I'd have to go with Bachman if it came down to her. That being said, I don't think she or Ron will be there when the votes count. My best guess is, it will come down to Perry/Gingrich, or (God forbid) Romney / ?
That's interesting that you'd pick Michele Bachmann over Ron Paul. Does her lack of (
fact based) knowledge on... well, almost everything, not bother you?
I can agree or disagree with Paul on various issues. But at the end of the day, I accept that his positions are usually logical (though maybe not realistic). Bachmann's positions seem much more based on emotion, rather than data, logic or facts. It's very seldom that I can be on the same page with people who rely on emotions, rather than (valid) data, logic or a basic methodology for problem solving. If she's going to continue calling herself a "libertarian" (I assume she just means an economic libertarian, since it doesn't pass the giggle test for her to call herself a social libertarian), it would be nice if she had at least a
basic, working knowledge of Supply Side economics. I can teach a learning disabled child to mutter "cut taxes and deregulate". But if they don't know what it entails, I wouldn't want the kid in higher political office (or lower political office, for that matter) either. Though
slightly more intelligent, I see Bachmann as just another version of Sarah P@lin... since the real deal isn't/can't/won't run. But IMO, one ideologue, who looks decent in a tight dress, is just like any other.
Just my opinion, but I don't see Bachmann and Palin combined as being intelectually fit enough to carry Ron Paul's water. But like I said, that's just my opinion... based on years of observing Bachmann make a fool of herself on C-SPAN (live and unedited).