No, we shouldn't go back. All this is going to accomplish, is to cause violence, unhealthy and risky medical procedures, and the persecution, and prosecution of people that are innocent. I personally have no use for abortion, and I am very thankful I've never been in that situation, but it isn't my job to judge morality, and it's not my right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do. If it were my girlfriend, or future wife, I would hope she would allow me some input, but it is her decision. As far as it involving a wife, I think the husband should have a little to say, but if the woman is told her health is at risk, a good husband would understand. However, I do think I have a big say in my wifes health, outside of the whole abortion topic, I think that's much different.
A well regulated militia, is the United States Armed Forces, we are the people. For an explanation, I refer you to the video I posted a couple of pages back.
It has been tinkered with, and not always to the country, or the peoples best interest. I don't think the termination of a pregnancy should be a Constitutional right, but it should be a legal thing, based on the separation of church and state. Anti abortion people are frequently seen thumping bibles, and don't seem to understand not everyone believes what they do, and that this country was based on individual freedoms. They feel the moral obligation to save souls, and spread the word. The problem is, they want to spread to everyone, even those that don't want to hear it. It really is similar to gun control, as far as the far fringes go. anti abortion people want no abortion, it's murder, pro choice don't believe you should have an abortion, they just believe if you want one, you should be able to get it, Same with guns, the pro gun crowd doesn't expect you to have to buy a gun, they just want the right if they choose, but anti gun people want no one to have them, because they don't want one. Then there are those who float in the middle, but no one pays attention to them, because they make a little to much sense to be understood. Or at least that's the way I see it.