to be trying to help every single fucking poor soul in the world. We need to help ourselves, first and foremost.

Haiti is the poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere. We are sending $100 MILLION in aid. Is the entire country of Haiti even worth that much money? Seriously, is it? Why spend so much on a country that has nothing to begin with? Yes, it's nice to help, but...come on.


Absolutely nobody can argue that. America WASTES a shit load of money each and every year by aiding efforts in which nothing will improve. We spend millions upon millions of dollars sending medical aid to Africa each and every year, but nothing has improved for them. Yet, we won't spend money on our own citizens, while our own conditions continue to worse. Shit like this needs to stop. Yes, we are a powerful country and we CAN help a lot of other nations and their citizens. But, we don't need to be trying to help every single fucking poor soul in the world. We need to help ourselves, first and foremost.

Haiti is the poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere. We are sending $100 MILLION in aid. Is the entire country of Haiti even worth that much money? Seriously, is it? Why spend so much on a country that has nothing to begin with? Yes, it's nice to help, but...come on.

I think China has donated $5 much has Saudi Arabia and France donated so far?:dunno:
Absolutely nobody can argue that. America WASTES a shit load of money each and every year by aiding efforts in which nothing will improve. We spend millions upon millions of dollars sending medical aid to Africa each and every year, but nothing has improved for them. Yet, we won't spend money on our own citizens, while our own conditions continue to worse. Shit like this needs to stop. Yes, we are a powerful country and we CAN help a lot of other nations and their citizens. But, we don't need to be trying to help every single fucking poor soul in the world. We need to help ourselves, first and foremost.

Haiti is the poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere. We are sending $100 MILLION in aid. Is the entire country of Haiti even worth that much money? Seriously, is it? Why spend so much on a country that has nothing to begin with? Yes, it's nice to help, but...come on.

Except for this is an emergency situation. This isn't in the context of granting money to a country on the whim.

The comment is just a stupid rationalization using an irrelevant usual.

I personally don't know what the cost in aid should be but on scope we sent a billion to Indonesia in '05 for tsunami relief and aid.....where was all this bitchin' then??

Rush and his political GOPer blow-hards would bitch if you hung them with a new rope. Just as long as they could make politics out of it no matter the circumstance.


Hiliary 2020
I am very conservative in many of my views but this is a huge and perfect example of the reason that I will NEVER be a republican. In order to qualify, you have to be selfish, mean-spirited, dispassionate and paranoid all at the same time. Man, that's a lot of bad kharma all at once. All Rush cares about are: 1) his ratings and, 2) the corresponding millions of dollars that come with them. He LOVES this keeps people talking about him!

Rush Limbaugh is a total piece of garbage and all of his mindless "dittohead" minions are nothing but sheeple. I'm very glad and extremely proud not to be amongst them.

hey jag regarding the adjectives
selfish and dispassionate: i dont think so, the word conservative itself can imply a degree of selfishness, like if two squirrells, one saved his nuts for the winter, the other didnt, well whose problem is that?
i dont see many as dispassionate, just passionate for other things like country which boils down to family first.
mean spirited? have you ever seen some of these dem politicians?
Reid, Boxer, Kennedy , Pelosi, Rahm, Hillary at times, Schumer and many more, arrogant and demeaning people.
paranoid:everybodys a little paranoid on both sides
Mikey moore makes a living at it, Al gore supplements his income with it.


Rush may be 100 pct. correct. Problem is he's calculating and conspicuously silent on like circumstances that involve his team.

That makes him little more than a political entertainer..clever, successful...but still just an entertainer.:thumbsup:

And when has Ruch claimed to be anything else but a commentator?
Only desperate Lefties claim he's the voice and other body parts of the Republican Party...:rofl:
BTW...thanks for helping make him so friggin' well known...I'm sure his family thanks all the Chicken Lefties who run around dissing him so frantically...:thumbsup:

Will E Worm

Absolutely nobody can argue that. America WASTES a shit load of money each and every year by aiding efforts in which nothing will improve. We spend millions upon millions of dollars sending medical aid to Africa each and every year, but nothing has improved for them. Yet, we won't spend money on our own citizens, while our own conditions continue to worse. Shit like this needs to stop. Yes, we are a powerful country and we CAN help a lot of other nations and their citizens. But, we don't need to be trying to help every single fucking poor soul in the world. We need to help ourselves, first and foremost.

Haiti is the poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere. We are sending $100 MILLION in aid. Is the entire country of Haiti even worth that much money? Seriously, is it? Why spend so much on a country that has nothing to begin with? Yes, it's nice to help, but...come on.

That's what I was thinking. The country doesn't look worth much to me.

Maybe, the land once the toothpick buildings are knocked down.

They should rebuild and upgrade now. Do you see that happening?

And when has Ruch claimed to be anything else but a commentator?
Only desperate Lefties claim he's the voice and other body parts of the Republican Party...:rofl:
BTW...thanks for helping make him so friggin' well known...I'm sure his family thanks all the Chicken Lefties who run around dissing him so frantically...:thumbsup:

It's not "Ruch" who claims he is more than a prankster entertainer....In fact, he makes it known every time he opens his mouth to unleash more "goof gas".

It's mind-numbed airheads....err dittoheads that hang on his every word, idiotic GOPer leadership and other prominent GOPers who want to have it both ways....

He says something comically absurd and they "Rush" to wipe his ass....and cover for him.

When it's exposed ultimately to the degree that even the most intellectually dishonest have no more room in the corner they've painted themselves into shilling for comes his Captain GOPer cape and he dons the entertainer polo shirt and loafers again.


Hiliary 2020
we can send haiti all the money in the world aint gonna help none.
unless we physically go there and take over their gov and all its workings, grow and distribute the food for them, start and manage businesses for them, build houses and buildings, ect ect.
perfect example of you can lead a horse to water.
wanna really help them, send them birth control methods.

remember we are the world, usa for africa?
almost every ounce of food that was sent there rotted on the coast.nobody, not the people or the gov ever took the time to bring it to the people who needed it.
All the millions, who knows, but i bet some snakes are still living the high life off it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Except for this is an emergency situation. This isn't in the context of granting money to a country on the whim.

The comment is just a stupid rationalization using an irrelevant usual.

I personally don't know what the cost in aid should be but on scope we sent a billion to Indonesia in '05 for tsunami relief and aid.....where was all this bitchin' then??

Rush and his political GOPer blow-hards would bitch if you hung them with a new rope. Just as long as they could make politics out of it no matter the circumstance.

:dunno: *crickets chirping*
I think Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson are a couple waiting to happen.

They can have each other. It's a perfect match. When Pat finally expires, Rush can eat him.
we can send haiti all the money in the world aint gonna help none.
unless we physically go there and take over their gov and all its workings, grow and distribute the food for them, start and manage businesses for them, build houses and buildings, ect ect.
perfect example of you can lead a horse to water.
wanna really help them, send them birth control methods.

remember we are the world, usa for africa?
almost every ounce of food that was sent there rotted on the coast.nobody, not the people or the gov ever took the time to bring it to the people who needed it.
All the millions, who knows, but i bet some snakes are still living the high life off it.

It doesn't take money to address the circumstances of a catastrophic disaster?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Except for this is an emergency situation. This isn't in the context of granting money to a country on the whim.

The comment is just a stupid rationalization using an irrelevant usual.

I personally don't know what the cost in aid should be but on scope we sent a billion to Indonesia in '05 for tsunami relief and aid.....where was all this bitchin' then??

Rush and his political GOPer blow-hards would bitch if you hung them with a new rope. Just as long as they could make politics out of it no matter the circumstance.

I know it's an emergency, but we have our own emergencies. We literally have millions of people dying because of our shitty health care system, but instead of putting $100 MILLION into our own country's problems and saving the lives of our own citizens, we're shelling out $100 MILLION to help the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? How does that make sense? It doesn't.


Hiliary 2020
yes it does mega
i was talking mostly of foriegn aid in general to them.
should have said that better.

ok so they had an earthquake, people died and lost alot.
I undersatand, its horrible i know.
So now what? how will sending them more money now help?
food? aint gonna happen.
rebuilding their houses, schools ,roads ect ect?
aint gonna happen.
not unless we go there, grow the food and feed it to them or rebuild it ourselves,
which isnt a bad idea, alot of construction guys here in the states could use the work.

I know that almost all of any money sent to them is gonna get ripped off by some snake.
I know it's an emergency, but we have our own emergencies. We literally have millions of people dying because of our shitty health care system, but instead of putting $100 MILLION into our own country's problems and saving the lives of our own citizens, we're shelling out $100 MILLION to help the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? How does that make sense? It doesn't. you hadn't noticed...there has been an effort to get that very thing done...but do you honestly think the US would sit back and not send a "measly" (lotto prizes are more in some cases) $100 million to a place where people lay crushed by buildings when we sent a billion to Indonesia????

Get real or grow up Chef.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I know it's an emergency, but we have our own emergencies. We literally have millions of people dying because of our shitty health care system, but instead of putting $100 MILLION into our own country's problems and saving the lives of our own citizens, we're shelling out $100 MILLION to help the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? How does that make sense? It doesn't.

According to what was posted in a link here a week or so ago, $100 million is the cost of 100 U.S. soldiers in Iraq for one year. I don't know if that's true or not, but let's say it is. Do you really think that $100 million, whether it's spent in Iraq or spent on Haitian relief, is going to cause even one American to get or not get health care? Seriously.

It's almost amusing to watch people (suddenly) wanting to count pennies (in the grand scheme of things), when almost exactly 8 years ago, websites and radio stations were tracking each and every donation made by foreign based companies and countries to us for 9/11 aid.

I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis. But then I realized that his logic was based on trying to make the most noise so that he could increase his rating$. Over time, it seems that he's increasingly turned into a cartoon character... and as a human being, not much more than a bulbous sack of shit. Now that's my opinion of him. And yet, I'll always support his right to have his opinion on Haiti, Obama or the moon landing.

But still... I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly. :dunno: