Rob Zombie to remake 'The Blob'


The Blob might be my favorite movie from that genre.

Out of all the old classic B horror movies, why can't he just pick one of the countless other ones to ruin. :mad:

Because he is a talentless hack that doesn't have an original bone in his body,that's why.
Rob Zombie has already ruined the Halloween movie by turning Michael Myers into a whiney little momma's boys. Maybe he'll add a back story to show that the blob was sexualy assulted by a group of lonely boys who have just discovered the joys of masturbation.
Maybe he'll add a back story to show that the blob was sexualy assulted by a group of lonely boys who have just discovered the joys of masturbation.

Does anyone else think that would be a great plot for a gay bukkake film? :dunno:
What's next on his list of horror remakes? Children of the Corn? Nightmare on Elm Street? I hope he remakes Gremlins and turns it into a gorefest. :)

It's already in the works and should be coming out next year.

Jackie Earl Haley,aka Rorschach from Watchmen is playing Freddy Krueger.

Yes, but in 2023 Rob is scheduled to remake the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street.
It's already in the works and should be coming out next year.

Jackie Earl Haley,aka Rorschach from Watchmen is playing Freddy Krueger.

No Robert Englund, no Freddy Kruger. Which in turn leads to no Nightmare on Elm Street.

That's just how I was raised.
He's doing Night of the Living Dead as well.

Never heard anything about that. And I don't see it working anyway. I'd be highly surprised if it got greenlit. Too many versions of it out already. It's one really done to death movie. I think there is like two or three remakes out of it. Including the dreadful 3D version starring Captain Spaulding from House of 1000 Corpses. The Tom Savini remake kicks ass though.