WTF is it with these right wing nuts. Not surprisingly, Glen Beck has joined the criticism of Obama for acting too quickly on Haiti. How can anyone take these guys seriously when they sound like idiots?
Please quote something from Glenn where he criticized Obama for acting too quickly in Haiti...that sounds like still more Rush twisting and Beck bullshit.
I know both Rush and Beck are good people who are careful to say exactly what they mean, and the usual gang of idiots tries to twist what they say into some lame lie every time.
Rush said (correctly) that government aid has never made it to the people directly in any real portion, like the aid we give to the Palestinians...Aristide is reputed to have left with around $300 million and Haiti is almost a non-functioning county today.
He has the right take...let the private sector do the money/aid disbursement, they already are in place and know where the hurt is.
He never said not to help the desperate Haitians.
He is completely right on Obama, and people like Hot-Mega know it...which is why every second word he posts is "Bush" and "someone else did it", it's not Obama's fault, etc... he's a wonderful publicity whore, especially with his approval rating plummeting to new lows... :rofl:
It makes no difference how much the Mrs Jolly types post lies and BS about Glenn and Rush...they are right on the money and one can tell how much so by all the "village dogs" yapping and ankle-biting whenever they say something on the money about the lamest admin since Carter.:rofl:
Obviously they don't listen to Rush and he laughs his ass off every day at the spin the Libs throw at their audiences...he accurately predicts the type and amount of bs spin that will show up, and it a dog that can't resist trying to chase a passing car.