Well, well, well.. Da womens FINALLY will HAVE TO take accountability for who they let "hit it," raw. In the meantime, disregarding the 13 (!) forms of birth control available to them.
I feel N-O sorrow or pity for this decision - AT ALL. Maybe now da womens will keep their body counts in the double-digits .. dare I say single-digits? ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!
While I do see what you're saying, not all woman use abortion for birth control. The woman that do, well, they're just fucked up humans, and it requires more that outlawing abortion to fix them. I also disagree with late term abortion, but to deny it out right, especially under any and all circumstances just isn't right. There is a separation of church and state, allegedly, and it isn't there job to make value judgments on morality. The girl that has the procedure, is the one that has to live with it, and answer for it when she faces her maker, we don't have the right to judge her. Personally I don't like it, and wouldn't want to have to be a party to it, but it's obviously medically safe, so it's obviously a morality issue, which isn't the job of our leaders to but in place. Now if you're pro life, then what I just typed means little to nothing to you, and that is your right, and business, I can agree to dis agree with most people. I will say this in addition. There is a part of me, that isn't to hip to the idea that a 16 year old girl can have this done without notifying a parent. The reason is, as a parent you are legally responsible for the child until they turn 18. That means if that child gets behind the wheel and kills someone, or breaks into my gun safe, and takes a gun and kills people, I'm held responsible. That being the case, I feel the responsible party for the child, has rights too.